Table of Contents

The Multipliers rollout is part of the Generic material's parameters.



Mode – Specifies how textures and colors will be blended by the multipliers.

Multiply – The texture is blended with a black color.
Blend Amount – The user-specified color is used for blending

Color – Controls the intensity of the Diffuse color.

Reflection Color – Controls the intensity of the reflection color.

Reflection Glossiness – Controls the intensity of the reflection sharpness.

Refraction Color – Controls the intensity of the refraction color.

IOR – Controls the intensity of the Index of Refraction value when calculating refraction.

Refraction Glossiness – Controls the intensity of the refraction sharpness.

Opacity – Controls the intensity of the overall material Opacity.




Example: Blending Colors


The following example shows how Blend Amount mode is used together with the Color multiplier.







Generic Bump and Normal Mapping



Generic Override Control

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