Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Chaos Cloud Collaboration for Rhino.


The Collaboration window provides a collaboration tool for sharing your work with other users. You can upload images from the VFB to the Chaos Cloud Collaboration where other users can add comments and annotations.

Signing in Chaos Cloud Collaboration using your Chaos credentials is required once. After that you are automatically signed in every time you open the Collaboration window.  

UI Paths

||VFB|| > Save (dropdown menu) > Upload image to Chaos Collaboration

||V-Ray Asset Editor|| > VFB (dropdown menu) > Open Chaos Collaboration

Rhino Menus Ribbon

||V-Ray|| > Chaos Cloud Collaboration

||VFB|| > File (dropdown menu) > Upload image to Chaos Collaboration

||VFB|| > Render History > (Right-click on any previously saved to history image) > Upload image(s) to Chaos Collaboration.

Workflow and Controls

Open the Collaboration window from the Asset Editor and use the Chaos Collaboration button or the VFB save option in order to upload your images.

The Collaboration window has several section. The section Upload files contains a list of uploaded images and the Recent folder contains only the recent project.

 – Deletes the current image from the upload list.

 – In the Upload files, uploads the current image from the VFB to Chaos Cloud Collaboration. In Browse, creates a new project or folder.

Upload to selection – Uploads the images to Chaos Cloud Collaboration.

New upload – Clears the Collaboration tab and prepares it for new upload of images.

Open in browser – Opens the uploaded images in Chaos Cloud Collaboration.

A direct upload of up to 10 images by dragging them to the Collaboration tab is supported.


Virtual Tours

To use the Virtual Tours, part of Chaos Collaboration, please export the images from the VFB. Currently, there are 3 options for exporting images: 

1. From VFB > File > Upload image to Chaos Collaboration;
2. From VFB > Save Current Channel dropdown > Upload image to Chaos Collaboration;
3. From VFB > History panel > Image context menu > Upload image(s) to Chaos Collaboration (from here multiple images can be sent to Chaos Collaboration).

For more information on virtual tours in Chaos Cloud, follow the link.

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