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Table of Contents

This page provides information about the V-Ray Frame Buffer settings.


The V-Ray Frame Buffer offers options to configure the Render View, Render Region, History, Filters, and Layers options. The settings mainly control visibility, location of stored renders and presets, amount of disk space to use and navigating within the VFB.

UI Path

||V-Ray Frame Buffer|| > OptionsVFB settings

Render View

The Render View tab controls zooming, panning and comparing of rendered images.


Zoom Multiplier – Multiplies the zoom for one mouse click.

Outside Margin – Changes the fraction of the displayed region allowed to be outside of the displayed image. Useful when panning the image while zoomed in.


Compare Fit Mode – Specifies how to fit compared images with different resolutions. Select between HorizontalVertical and Center.

Split Hit Tolerance – Specifies a number of pixels around the split lines when deciding they are close enough to be dragged with the mouse.

Center Zoom on Split Line – When enabled during history compare mode, the in/out zooming is centered around the split position(s).

Keyboard Pan

Use VFB 3.x keyboard pan – When enabled, the keyboard pan is in image pixels. When disabled, the keyboard pan is in fractions of the displayed image.

Keyboard pan display fraction – Specifies the number of pixels (or fraction of the image) to pan with the keyboard.

Keyboard pan shift multiplier – Specifies a multiplier for the pan amount when the Shift key is pressed.

Bucket outlines – Controls the appearance of buckets in VFB2 during rendering.

Different color by bucket – Each core from local rendering machine receives its own color for the bucket outlines and machine name. Each DR server has its own single unique color for the markings.
White – All bucket outlines, names of DR servers and local rendering machine are in white.
Black – All bucket outlines, names of DR servers and local rendering machine are in black.
None – No bucket outlines and markings are displayed during rendering.

Resize VFB on Resolution Change – When enabled, loading an image from history or starting a new render also resizes the VFB widow to fit.

Dither colors – When enabled, colors are dithered for display on the screen.

Render Region

This tab holds settings related to the Render Region in the VFB.

Thickness – Controls the thickness of the render region hover controls.

Opacity – Adjusts the opacity of the region hover controls in a 0-255 range.

Distance – Controls the distance of the region controls from the render region itself.

Hit Tolerance – Specifies the distance (in pixels) away from the region controls, from which the controls can be picked.

Corner Ratio – Controls the size of the corner controls of the region as a ratio of the region width to its height.

Middle Ratio – Controls the ratio of the side render region controls.

Move Ratio – Controls the move ratio of the render region controls.

Show controls on hover only – When enabled, controls are visible only when hovering over the render region. When disabled, the controls are always visible.

Move the region with the crosshair – Allows moving the region with the crosshair in its center. When disabled, the region is moved with the additional move controls that appear between the controls for resizing the region.

Fill rectangles – When enabled, the region controls have fill. Otherwise, the controls are only drawn as outlines.

Draw Outlines – When enabled, the region controls have outlines.

Show region sizes – When enabled, the size value of all four sides of the render region rectangle is visible.


The History tab controls the render history settings such as location, amount of disk space to use and visibility parameters.

Enabled – Enables/disables render history, where the V-Ray VFB keeps a history of previously rendered images.


Use Project Path – When enabled, creates a new vfb_history folder to use as the History Folder within the current Sketchup project directory.

History Folder – Specifies the location where render history images are saved as V-Ray Image files (.vrimg).

Max Size on Disk (MBs) – Specifies the maximum amount of disk space to use for the render history images. When the history exceeds the specified amount, the oldest images are deleted.

Auto Save – When enabled, all rendered images are automatically saved to the history.

Auto Save Completed Only – When enabled, all completed rendered images are automatically saved to the history.

Auto Load Layers – When enabled, loading an image from history also loads the layer tree saved with the image.

Position and Thumbnail

Left/Bottom – Specifies the position of the Render History panel.

Min Thumbnail Width – Specifies the minimum width of the thumbnails in the Render History panel. You can additionally specify the image ratio for the thumbnails.

Center/Fit Inside/Fit Outside – Specifies how to fit the thumbnail in the History panel.

Info Font and Background

Font size - resolution and time – Specifies the font size of the resolution and time information on the thumbnail.

Font size - note – Specifies the font size of the notes on the thumbnails.

Font size - shortcut key – Specifies the font size of the 1-9 shortcut keys.

Background opacity - resolution and time – Specifies the opacity of the resolution and time background.

Background opacity - note – Specifies the opacity of the note background.

Background opacity - compare letter – Specifies the opacity of the compare letter background.

Show resolution/time – Specifies whether to show details about resolution and time of the rendered image. You can choose between NeverOn History HoverOn Image Hover, and Always

Show note/name – Specifies whether to show the name/note at the bottom of the thumbnail. You can choose between NeverOn History HoverOn Image Hover, and Always

Show shortcut key – Specifies whether to show shortcut keys on the rendered image thumbnail. You can choose between NeverOn History HoverOn Image Hover, and Always


The Filter/Layer presets tab holds the settings controlling the Filters and Layers tabs.

Path – Shows the path that holds the layer tree and filter presets.

Browse – Opens a browser to pick the Filter/Layer presets folder.

Recent – Shows a list of recently used locations for loading layer tree and filter presets.

Use own image Layer stacks when comparing in History – When enabled, the Layer panel is disabled and History A/B/C/D Compare uses the respective Layers setup of each image. When comparing the current render to one from the History panel, editing the Layers setup is available and is applied only to the current render. When comparing images from the History panel, the Layers panel is disabled and editing the Layers tree is not possible.

Ignore existing correction for the Filter thumbnails – When enabled, each Filter thumbnail previews the preset applied to the original image ignoring other correction layers present in the layers stack. When disabled, the complete layers stack is taken into account.


The Shortcuts tab displays a table, containing all Shortcuts for navigating through the VFB image as well as controlling the panels of the new VFB.

Please note that the VFB window must have the current focus for the shortcuts to take effect. For a full list of shortcuts, see the VFB Shortcuts table.

Configuration profile – Allows you to save or load a configuration .vrhk file with modified shortcuts.

Load – Loads a configuration file (.vrhk) with modified shortcuts.

Recent – Shows a list of recently saved configuration files.

Save – Saves user-modified shortcuts in a configuration file (.vrhk).

Enable shortcuts - Enables VFB shortcuts when the VFB window is in focus. When disabled, all SketchUp shortcuts are expected to take effect, even if the VFB window is in focus.

New hotkey – Sets a new hotkey by pressing specific key or key combination. If the hotkey has already been assigned to another action, press Resolve conflict to make it available.

Assign – Assigns the key or the key combination to the selected action.

Remove selected – Removes the key or the key combination to the selected action.

Filter by action – Filters the hotkeys by their actions.

Remove all hotkeys – Removes all hotkeys.

Reset all to default – Resets all user-modified hotkeys to the default hotkeys.

Image Options

The VFB Image Options set compression settings when saving images directly from the VFB. They are complimentary to the Asset Editor's Image Options.

Always confirm image options when saving – A prompt window confirming the file type image options appears each time an image is saved from the VFB.

JPEG image options

Quality – Sets the image compression level of the JPEG output.

PNG Image options

Compression Specifies the image compression level for the .png file type.

Bits per channel – Specifies the bit depth, i.e. the amount of data per channel for the .png file types. The following options are possible depending on the file type:

8 bits
16 bits
16 bits (half-float)
32 bits
32 bits (full-float)

TIF image options

Bits per channel – Allows you to choose between 8-bit, 16-bit (half float) and 32-bit (full float) precision.

Interleaved – When enabled the color information for each pixel will be saved using the Interleaved order which means that the full color for each pixel will be saved before moving to the next one. Some image processing applications require that the image is saved in this mode.

TGA image options

Compression – Specifies compression options for the resulting image.

OpenEXR image options

Compression type – Allows you to choose the compression type for the output file:

No compression – Disables all compression. 
Run-length – Basic form of compression that is comparable to the one used by Targa/BMP files.
Scanline Zip – Zip style compression applied to individual scanlines.
Block Zip – Zip style compression applied to blocks of 16 scanlines at time. More effective then Scanline Zip, but can be slower to decompress.
PIZ – Uses a new combined wavelet / Huffman compression. This form of compression is quite effective when dealing with grainy images, and will often surpass any of the other options under grainy conditions.
PXR24 – Converts data to 24 bit then uses Zip compression. It is lossless for half and 32bit integer data and slightly lossy for 32bit float data.
B44 – This form of compression is lossy for half data and stores 32bit data uncompressed.
B44A – An extension to B44 where areas of flat color are further compressed. Regular B44 compresses uniformly regardless of image content.
DWAA – JPEG-like lossy compression format. Compresses 32 scanlines together.1
DWAB – Same as DWAA, but compresses blocks of 256 scanlines to achieve better compression ratio.

Bits per channel – Allows you to choose between 16-bit (half float) and 32-bit (full float) precision.


  1. When included in a multichannel EXR, Sampler Info and Cryptomatte render elements are always saved with lossless compression. ExtraTex has its own parameter for disabling lossy compression like DWAA/DWAB.

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