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This page provides information about the command line parameters available for Chaos Vantage.



Chaos Vantage can be run from Windows' Command Prompt with the listed below command-line arguments.

UI Text Box

Please note that the vantage_console.exe has to be used instead of the vantage.exe  located in C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Vantage in order for the command-line arguments to work.


 -help (-h) –  Prints all available arguments.

-version (-v) –  Prints current installed version, build number, build hash, build date of Chaos Vantage.

-quiet (-q) –   – Doesn't not print rendering progress.

-debugLogFile (-dLog) – Outputs the debug log to a specified file. If the file could not be accessed or created, the default one (in %AppData% or %TEMP%) will be used.

-linkPort=<integer> (-lp) – Sets Live Link port.

-sceneFile=<filename> (-s) – Loads specified scene file.

-configFile=<filename> (-conf) – Loads specified .vantage file.

-camera=<name> (-cam) –  Sets render camera.


Render job

UI Text Box

Please note that default values will be taken from app config in if not set


-outputFile=<filename> (-o) – If specified Vantage will render the image in 'offline' mode. Supported formats are: .png, .exr, .mp4 .See arguments below.

-outputWidth=<integer> (-ow) – Sets the output file width in pixels. Range is from 128 to 16384.

-outputHeight=<integer> (-oh) – Sets the output file height in pixels. Range is from 128 to 16384.

-videoQuality=<string> (-vq) – Sets quality level if output is .mp4. Values are: "High" (default), "Medium", "Low".

-frames=<range> – If specified, an animation sequence is rendered instead of just one still image. Format is 'startFrame-endFrame' (e.g. 0-100).

-samples=<integer> – Sets samples per frame when rendering to output file.

-noiseThreshold=<float> (-nt) – Sets noise threshold for offline rendering. Range is from 0.0 to 1.0.

-autoExposure=<boolean> – Specifies whether to apply auto-exposure for offline rendering.

-denoiser=<boolean> – Specifies whether to use the denoiser for offline rendering.

-antiFlicker=<boolean> – Specifies whether to use temporally stable denoising for animations if denoiser is enabled.

-lightCache=<boolean> (-lc) – Specifies whether to use Light Cache for offline rendering

-motionBlur=<boolean> (-mb) – Specifies whether to enable post-process motion blur for offline rendering.

-pngAlpha=<boolean> – Specifies whether to save the alpha channel if the output type specified is .png.

-autoClose=<boolean> – Quits after completing the offline render job. Defaults is On-sceneStateName=<name> (-ssName) – Applies the specified scene state.



-deviceList (-dl) – Prints a list of devices available for rendering.

-device=<integer> (-d) - Uses the device at given index in the list. Can be passed multiple times.