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This render element is enabled through the Render Elements tab of the Render Setup window in 3ds Max and displays its parameters in a rollout at the bottom of the window:

VrayVFB – When enabled, the render element appears in the V-Ray Virtual Frame Buffer.

Deep output – Specifies whether to include this render element in deep images.

Auto update name – Automatically names the render element with the texture name.

Texture – The texture to apply to the scene. Click to select the texture, or drag it from the Material Editor to this slot.

Background color – The specified color is used for background in the VRayExtraTex render channel.

Consider for antialiasing – When enabled, antialiasing is considered where possible.

Affect matte objects – Sets whether to include matte objects when generating the render element. A matte object is an object that has been assigned a Wrapper Material with the Matte surface option enabled.

Force 32 bit output – When enabled, stores the Extra Texture render element as a 32-bit float even when writing a 16-bit raw image. This option applies only to multichannel .exr files.

Force lossless compression – When enabled, lossy DWAA/DWAB compression is not applied to the VRayExtraTex data stored in a multichannel exr.

Exclude – Opens up a dialog where objects can be included or excluded from receiving the texture.




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Common Uses


The Extra texture Render Element is useful for changing the appearance of a render in a compositing or image editing software. The example below uses a VRayDirt texture with its Radius parameter set to 300cm and Subdivs set to 6.
