A group consisting of multiple objects (shown in the top-right corner) scattered on top of a plane. You can scatter object hierarchies too.
Display & Limits
UI Text Box
This rollout is only available when "1D - On splines" mode is selected in the Scattering rollout.
Spacing – Sets spacing between scattered instances measured in world units.
Jitter – Randomly jitters every instance along the spline. The value means how much of the Spacing (half on each side) can be used to jitter around original position of each instance, e.g. 200% means that every instance jitters by up to the entire Spacing on the left and the entire Spacing on the right.
Offset – Moves all scattered instances along the spline. The value means by how much of the Spacing the instances shall move, e.g. 100% moves the first instance by entire Spacing so that it appears instead of the second one, the second one instead of the third one, etc.
Follow spline – Controls how scattered instances get oriented along the spline. With default 100% instances follow the spline and are oriented along local tangent direction. For 0%, instance orientations are unchanged.
Edit Instances – Switches to Instances sub-object mode, allowing you to override individual instances in the viewport. You can move, rotate, scale, or delete them. It is not effective in great at a greater scale, but may serve well for final touches of small amount of instances.
Convert to Max geometry – Replicates this scatter using 3ds Max instances. This is usable only for a small number of objects.