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Table of Contents

This page provides information on the Corona Lister and how to use it. 


The Corona Lister offers an easy way to manage Corona Cameras, Corona Displacement, Corona Lights, Corona Proxies, and Corona Scatters in your 3D scene. This feature saves your valuable time by optimizing your workflow efficiency.

Tutorial: Optimize your workflow with the Corona Lister in Cinema 4D

Accessing the Corona Lister

To access the Corona Lister, go to the Corona menu and click on the Lister button:

UI Path

||Corona menu|| > Lister button

Corona Lister Interface

Key Features

  1. When managing a scene with numerous lights, cameras, or proxies, you can hide columns that are not currently in use to declutter the display. This can be done easily, and any hidden columns can be revealed with a single click. Additionally, you can select which columns are visible by using the Column Visibility button.

  2. Columns that are hidden in the lister remain hidden even after closing and reopening Cinema 4D.
  3. You have the ability to increase/decrease the scrolling speed in the Corona lister parameter spinbox with Ctrl/Alt. Specifically, holding Ctrl and dragging your mouse to make the spinbox parameter value change quickly. If you hold Alt and drag, the value changes slowly.
  4. In the Toggle All row, there are options that can be quickly enabled/disabled for the whole list.
  5. Selection toggle buttons are available for individual listed objects and also for the whole list to provide quick and easy selection as per user need.
  6. From Corona 12 onwards, you can reorder Corona Lister tabs by dragging them with the mouse, providing a customizable user experience.

The Interface Tabs

Corona Lister consists of five main tabs:  Cameras,  Displacement,  Lights, Proxies, and Scatters.

Streamlined Control with "Toggle All"

In this row, you find buttons or checkboxes that allow you to make quick changes to all items visible in the lister. Buttons and checkboxes vary depending on the active tab in the Corona Lister. For example, in the Lights tab, there is an additional On checkbox to enable or disable all Corona lights, and in the Proxies tab, there is an additional dropdown Previz type button to change the display for all proxies visible in the Corona lister. Similarly, you can use the button in the Actions column to apply changes to all visible items in the Corona lister.

Selected and Actions Columns

The Selected column allows you to quickly select each item listed. The Actions column provides quick access to make changes to the items, with the options varying depending on the active tab.

Cameras Tab

Cameras Tab provides a list of all Corona Cameras available in the scene. Here, you can easily access and adjust various camera settings, including tone mapping and projection for each Corona Camera. The Instanced Corona Cameras are organized in a dropdown menu for easy selection. Any modifications made to a specific Corona Camera are automatically applied to all its instances.


Delete – This removes the selected camera.

Displacement Tab

The displacement tab provides a list and the ability to access and modify all the Corona Displacement settings from Corona Physical Material, Corona Displacement Tag , and Corona Legacy Material present in the scene.


Select all assigned – This selects all objects with the selected Corona displacement.

Delete – This removes the selected Corona Physical/Legacy material containing displacement from the material editor.

Lights Tab

The lights tab provides a list of all Corona Lights and Corona Light Materials present in the scene. The Instanced Corona Lights are easily organized and can be selected from a dropdown menu. Any modifications made to a specific Corona Light are automatically reflected across all its instances.


Delete – This removes the selected Corona Sun/Sky or Light/Light material.

Select all assigned (only for Corona Light Materials) – This selects all objects with the selected Corona Light material.

Proxies Tab

The proxies tab provides a list of all Corona Proxies and instances of proxies available in the scene. From here, you can access and adjust the major settings for each Corona Proxy. The Instanced Corona Proxies are easily grouped and can be selected from a dropdown menu. Any modifications made to a specific Corona Proxy will be automatically applied to all instances of that proxy.


Delete – This removes the selected Corona proxy.

Example Scene

In this example, we use a simple interior scene with several Corona lights. The ceiling lights are instanced and grouped together in the Corona Lister. To change and affect all the values of instanced lights, simply change the parameter of a single light. The side rectangle lights and floor lamp lights are listed separately in the Corona Lister because they are unique and must be adjusted individually to achieve the desired lighting effect. Also, there are multiple Corona Cameras in the scene which are listed in the Corona Lister. All settings can be quickly changed and managed using the Corona Lister. 

Scene Setup

A scene with multiple Corona Lights.

Corona Lister - Lights Tab

The Corona Lister can be used to manage multiple Corona Lights in the scene.

Scene Setup

A scene with multiple Corona Cameras.

Corona Lister - Cameras Tab

The Corona Lister can be used to manage multiple Corona Cameras in the scene.

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