This page provides information on the commonly used abbreviations in Chaos Corona.
Abbreviations are often used in technical writing to improve readability and simplify technical language. The article lists commonly used abbreviations and provides brief explanations of their meanings.
Abbreviations and Explanations
Abbreviation | Explanation |
AA | Anti-Aliasing |
CIE | Corona Image Editor |
CXR | Corona EXR |
GI | Global Illumination |
GI vs AA | Global Illumination versus Anti-Aliasing |
HC | Highlight Compression |
HDRI | High Dynamic Range Image |
IOR | Index of Refraction |
IR | Interactive Rendering |
LSM | Light Samples Multiplier |
LUT | Lookup Table |
MSI | Max Sample Intensity |
N | Render Node, Render Node License |
PT | Path Tracing |
RN | Render Node, Render Node License |
SSS | Sub-Surface Scattering |
Sub | Subscription |
UHD Cache | Ultra HD Cache |
VFB | Virtual Frame Buffer |
WS | Workstation or Workstation License |