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Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Camera tab functionalities in Chaos Vantage. 


The Camera tab allows control over the camera. The tab has advanced settings for resolution, sensor and lens, exposure, Depth of Field, tilt and shift, and camera clipping that offer finer control.

There is limit of 1000 cameras - regardless whether they are imported or created inside Chaos Vantage.

You can use the right mouse button click to reset the parameters numeric values to defaults.


Current camera options

Resolution Preset – Resolution preset allowing you to choose the resolution. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window.

540p(960x540); HD 720p(1280x720); 900p(1600x900); FHD 1080p(1920x1080); 1440p(2560x1440); UHD 4K(3840x2160); UHD 8K(7680x4320); PC Video(640x480); NTSC(720x486); PAL(720x576); 1K Super 35(1024x778); 2K Super 35(2048x1556); 4K Super 35(4096x3112); 8K Super 35(8192x6224); 1K Cinemascope(914x778); 2K Cinemascope(1828x1556); 4K Cinemascope(3656x3112); 8K Cinemascope(3656x3112); 16K Cinemascope(7312x6224); 1K DCP(1024x540); 2K DCP(2048x1080); 4K DCP(4096x2160); 8K DCP(8192x4320); 512 Square(512x512); 1K Square(1024x1024); 2K Square(2048x2048); 4K Square(4096x4096);

Each created or imported camera can have a different resolution and aspect ratio.

Camera Type – Specifies the type of camera as either Perspective or Orthographic.

Orthographic width – Specifies the width (in scene units) of the orthographic camera. It controls how much of a scene the camera can see and has the same effect as zooming a perspective camera. 

Lens Mode – Specifies which lens parameter to display for the camera. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window. This option is available only for Perspective camera type.

Focal length – Displays the focal length value of the camera in the Camera tab Basic category.
Field of view – Displays the field of view value of the camera in the Camera tab Basic category.

Exposure mode – Specifies how the Exposure value and Film speed(ISO) settings affect the image brightness. Listed parameter depends on the Exposure setting in the advance options. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window.

Exposure value – Controls the exposure value when the Value mode is selected.

Film speed (ISO) – Determines the film power (i.e. sensitivity). Smaller values make the image darker, while larger values make it brighter.

White balance – Allows additional modification of the image to compensate for the "color temperature" of a light source, which refers to the relative warmth or coolness of white light. Objects in the scene that have the specified color appear white in the image.

White balance only works when Exposure is set to either Physical or Value. When Exposure is None, White balance is disabled.

Vignetting – When enabled, adds a darkening vignetting effect. The strength of the vignetting effect can be specified, where 0.0 is no vignetting and 1.0 is normal vignetting.

When using Depth of field, it is recommended to use the Optical vignetting option in the Advanced Depth of field settings instead of the Vignetting option.

Motion blur Enables motion blur. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window.

Depth of field – Enables the depth of field effect. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window. This option is available only for Perspective camera type.

Automatic vertical tilt correction – When enabled, sets and preserves vertical lines to be parallel, simulating 2-point perspective. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window. This option is available only for Perspective camera type.

Lens Distortion – Enables lens distortion of the camera. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window.

Camera clipping – When enabled, turns on the camera clipping. Click the (Vantage_Popup.PNG) button to open the advanced options window. Click again the (Vantage_PopupPressed.PNG) button to close the advanced options window.

Regenerate displacement – Updates mesh tessellation for the current viewpoint and recalculates displacement.

Tessellation of objects in Chaos Vantage is determined from the Tessellation level dropdown, Per-triangle tessellation level and how far the object is from the camera. Moving near or away from the object does not auto-update its tessellation when in interactive mode. Manual click of the Regenerate displacement button is required to update any tessellation and displacement of scene objects for the current viewpoint position. When rendering High quality images or sequences the update is executed on each frame.

Camera Lister

Create Camera (Vantage_Cameratab_CreateCamera.png) – Saves the current camera view with its settings to a new camera slot. (Shortcut: Ctrl+K )

Record Camera Movement (Vantage_Cameratab_RecordCamera.png) – Records the camera movement and saves it to a new camera slot. (Shortcut: Ctlr+Shift+R)

Import camera from file () – Imports a camera shot or animated camera from an external supported file and adds it to the Camera lister.

Create a camera group (Vantage_Cameratab_GroupCameras.png) – Creates a group where you can drag and drop camera slots to group them.

Search Filter () – Filters the cameras and shows only those cameras that contain the input string. Click on the X button on the right to clear the input string.

Clear () – Clears the filter string.

Filter () – Filters which types of cameras (still, recorded, or imported) are listed in the Camera lister. Right-click the button to reset the filter. Use Ctr + click to isolate a selection.

Sort () – Opens a submenu with options for sorting the cameras in the Camera lister by the following criteria:

Custom Order – Sorts the cameras in an order defined by the user.
Sort by name – Sorts the objects alphabetically.
Sort by creation – Sorts the objects by order of creation.
Ascending – Sorts objects ascending order depending on Sort by name and Sort by creation option. Not available when order is Custom Order.
Descending – Sorts objects alphabetically in descending order depending on Sort by name and Sort by creation option. Not available when order is Custom Order.

Scene state tag (Vantage_Camera_SceneState.png) – Specifies a scene state that gets applied to the scene when the camera is recalled. If NONE, then no change will be made to the scene and only the camera settings and transformations are recalled.

Update camera (Vantage_Cameratab_UpdateCamera.png) – Overrides vrscene camera with the current camera view. You can either override the resolution only or discard the existing vrscene camera data. (Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+K )

Delete (Vantage_DeleteCamera_button.PNG) – Deletes the camera slot. It has to be clicked twice.

You can switch between the camera slots using the Home and F1-F12 keyboard keys.


Advance parameters


The Resolution preset menu allows you to choose the resolution.

Width – Sets the width of the camera resolution in pixels.

Height – Sets the height of the camera resolution in pixels.

Lock aspect (Vantage_Resolution_Lock.png) – When enabled, locks the Width value to the Height value. When changing the Width or Height value, they change proportionally according to the Aspect ratio value.

Aspect ratio – Sets the aspect of the render resolution.

Viewport fill (Vantage_Resolution_Fit.png)– When enabled, scales the viewport to fill the space between the top and bottom toolbar, and left and right panels keeping the specified resolution aspect.

Display:Render ratio – Specifies the current viewport to core render ratio when Viewport fill is enabled.

Each created or imported camera can have a different resolution and aspect ratio.


Sensor & Lens

The following parameters are available only for Perspective camera type.

Focal length – Specifies the focal length of the camera in mm. (Shortcut: Alt+RMB)

Field of view – Specifies the field of view of the camera in degrees. (Shortcut: Alt+RMB)

Film gate – Specifies the horizontal size of the film gate in millimeters.

Zoom factor – Specifies a zoom factor. Values greater than 1.0 zoom into the image; values smaller than 1.0 zoom out.



Exposure – Specifies how the F-numberShutter speed, and Film speed (ISO) settings affect the image brightness.

None – Shutter speed, F-number and ISO settings do not affect the image brightness.
Physical – Image brightness is controlled by the Shutter speed, F-number and ISO. Grays out Exposure value.
Value – Uses the Exposure value to control image brightness. Grays out the ISO parameter and uses F-number values only for depth of field if Aperture size is disabled.

Exposure Value – Controls the image brightness.

Film speed(ISO) – Determines the sensitivity of the film and consequently the brightness of the image. If the ISO value is high (film is more sensitive to light), the image is brighter. Lower ISO values mean that the film is less sensitive and produces a darker image.

F-Number – Controls the aperture size of the camera. Lowering the F-Number value increases the aperture size and so makes the image brighter since more light enters the camera. In reverse, increasing the F-Number makes the image darker, as the aperture is closed. This parameter also determines the amount of the Depth of Field (DOF) effect. Changing the f-number affects the image brightness and DOF when the Exposure option is set to Physical.

Shutter speed – Determines the exposure time for the camera. The longer this time is (small shutter speed values), the brighter the image would be. In reverse - if the exposure time is shorter (high shutter speed value), the image would get darker.


Motion Blur

Exposure timeSpecifies the amount of time the camera shutter is opened in sec. Small values produce less blurring while big values produce more blur.


Depth of Field

The following parameters are available only for Perspective camera type.

Focus distance – Specifies the distance at which objects are in focus. (Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+LMB)

Aperture size – Determines the width of the camera aperture in millimeters. When enabled, overrides F-Number.

Center bias – Defines a bias shape for the bokeh effects. Positive values make the outer edge of the bokeh effects brighter; negative values make the center of the effect brighter.

Anisotropy – Allows stretching of the bokeh effect horizontally or vertically to simulate anamorphic lenses.

Blades – When enabled, a polygonal aperture is simulated, with the specified number of blades.

Num sides – Specifies the number of blades for the polygonal aperture.

Rotation – Defines the rotation of the blades in degrees.

Optical vignetting – Controls the strength of the optical vignetting, also known as cat's eye vignetting. This effect is due to the fact that the shape of the bokeh highlights resembles the shape of the aperture. As the distance to the optical axis increases, the bokeh highlights are progressively narrowed and begin to resemble the shape of a cat's eye. The larger the distance from the image center, the narrower the cat's eye becomes. Optical vignetting tends to be stronger in wide angle lenses and large aperture lenses, but the effect can be noticed with most photographic lenses.


Tilt & Shift

The following parameters are available only for Perspective camera type.

Vertical Tilt – Sets the vertical tilt of the camera lens. You can use this to correct  perspective to achieve parallel vertical lines similar to 2-point perspective.

Horizontal tilt – Sets the horizontal tilt of the camera lens. You can use this to correct  perspective to achieve parallel horizontal lines.

Horizontal shift – Horizontally offsets the camera field of view as a fraction of the current view. For example, a value of 0.5 will offset the camera one-half of the current image width to the left.

Vertical shift – Vertically offsets the camera field of view as a fraction of the current view. For example, a value of 0.5 will offset the camera one-half of the current image height upwards.


Lens Distortion

Load – Loads a map that contains distortion data. The map control the lens distortion of the camera. The map must be generated via a third party plugin (i.e. Nuke). For a more accurate result, it is recommended to use a 32bit exr. UV map.

Texture fit – Controls how the distortion texture is mapped to the camera view. It offers three modes:

Inside – Maps the texture to fit the camera view height while keeping the distortion texture proportions.
Outside – Maps the texture to fit the camera view width while keeping the distortion texture proportions.
Stretch – Stretches the texture to fit the camera view without maintaining the distortion texture proportions.


Near – Specifies the near clipping range.

Far – Specifies the far clipping range.


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