Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Edit menu and its sub-menus in Chaos Vantage.

Menu Options

Undo – Reverses your last action. You can reverse more than one action. (Shortcut: Ctrl+Z )

Redo – Reverses your last Undo. You can reverse more than one action that has been undone. (Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Z )

Undo Camera – Reverses your camera transformation. (Shortcut: Alt+Z )

Redo Camera – Reverses your Undo Camera actions. (Shortcut: Alt+Shift+Z )

Preferences – Opens the Preferences window. See the Preferences section below.

Render Devices – Opens the Render Devices window. See the Render Devices section below.

Mouse and Key Shortcuts – Opens the Shortcuts window. Check the Shortcuts page for additional information.

Saves Scene Settings as Default – Saves the current scene settings as default settings for all projects. This overrides the defaults.vantage file located in %Appdata%\Chaos\Vantage.

Reset Default Scene Settings – Resets the scene settings to their default values. This resets the default.vantage file located in %Appdata%\Chaos\Vantage to its default state.

Note that for versions prior to Chaos Vantage 2.5, the defaults.vantage file is located in %Appdata%\Chaos Group\Vantage.



Save camera in Vantage file – Saves the last camera position in viewport in a .vantage file. When disabled, saves the render settings in a .vantage file without saving camera changes.

Opacity (alpha) in quick saved PNG – When enabled, stores the environment in the alpha channel of the quick saved .png file using the Quick save snapshot button(Vantage_Bottom_Bar_savesnap.png) or File>Save Image, File>Save Image in Folder.

Pause when app loses focus – Pauses rendering when the app loses focus. This applies to interactive rendering only.

The Pause when app loses focus option is ignored when in Live Link session.

Stop interactive sampling after – Pauses rendering and sets the app to IDLE mode after the specified sampling limit. This reduces GPU load.

Safe GPU allocation – When enabled, Chaos Vantage tries not to use more GPU memory than the available physical memory. This prevents crashes and/or reduces system performance. Disabling this may lead to crashes with heavy scenes.

Improve desktop responsiveness in interactive mode – When enabled, reduces the effect on other applications while Vantage is rendering.

Enabling the Improve desktop responsiveness in interactive mode will slightly slow down the Vantage renderer.

Enable AV1 video codec – AV1 provides better quality. It is available on Ada generation or newer GPUs. Disable AV1 to fall back to H264 codec for wider compatibility.

Dropped scenes

Ask – When a .vrscene is dropped into the viewport, Chaos Vantage asks you whether to open, merge or place the scene.

OpenWhen a .vrscene is dropped into the viewport, Chaos Vantage opens the scene.

MergeWhen a .vrscene is dropped into the viewport, Chaos Vantage merges the scene at origin 0,0,0.

PlaceWhen a .vrscene is dropped into the viewport, Chaos Vantage merges the scene at the position of the red arrow indicator aligned to the normal of the surface.

Merge geometry – When a new .vrscene is dragged and dropped into the viewport, the geometries are merged into the scene.

Merge materialsWhen a new .vrscene is dragged and dropped into the viewport, the materials are merged into the scene.

Merge lightsWhen a new .vrscene is dragged and dropped into the viewport, the lights are merged into the scene.

Merge camerasWhen a new .vrscene is dragged and dropped into the viewport, the cameras are merged into the scene.

Loop animationWhen a new animated .vrscene is dragged and dropped into the viewport, loops the animation from the start. Useful in cases where the timeline length is longer than the animation length.

After saving a previz video – Specifies the action after the animation video is saved.

Open file – Opens the saved animation file.

Open folder – Opens the folder where the animation file is saved.

Do nothing – Do not take any further actions.



Outline – Enables outlining of objects in the scene. This means that selected or highlighted objects have a thin line around them with color specified in the Highlight color and Selection color.

Highlight – Enables highlighting of objects in the scene. This means that selected or highlighted objects are filled with a semi-transparent color specified in Highlight color and Selection color.

Highlight shadowing – Enables occlusion of the highlighted/selected objects behind other objects in the scene.

Outline inner contours – Outlines objects when multiple overlapping objects are selected.

Highlight during moves – Enables highlighting of objects during transformations.

Highlight color – Specifies a color for the outline when highlighting an object.

Selection color – Specifies a color for the outline for the selected object.

Color opacity – Controls the opacity of Highlight and Selection colors.

Cam transition time – Specifies the time for transition between saved cameras.

Auto exposure time – Specifies the duration of smooth transition between calculated exposure values.

Mouse sensitivity – A multiplier for the mouse sensitivity when using dolly, orbit and camera zoom.

Auto-trim recorded camera – Removes repeated frames without movement from both ends of the recording.


Roll snap – When using the roll hotkey(Ctrl+MMB drag), if the roll angle falls below this value, the camera snaps back to horizontal position/0 degrees roll.


Interactive Denoiser

Primary (when moving) Sets the type of the denoiser that will be used in the viewport during navigation or object manipulation.

DLSS Ray Reconstruction – Uses NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction that offers real-time AI denoising for a better ray-traced image quality.
– Uses NVIDIA OptiX AI denoiser that offers accumulated samples and denoise when the scene is static, offering a high fidelity image that is visually noiseless.
Intel Open Image Denoise – Uses Intel Open Image Denoise that provides quality greatly superior to the Vantage denoiser when many samples are accumulated over time. It may also be slightly better than NVIDIA OptiX AI, but slightly slower as well.
Vantage – Uses the native Vantage denoiser that produces sharp initial image, but some artifacts remain even when more render samples are accumulated.

Secondary (when static) – Sets the type of the denoiser that will be used in the viewport when nothing in the viewport is moving or being manipulated.

Same as Primary – Uses the same denoiser that is set as Primary.
NVIDIA OptiX AI – Uses NVIDIA OptiX AI denoiser. Available when DLSS Ray Reconstruction or Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.
Intel Open Image Denoise – Uses Intel Open Image Denoise. Available only when Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.

Switch afterSpecifies the amount of render samples that need to be accumulated before switching to the NVIDIA OptiX AI denoiser or Intel OIDN when the Secondary denoiser type is set to other than Same as Primary.

Spatial filter strengthA multiplier for the spatial denoising. Only available when Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.

Spatial denoising – Enables/disables spatial denoising for the Vantage denoiser. Only available when Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.

Special iterationsSpecifies the quality of the Vantage denoiser. Higher values make denoising more stable. Only available when Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.

Temporal denoising – Enables denoising of the previous frames. When disabled, the current frame is denoised on its own. Only available when Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.

Temporal AA – Applies time based anti-aliasing. Only available when Vantage denoiser is set as Primary.

NVIDIA OptiX AI Denoiser

Legacy mode (interactive and offline) – In some specific cases may produce better results than the new mode. For example, when there is ghosting on deformable meshes in offline sequences.


Tessellation level – Specifies the level of tessellation for geometries that have displacement. Available levels are None, Low, Medium, High. None means that no tessellation is applied to the displaced mesh. Note that the High tessellation level requires more GPU memory.

Per-triangle tessellation level – When enabled, allows the tessellation rate to vary within the mesh based on distance to the camera, potentially saving memory. If the fixed tessellation at the given camera distance is too low, this option may use slightly more memory than the fixed tessellation rate. Disable this option if the transitions between different tessellation levels in the mesh are too visible. For optimum results, the base mesh should have some tessellation.

Emulate 2D displacement – When enabled, 2D displacement is rendered as 3D displacement, using more memory. If this option is disabled, 2D displacement does not render. It is recommended to enable Per-triangle tessellation level when using this option.

Viewport Fill

Filter sharpness – Applies filter sharpness only when Viewport fill button is enabled and the viewport is stretched larger than the render resolution. When set to 0.0, no filter sharpening is applied.


The HDR options are available only when an HDR device is detected.

Enable HDR – Enables HDR output on/off.

White level – HDR white level in nits. Specifies the brightness of a white color with intensity 1.

Max luminance – HDR maximum luminance in nits for clamping the output.

NVIDIA Optix AI denoiser requires NVIDIA display driver 466.11 and newer.

DLSS Ray Reconstruction denoiser requires NVIDIA display driver 537.13 and newer.

Combined denoiser type uses more memory.

Show side panels on hover – When enabled, if the side panels are hidden they show up when the mouse is hovered over them. Otherwise, a click is required.

Display controls for all lights – When enabled, each light is listed in the Lights tab individually. When disabled, lights are grouped in the Lights tab and those with identical parameters are instances.

Enlarge font – When enabled, enlarges the UI font for better readability.

Popup dialogs for advanced camera properties – When enabled, the advanced camera properties are displayed in a separate popup window.


In the Feedback Program tab the participation for customer feedback settings for Chaos Vantage can be changed.


Render Devices

Select automatically – Selects the render device(s) based on their compute power automatically.

Change device order – Moves the selected device up or down in the list when Select automatically is disabled. The first devices has some additional load than the secondary.

List of available devices – Specifies which render device(s) are used for rendering when Select automatically is disabled.

Chaos Vantage can use up to 2 GPU devices.


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