Assets provided by Evermotion

Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

This page provides information about the menus of Chaos Vantage.

Chaos Vantage has menus that give you access to a range of functionalities for managing your scene performance and settings.


Vantage_Menus_Update_Notification.pngWhen a newer version is available, an "update available" notification appears in the menu bar. Clicking the notification button opens a download link for the new version.

Vantage_Menus_Pin.png – Toggles the app window to be drawn on top of other windows even when it is not in focus. (Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T)

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