Table of Contents

This page provides information about the File menu in Chaos Vantage.

Menu Options

New Scene – Creates a new empty scene.

Open Scene... – Opens a browse window to load a supported file. (Shortcut: Ctrl+O ) See the Opening Scene Files tutorial.

Open Scene as Config Only... – Opens a browse window to load a .vantage configuration file containing information about the scene's render settings, stored cameras, etc. See the Configuration Vantage File tutorial.

Import – Opens a browse window to import a supported file.

Reload Scene – Reloads the currently loaded scene. Any changes made to the scene are reverted.

Open Scene Location – Opens an Explorer window where the opened scene file is located.

Recent Files – Displays a list of up to 10 recently opened scenes and allows you to load any of them.

Scene Stats – Displays statistics about the currently loaded scene.

Save Scene – Saves the .vantage configuration file of the scene, containing loaded/merged .vrscenes, scene settings, stored cameras, object properties and parameters, etc. The file is stored in the same directory as the loaded .vrscene file with the same name as the scene. (Shortcut: Ctrl+S )

Save Scene As...Saves the .vantage configuration file of the scene, containing loaded/merged .vrscenes, scene settings, stored cameras, object properties and parameters, etc. You can specify a name and directory for the file.

Save Image... – Saves the current image from the viewport into a specified directory.

Save Image in Scene FolderSaves the current image from the viewport in the same directory as the loaded .vrscene file.

Quit – Closes Chaos Vantage.


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