Official Release
Date - October 19th, 2021
Please note that .vantage files saved with version 1.5.0 and newer are not compatible with older versions.
New Features
Place tool
- Implemented Place tool mode for the Move tool with center cube to place objects on surface based on its normals Details
- Support for per camera resolution
Command Line
- Command line arguments using vantage_console.exe wrapper Details
- Flip horizontally option for the environment texture.
Material tab UI
- Material tab with thumbnails:
- Render materials thumbnails
- Preview scene settings
- Number of columns option
- Top/Bottom option for Stereo Cube 6x1 and Stereo spherical outputs
- FOV X and FOV Y have now decimal values instead of single integer
Live Link
- Render animation in Live Link session from 3ds Max (requires V-Ray for 3ds Max upcoming update)
- Save all lights parameters in .vantage file
- Replaced denoiser slider in toolbar with an On/Off button when using the NVidia AI denoiser or Combined denoiser
- Enable imported cameras to be drag-able to Camera animation track
Animation editor
- Improved animation editor:
- Shot editor mode
- Auto transition
- Time format - min, frames, combined
- Force camera resolution for animation
- Loop button
- Create button before,after of selected elements, after the last element in the track, and on the play head line on transitions with options
- Removed Install V-Ray for 3ds Max Live link scripts option and from ||Customize|| > Customize User Interface > Toolbars > Chaos Vantage in 3ds Max
- Added option to associate . Vantage files so that they can be opened with Chaos Vantage from the explorer
- Wrong display of object hierarchy
- UI font bug when in non-latin OS
- Closing Cosmos Browser from 'X' doesn't update UI
- Automatic vertical tilt doesn't work correctly with scenes with Y-up axis
- Environment map is flipped from Cinema 4D
- Environment map not importing when "TexRGBTintMax"is used to color correct it
Multi GPU
- Black spots in denoised offline render on multi-GPU
vrscene file
- Incorrect transforms import of meshes in a hierarchy from Cinema 4D when using Cloner in Multi Instance mode
- Incorrect node visibility animation when some frames don't have a keyframe from Cinema 4D
- Crash on app launch with external GPUs