Table of Contents

Official Release

Date - August 03, 2023

New Features

Scene states

  • Smooth transition between scene states attached to cameras in the animation timeline.



  • Support for Bercon tiles texture.

Animation editor




  • Improved the 'Update textures and meshes for current frame' button - now it is a toggle and when enabled automatically updates meshes and animated textures in the interactive viewport, when playback is not active.

  • Rearranged the rollouts in the Environment tab UI. Renamed Environment rollout to Sky, Cloud settings rollout to Clouds, Sun light rollout to Sun.

  • Moved Sky model settings from Sun rollout to Sky rollout, visible only when Environment mode is Physical sky.
  • The render progress dialog is now movable.


  • Improved memory usage when using a single GPU (around 30MB per megapixel) to not use double buffering.

Scene states

  • Renamed '<chosen scene state>' to '<current scene state>' in sequence rendering, keeping current changes during the offline rendering.

  • Added a SAVED SCENE state, updated on each "Save scene" or "Save Scene As..." action, preventing the previous accumulation of Auto Saved sub-states.

  • Improved the 'Create scene state' button - now it automatically creates all necessary sub-states where needed and is added in the top toolbar.

  • Renamed the 'DEFAULT' scene state to be 'ORIGINAL SCENE'


  • Improved the output filename when Render elements are enabled in sequence rendering to be better recognized by external applications. 


  • Improved the rendering of the navigation and placement helper objects. 


Batch rendering

  • Crash when updating Render queue cameras that to have same output file name.


  • Crash when cloning scene objects multiple times.

Scene States

  • Crash when renaming a scene state to a specific name.

  • Missing scene state button in the camera widget when the scene is opened as a config only.

  • Crash when opening home screen during Live Link. Now the 'Home sceen' button is disabled during Live Link.

  • Wrong overwriting of the -linkPort console argument by the INI file.


  • Crash when rendering high quality images/sequence with Intel denoiser selected but disabled.

  • Wrong results when rendering on AMD GPUs.

  • Missing denoiser when rendering with 'Only final pass' and pressing 'Stop and Save'.

  • Bug with the denoiser when rendering high quality images/sequences with dynamic textures.

  • Bug with NVIDIA AI temporal upscaling denoising in offline mode.


  • Wrong loading of mesh lights from vrscenes exported from SketchUp/Rhino/Revit.

Render elements

  • Wrong Normal render element, when "Scattering fog" and "scatter gi" are enabled.

  • Alpha not stored in EXR and PNG when using Intel denoiser or 'Separate files' is enabled. Now Alpha is always generated.


  • Frame scene/selection when using Orthographic camera.

  • Cinemascope resolution presets.

  • Wrong cropping of the light names in the UI.


  • Double applying of the VRayScene transformation for Instance objects within a VRayScene.

  • Wrong rendering of imported VRayScene in C4D


  • “Export static scene” and0 “Export animated scene to Chaos Vantage” now work regardless of V-Ray render engine type in 3ds Max.

Motion blur

  • Motion blur not applied to whole image when using an upscaler.

Chaos Cosmos

  • Wrong redirection for the Cosmos login page.


  • Fixed the camera position in new empty scene.

  • Strange roll when switching cameras in specific scene.
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