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This page offers a quick starting point for creating a camera animation using the Animation Editor in Chaos Vantage.


In the Animation Editor, you can create dynamic walkthroughs with smooth, continuous motion, adding an extra layer of realism to your scene.  Whether you're aiming to present an immersive architectural walkthrough or an engaging product showcase, this guide walks you through the essential steps to create professional animations.

For more information about the Animation Editor functionalities, see the Animation Editor page.


  • Set the camera position and properties to suit your preferences. Save the setup by clicking the Create a camera from current view and camera settings (Vantage_AnimationEditor_CreateCamera.png) button. For more information on navigation and setting cameras, see the Working with Cameras and Navigation tutorials.
  • Modify further the position and settings. Save the new setup by clicking Vantage_AnimationEditor_CreateCamera.png again.
  • Еxpand the Animation Editor from the Vantage_AnimationEditor_Expand.png button in the bottom toolbar. Thus, you are able to see all the functionalities of the editor.
  • Select an editor mode from the Editor settings. In the video tutorial, the Shot editor mode is selected for better visualization of the camera shots.
  • Drag the first camera slot and drop it into the timeline of the Animation Editor. Then drag the second camera slot there. A transition element is automatically generated when the Auto transition option is enabled (default). The first camera shot is the beginning of the animation, while the second is the ending shot. You can add other camera slots in between.

An alternative way to add a camera shot to the animation is by clicking on the timeline to activate the add (Vantage_AnimationEditor_AddButton.png) option, and then selecting Insert Camera. The Insert Camera dropdown option allows you to add any camera slot from the camera list into the animation.

  • Right-click on the transition element and select the Set Duration option from the context menu. Set the duration, frames and framerate.
  • Right-click on the transition element to open the context menu. Select an interpolation mode.
  • Click Play (Vantage_AnimationEditor_Play.PNG) to review the animation.
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