This page lists all processes that create and destroy the different FLIP liquid particle types, including conversions between particle types.
Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Liquid Grid/Particles enabled.
- From a Liquid Source. Requires: Source Emit Liquid enabled.
- From a Fire/Smoke Source. Requires: Source Temperature enabled.
- From a Mapper. Requires: Temperature/Liquid mapped.
- Via Initial Liquid Fill. Requires: a geometry's right-click Phoenix Per-Node Properties.
- Via Initial Fillup. Requires: Simulator Dynamics rollout.
- When Splash particles die either on entering the Liquid volume, or on contact with a Solid geometry. Requires: Splash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Affect Liquid > 0.
- At places where the liquid velocity gradient is high, creates Foam particles. Requires: Foam is simulated.
- At places where the liquid surface has sharp edges, creates Splash particles. Requires: Splash is simulated.
- At places where the liquid is in free fall, creates Splash particles. Requires: Splash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout By Free Fly > 0.
- On contact with a Solid geometry, creates WetMap particles. Requires: WetMap is simulated + geometry has Wetting property.
- If outside the Simulator.
- If inside the volume of a geometry with Clear Inside property + Liquid in Clear Channel list.
- If inside the volume of a geometry used by a Volume Brush Fire/Smoke Source. Requires: Source Temperature enabled and set to 0.
- On contact with a geometry used by any Source with negative Outgoing Velocity or negative Inject Power.
- On contact with a Solid geometry. Requires: WetMap is simulated + geometry has Wetting property + Simulator Dynamics rollout Consumed Liquid > 0.
- On creating Splash particles. Requires: Splash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Affect Liquid > 0.
Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Foam Particles enabled + Simulator Foam rollout enabled.
- At places where the liquid velocity gradient is high. Requires: Liquid is simulated.
- When Splash particles die on entering the Liquid volume. Requires: Splash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Foam On Hit > 0.
- From any Source (Source Particles enabled + Source Particle Type = Foam).
- Particle Age > Half Life + random variation.
- If outside the Simulator + Particle Age > Simulator Foam rollout Max Outside Age.
- If inside the volume of a geometry with Clear Inside property + Foam in Clear Channel list.
Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Splash Particles enabled + Simulator Splash rollout enabled.
- At places where the liquid surface has sharp edges. Requires: Liquid is simulated.
- At places where the liquid is in free fall. Requires: Liquid is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout By Free Fly > 0.
- From any Source. Requires: Source Particles enabled + Source Particle Type = Splash.
- On free fall, splits into several smaller Splash particles Requires: Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
- On movement, creates Mist particles and decreases its Particle Size. Requires: Mist is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
- On death due to entering the Liquid volume, or due to contact with a geometry, creates Liquid particles. Requires: Liquid is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Affect Liquid > 0.
- On death due to entering the Liquid volume, creates Foam particles. Requires: Foam is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Foam On Hit > 0.
- On entering the Liquid volume.
- On contact with a Solid geometry.
- If outside the Simulator + Particle Age > Simulator Splash rollout Max Outside Age.
- If inside the volume of a geometry with Clear Inside property + Splash in Clear Channel list.
- On creating Mist particles, if the Particle Size is too low. Requires: Mist is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Mist Particles enabled + Simulator Splash rollout enabled + Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
- On Splash particles movement. Requires: Splash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
- On entering the Liquid volume.
- On contact with a Solid geometry.
- If outside the Simulator + Particle Age > Simulator Splash rollout Max Outside Age.
- If inside the volume of a geometry with Clear Inside property + Mist in Clear Channel list.
Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout WetMap Particles enabled + Simulator Dynamics rollout Wetting enabled.
- When Liquid particles make contact with a Solid geometry. Requires: Liquid is simulated + geometry has Wetting property.
- If Particle Age > Simulator Dynamics rollout Drying Time.
- If outside the Simulator.
- If inside the volume of a geometry with Clear Inside property + WetMap in Clear Channel list.