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This page lists all processes that create and destroy the different FLIP liquid particle types, including conversions between particle types.



Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Liquid Grid/Particles enabled.



  • At places where the liquid velocity gradient is high, creates Foam particlesRequiresFoam is simulated.
  • At places where the liquid surface has sharp edges, creates Splash particlesRequiresSplash is simulated.
  • At places where the liquid is in free fall, creates Splash particlesRequiresSplash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout By Free Fly > 0.
  • On contact with a Solid geometry, creates WetMap particlesRequiresWetMap is simulated + geometry has Wetting property.



Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Foam Particles enabled + Simulator Foam rollout enabled.


  • At places where the liquid velocity gradient is highRequiresLiquid is simulated.
  • When Splash particles die on entering the Liquid volumeRequiresSplash is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Foam On Hit > 0.
  • From any Source (Source Particles enabled + Source Particle Type = Foam).



Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Splash Particles enabled + Simulator Splash rollout enabled.


  • At places where the liquid surface has sharp edgesRequiresLiquid is simulated.
  • At places where the liquid is in free fallRequiresLiquid is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout By Free Fly > 0.
  • From any SourceRequiresSource Particles enabled + Source Particle Type = Splash.


  • On free fall, splits into several smaller Splash particles RequiresSimulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
  • On movement, creates Mist particles and decreases its Particle SizeRequiresMist is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.
  • On death due to entering the Liquid volume, or due to contact with a geometry, creates Liquid particlesRequiresLiquid is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Affect Liquid > 0.
  • On death due to entering the Liquid volume, creates Foam particlesRequiresFoam is simulated + Simulator Splash rollout Foam On Hit > 0.



Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout Mist Particles enabled + Simulator Splash rollout enabled + Simulator Splash rollout Splash to Mist > 0.




Simulated when: Simulator Output rollout WetMap Particles enabled + Simulator Dynamics rollout Wetting enabled.



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