Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

This page provides information on the Chaos Phoenix Global Preferences window.


This window provides options that affect all Phoenix nodes. These preferences are saved across different scenes and sessions of 3ds Max.


Default Cache Directory Allows you to specify the default directory where cache files will be saved.

Log File Verbosity – Specifies different level of verbosity for the Phoenix log. The more detailed log levels might slowdown the simulation times. The Debug level could actually slow down some simulations with about 10% compared to the default Important level.

Errors - Only errors are printed.
Warnings - Errors and warnings are printed.
Important - Errors, warnings and important info are printed.
Info - Errors, warnings and more detailed information.
Debug - Errors, warnings and extremely detailed information that could slow down the simulation.

Open Log File Location... – Opens a new Windows Explorer window at the location where the Phoenix simulation and rendering log file is saved.

Show Billboarded Viewport Icons – When this option is enabled, all Phoenix viewport wireframe nodes, except for the simulators, will always face the camera. If the option is disabled, the icons will lie flat in the XY plane.

Record *.slog and *.rlog Presets – When enabled, Phoenix will automatically write preset log files when starting a simulation or render. These files are helpful for debugging when the simulation or render fails. Note that this should be disabled when submitting simulations to Deadline; the files will write to the scene directory, which can cause Deadline jobs to restart.

ESC Key Stops The Simulation – When enabled, pressing the Escape key on the keyboard will stop the simulation. If the option is disabled, you can still use the Shift+Escape keyboard shortcut to stop a running simulation.

Pin Floating Rollouts by Default – When enabled, the Expanded floating rollouts of the Simulator, as well as the Volumetric Render Settings window will remain open even after deselecting the Simulator or Voxel Shader.

Highlight Modified Values in UI - When enabled, will change the color in the user interface of the Simulator options that are different from their default value.

Modified Values Color - Specifies the color the will be used to highlight the modified values.

PFlow Cached Frame Count – Used to improve viewport performance when working with Phoenix Particle Flow operators. Note that this option uses additional memory so increasing it might overload the system's RAM.

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