Table of Contents

This page provides information about the V-Ray Environment tool in Cinema 4D.


The V-Ray Environment applies overrides to the background, GI, and reflection/refraction calculations. Assign the object to the V-Ray Environment slot in the Environment Overrides to apply the overrides to the scene. Create multiple V-Ray Environments and circle through various looks of your scene. These overrides are applied at render time.

The V-Ray Dome Light is not affected by the V-Ray Environment.

UI Path: V-Ray menu > Lights > V-Ray Environment


Env. Matte Texture – This option allows you to override all override options with one texture at once. It is a useful feature when working with matte objects.

Rotation – Determines the degrees of rotation for the Env. Matte Texture.

Override Background

Make sure to enable the rollout from the tick.

Background  Sets a color or a map to act as background during rendering. When enabled, you can select a Texture. If a texture is selected, it overrides the selected color.

Texture  Specifies a texture map for the background.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the background texture and the color.

Rotation – Determines the rotation of the background texture.

Override GI

Make sure to enable the rollout from the tick.

Gi Color  Sets a color or a map to be used during Indirect Illumination(GI) calculation. The effect of changing the GI texture is similar to skylight. If a texture is selected, it overrides the selected color.

Texture  Specifies a GI map for the Gi Color option.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the GI texture and the color.

Rotation – Determines the rotation of the GI texture.

Override Reflection

Make sure to enable the rollout from the tick.

Reflect Color  Sets a color or a texture to be used during calculations of reflections. When enabled, you can select a Texture. If a texture is selected, it overrides the selected color.

Texture  Specifies a texture map for the Reflect Color option.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the reflection texture and the color.

Rotation – Determines the rotation of the reflection texture.

Override Refraction

Make sure to enable the rollout from the tick.

Refract Color  Sets a color or a texture to be used during calculations of refractions. When enabled, you can select a Texture. If a texture is selected, it overrides the selected color.

Texture  Specifies a texture map for the Refract Color option.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the refraction texture and the color.

Rotation – Determines the rotation of the refraction texture.

Use Secondary Matte

Make sure to enable the rollout from the tick.

Secondary Matte Color  Sets a color or a texture to be used during calculations of reflections/refractions of matte objects. If a Texture is assigned, it overwrites the color.

Texture  Specifies a texture map for the Use Secondary Matte option.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the secondary matte texture and the color.

Rotation – Determines the rotation of the secondary matte texture.

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