Table of Contents

The Sheen rollout is part of the VRayMtl parameters.



The Sheen layer can be used to create cloth materials such as satin.

Sheen Color – Specifies the color.

Texture – A texture map can be specified here for the sheen color.

Mix Strength – Specifies a blend amount between the texture map and the color.

Sheen Glossiness – Controls the sharpness of reflections. A value of 1.0 means all of the light reaches the diffuse color, and when the value is smaller, the cloth material looks glossier. See the Sheen Glossiness example for more information.

When the Use Roughness option is enabled, the Sheen Roughness parameter replaces the Sheen Glossiness option and controls the roughness amount.


Example: Sheen Glossiness


This example shows how changing the glossiness parameter of the sheen layer affects the material. The Amount is set to its default value of 1.



Glossiness = 0.1

Glossiness = 0.3

Glossiness = 0.6

Glossiness = 0.8

Glossiness = 0.9







V-Ray Material Refraction



V-Ray Material Bump

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