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This page provides information on the V-Ray Fresnel Map.


VRayFresnel is a simple texture map that blends two colors or maps based on the angle of view and an Index Of Refraction. For example, the user can connect the VRayFresnel texture to the specular color of a normal Cinema 4D material in order to create fresnel reflection.

To illustrate the texture's effect, the example on the right shows VRayFresnel applied to the Diffuse channel of a V-Ray Material. The Front Color is set to Black, the Side Color is set to a bright cyan, and the IOR is set to 2.0.

UI PathTexture > V-Ray > VRayFresnel


Front ColorSpecifies the color for the texture when viewed frontally.

Texture – Applies a texture to serve as the Front Color.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the Front Color and the Texture.

Side ColorSpecifies the color for the texture when viewed at a grazing angle.

Texture – Applies a texture to serve as the Side Color.

Mix Strength – Determines the blend amount between the Side Color and the Texture.

Fresnel IORSpecifies the index of refraction to use when calculating the Fresnel term. A Texture can be applied and blended with the value, using the Mix Strength option.

Refraction IORSpecifies the index of refraction. A Texture can be applied and blended with the value, using the Mix Strength option.

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