This page provides information on the V-Ray GPU Render Devices Select rollout.
This rollout allows you to choose the engine type and devices for GPU Rendering. Selecting the GPU devices from this rollout is equivalent to using the external Select devices for V-Ray GPU Rendering utility that is included with V-Ray (ocldeviceselect.exe) but allows the devices to be changed without restarting 3ds Max.
UI Path: ||Render Setup window|| > Performance tab > V-Ray GPU Render Devices Select rollout (Renderer set to V-Ray GPU)
Engine – Chooses the rendering device. The render engine can be CUDA or RTX.
Choosing RTX GPU mode utilizes available RTX card(s).
Depending on what type of hardware is installed on your machine, V-Ray attempts to set this option automatically for you. For example, if you only have NVIDIA hardware installed, the option is set to CUDA automatically and disabled for further altering.
Selecting specific devices to render with can help if you have multiple GPUs and you want to leave one of them free for working on the user interface or you may want to combine your CPU and GPU together for Hybrid Rendering.
Rendering – Selects GPU device or CPU for rendering.
Denoising – Selects GPU device for denoising.
Low priority – Sets a low GPU thread priority per device. When enabled, V-Ray tries to lessen the load on GPUs working on displaying graphics to the monitor(s) in order to give them more resources to complete other processes and tasks for the OS. This is done by internally using a lower value for Rays bundle size or IPR ray bundle size for those GPUs with attached displays (Rays per pixel is still the same for all GPUs). This can affect the overall performance, and the render speed might be reduced. It is recommended to utilize a separate GPU for the display, if possible.
Show more – Displays the log messages.
When multiple devices are selected for denoising, out of all the devices that match the query only the device with the highest compute capability is used for the denoising process.
The asterisk (*) sign next to a GPU device's name in the list means that a monitor is connected to that GPU device. If two or more monitors are connected to the GPU device, there are 2 or more asterisks next to the GPU device name.
There is a tooltip that appears upon hovering over the asterisks that shows information on the GPU and number of monitors connected to it.