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This page provides information on the V-Ray Point Cloud Color texture.


The VRayPointCloudColor map can be used to adjust the color saturation as well as to gain finer control over the appearance of the Autodesk Point Cloud Material.

Below can see an exemplary workflow where the VRayPointCloudColor map is linked to the Self-Illumination map slot of a VRayMtl.

Autodesk Point Cloud Material is not included in 3dsMax 2018.


The VRayPointCloudColor map has the standard Autodesk 3ds Max output parameters.

Invert – Reverses the hues of the map.

Clamp – When enabled, limits the values of the colors to equal or less than 1.0. Use this option when increasing the RGB Level, to prevent the map from looking self-illuminated. Note that when Clamp is on and the value of RGB Offset is above 1.0, the colors become white.

Alpha from RGB Intensity – When enabled, an alpha channel is generated based on the intensity of the RGB channels in the map.

Enable Color Map – Enables the use of the Color Map.

Output Amount – Controls the amount of the map that is being mixed into a composite material. This parameter affects the map's saturation and alpha values.

RGB Offset – Adds colors to the RGB values of the map based on the amount set by the spinner, which affects the tonal value of the colors.

RGB Level – Multiplies the RGB values of the map colors by the amount set by the spinner, which affects the saturation of the color.

Bump Amount – Adjusts the bumpiness amount when the map is used as a bump map.

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