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Table of Contents

This page provides details on the settings available for the OSL Material in V-Ray.



The VRayMtlOSL material can be used to load OSL shader code files (.osl) or OSL object code files (.oso) and render them directly with V-Ray. The VRayOSLMtl plug-in can be used with shaders that write in closure color output parameters. 

UI Path: ||Right-click on the geometry|| > Assign New Material...

||Right-click on the geometry|| > Assign New Material... > VRay section > VRay Mtl OSL

||V-Ray Shelf|| > Right-click to Create V-Ray Materials button > VRay Mtl OSL

||Hypershade|| > Window tab > Create... > VRay section > VRay Mtl OSL

Basic Parameters

Shader File Name – Specifies the .osl or .oso file which contains the shader code.

Recreate attributes – Reloads the material and resets its parameters.

Viewport color – Specifies the diffuse component of the material used in the viewport shading.

Max Ray Depth – Specifies the maximum reflection/refraction depth for the material.

Closure Output  – Specifies the closure color source for the materials output. The built-in output closure color parameter Ci is selected by default.

Shader Attributes

This section holds all parameters found in the shader itself and can be edited from here.


  • The VRayOSLMtl material automatically compiles OSL shaders to object code (OSO format) upon shader selection. No following compilations occur (even at render events). If the loaded  OSL shader is modified use the context menu options Reset or Reload of the Shader file button for your changes to take effect.
  • An OSL compiler that translates *.osl files to *.oso files can be found in the tools subdirectory of V-Ray's root installation folder.

  • Open Shading Language version 1.10 is supported.


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