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This page provides information on the V-Ray Object Properties.


In addition to the settings in the Render Settings dialog, which are global for the scene, you can set different render settings on a per-object basis. Some of those properties (primary and secondary visibility, visibility to camera, etc.) are accessible through the additional V-Ray Object Properties.

Assigning Object Properties SOP and/or Displacement materials works with packed geometry. It is not expected to work with packed fragments. See the V-Ray Object Properties SOP page.

There are several approaches to adding the same object properties to multiple geometries:

  1. Add object properties individually to each geometry node;
  2. Add the object properties to a Subnetwork holding multiple geometry nodes;
  3. Use the V-Ray Renderer ROP > Objects tab to assign the object properties to the geometries;
  4. Use the V-Ray Object Properties SOP inside the Geometry node to target individual Packed Primitives or Packed Alembic primitives.

UI paths:

||Select object(s)|| > V-Ray Shelf > Object Props

||Select object(s)|| > V-Ray menu > Object Properties > Common


Enable All – Enables all parameters in all Object Properties tabs at once.

Disabled All – Disables all parameters in all Object Properties tabs at once.


Renderable – When disabled, the instance isn't rendered. The object's properties can still be queried from within VEX but no geometry is rendered. This is roughly equivalent to turning the object into a transform space object.

User Attributes – A list of attributes (separated by semicolons) that are assigned to the mesh.

Object ID – Specifies an ID for the object. This is used by the MultiMatte render element which creates selection masks based on Object IDs.

LPE Label – Specifies a light path expression label for the object. Find more information about what light path expressions are at the Advanced Light Path Expressions page.

Num. Samples – Specifies the number of motion blur samples. If the value is set to 0, the ROP settings are used.


Geometry Type – Determines the type of geometry for polygonal data among DefaultStatic, and Dynamic.


Use Rayserver Instancer – Uses the GeomRayserverInstancer node instead of Instancer2 node.

Packed Agent Instancing (Experimental) – Experimental packed agent instances detecting.

Packed Agent Multi-Threaded Export (Experimental) – Experimental multi-threaded packed agent export. Note that this option may take a lot of RAM.


SSS ID – Used to tell V-Ray SSS and V-Ray Skin materials that objects with the same ID need to share the same illumination samples when using raytraced multiple scattering. This avoids illumination seams between those objects.

Forced Attributes – Specifies a list of attributes to be exported to the .vrscene file even if they are not used by any V-Ray shading node. This optimizes the export speed and reduces the size of the .vrscene file. Forced Attributes parameter is useful when instancing lights with per-point attributes for light color and light intensity.


Reflection Mask

Refraction Mask

Enable All – Enables all parameters in this tab at once.

Disabled All – Disables all parameters in this tab at once.

Open Subdiv

Enable OpenSubdiv – Enables OpenSubdiv subdivision.

Subdivision level – Specifies the level of OpenSubdiv subdivision. A value of 0 means no subdivision.

Type – Specifies the type of subdivision used.

Catmull-Clark – The default subdivision method which can handle meshes with arbitrary polygons (triangles, quads, etc);
Loop – This subdivision method works with triangles only.

Subdivide UVs – Smooths UVs when applying subdivision with OpenSubdiv. 

Preserve map borders – Specifies different modes for subdividing the UV boundaries with OpenSubdiv from NoneInternal, and All.

None – UVs are always subdivided regardless of whether they are on a UV seam or not;
Internal – Only preserve UVs if they are on an internal UV seam;
All – Does not subdivide UVs on UV seams.

Preserve geometry borders – Keeps the geometry boundaries in place while subdividing the mesh with OpenSubdiv.

Enable All – Enables all parameters in this tab at once.

Disabled All – Disables all parameters in this tab at once.

Reference Mesh

Mode – Specifies the mode of locking the Tri-Planar mapping. You can choose between Object (uses another object as reference) and Rest Attributes (uses an attribute of the object as reference). Download an example test scene here.

Reference Object – Specifies the object used as reference to lock the Tri-Planar mapping when Object mode is selected.

Position – Specifies the position when Rest Attributes mode is selected.

Normal – Specifies the normals when Rest Attributes mode is selected.

Enable All – Enables all parameters in this tab at once.

Disabled All – Disables all parameters in this tab at once.

Mode is None

Mode is Object

Mode is Rest Attributes

Bake Geometry

Bake Subdivision – Enables baking of objects that have displacement or subdivision. If objects have displacement, they are baked as subdivided/displaced object in a .vrmesh file during rendering.

File (.vrmesh) – Specifies an output directory where the generated .vrmesh file is placed.

Edge Length – Specifies the approximate edge length for the sub-triangles.

Max Subdivision – Specifies the maximum subdivision for a triangle of the original mesh.


Enable Matte/Shaadow Options – Enables the Matter/Shadow options.


Generated GI Mult. – Specifies a multiplier for the amount of GI generated by the material.

Received GI Mult. – Specifies a multiplier for the amount of GI received by the material.

Generated Caustics Mult. – Specifies a multiplier that controls how much caustics the object generates. Note that in order to generate caustics, an object must have a reflective or refractive material.

Received Caustics Mult. – Specifies a multiplier that controls how much caustics the object receives. When light is refracted by objects that generate caustics, the resulting caustics are only visible when they are projected on caustics receivers.

Subdivs Mult. – Specifies a multiplier for the subdivisions of all secondary ray tracing done for the particular surface.

Use Irradiance Map – When enabled, the irradiance map is used to approximate diffuse indirect illumination for the object. If disabled, brute force GI is used. You can use this for objects in the scene which have small details and are not approximated very well by the irradiance map.

Matte Properties

Alpha Contribution – Determines the appearance of the object in the alpha channel of the rendered image. A value of 1.0 means the alpha channel is derived from the transparency of the base material. A value of 0.0 means the object does not appear in the alpha channel at all and shows the alpha of the objects behind it. A value of -1.0 means that the transparency of the base material cuts out from the alpha of the objects behind. Matte objects are typically given an alpha contribution of -1.0. Note that this option is independent of the Matte surface option (i.e. a surface can have an alpha contribution of -1.0 without being a matte surface).

Generate Render Elements – When enabled, V-Ray generates zDepthvelocityextra tex, and multi matte render element for matte objects. When this check box is disabled V-Ray does not generate any render elements for matte objects.

Matte Surface – Makes the material appear as a matte material, which shows the background instead of the base material when viewed directly. Note that the base material is still used for things like GI, caustics, reflections, etc.

Shadows – Makes shadow visible on the matte surface.

Affect Alpha – Makes shadows affect the alpha contribution of the matte surface. Areas in perfect shadow produce white alpha, while completely unoccluded areas produce black alpha.

Shadow Tint – Specifies an optional tint for the shadows on the matte surface.

Shadow Brightness – An optional brightness parameter for the shadows on the matte surface. A value of 0.0 makes the shadows completely invisible, while a value of 1.0 shows the full shadows.

Reflection Amount – Shows the reflections from the base material.

Refraction Amount – Shows the refractions from the base material.

GI Amount – Determines the amount of GI shadows.

No GI On Other Mattes – Causes the object to appear as a matte object in reflections, refractions, GI, etc. for other matte objects. Note that if this is on, refractions for the matte object might not be calculated (the object appears a matte object to itself and is not able to "see" the refractions on the other side).

Matte For Secondary... – Normally the base material is used when an object with a MtlWrapper is seen through reflections/refractions. This option controls whether the MtlWrapper shows the base material or environment when seen through secondary rays (e.g. reflections/refractions).

Disable – The base material is used when the MtlWrapper is seen through reflections/refractions.
Without Projection Mapping – The environment is seen through reflections/refractions.
With Projection Mapping – The environment is seen through reflections/refractions with projection mapping to increase the realism.


GI Surface ID – This number can be used to prevent the blending of Light Cache samples across different surfaces. If two objects have different GI surface IDs, the light cache samples of the two objects are not blended. This can be useful for preventing light leaks between objects of vastly different illumination.

Trace Depth – Specifies the number of times a ray can be reflected. Scenes with lots of reflective and refractive surfaces may require higher values to look correct. A value of -1 specifies this option is controlled by the global Render Settings.

Volume GI properties

Generate GI – Controls whether the object generates indirect illumination. Note that to obtain the caustics effect you must set the appropriate value for the Caustics multiplier below as well as put some objects that generate caustics in the scene.

Receive GI – Controls whether the object receives indirect illumination. A multiplier can be specified for the received indirect illumination.

Generate GI multiplier – A multiplier for the amount GI generated by the material.

Receive GI multiplier – A multiplier for the amount GI received by the material.

Generate Caustics – When enabled, the selected objects refract the light coming from light sources that are caustics generators, so that caustics are produced. Note that in order to generate caustics, an object must have a reflective or refractive material.

Receive Caustics – When enabled, the selected objects become caustic receivers. When light is refracted by objects that generate caustics the resulting caustics are only visible when they are projected on caustics receivers.

Caustics multiplier – A multiplier for the caustics.

Enable All – Enables all parameters in this tab at once.

Disabled All – Disables all parameters in this tab at once.

Visibility Options

Enable Visibility Options – Enables the Visibility Options.

Primary Visibility – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to camera rays.

Visible in Reflections – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to reflection rays.

Visible in Refractions – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to refraction rays.

Cast Shadows – When disabled, the object is invisible to shadow rays from lights and does not cast shadows. Note that when disabled, the object doesn't affect the GI.

Receive Shadows – When disabled, the object does not receive shadows.

Enable All – Enables all parameters in this tab at once.

Disabled All – Disables all parameters in this tab at once.


  • When creating a matte object with V-Ray Object Properties and using the V-Ray CUDA engine, please note the following:

    • Alpha Contribution should be set to -1.0;
    • The Matte Surface, Affect Alpha and Shadows options should be enabled.
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