Table of Contents

This page gives an overview of the Reflection Render Element and explains how it is used.


The Reflection Render Element stores reflection information calculated from the materials' reflection values in the scene. Surfaces with no reflection values set in their materials will contain no information in the render pass and will therefore render as black.

The Reflection Render Element is formed by multiplying the Reflection Raw Render Element by the Reflection Filter Render Element. So while the raw reflection pass gives the full reflection of objects reflecting in the scene, the reflection filter sets how much of that reflection should come through in the composite. The two are multiplied together to create the Reflection pass which gives a true representation of the reflection in the scene.

The Reflection Render Element is a key component in the main Beauty Pass.






UI Path: ||Toolbar|| > V-Ray Menu icon > Render > VRayRenderElement > Type: Reflection


The Reflection render element has no controllable properties.



Common Uses

The Reflection Render Element is useful for changing the appearance of reflective elements after rendering using compositing or image editing software. Below are a couple of examples of its use.



Reflection Render Element


Original Beauty Composite




Brightened Reflection Render Element


Brightened and warmed Reflection Render Element




Brightened Reflections


Brightened and warmed Reflections



Compositing Formula

Reflection Raw x Reflection Filter = Reflection




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