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The Global tab of the VRayRenderer provides controls for various aspects of the renderer.



UI Path: ||Select VRayRenderer|| > Properties Panel > Global tab


Global options




Displacement – Enables (default) or disables V-Ray displacement mapping.

Lights – Enables or disables lights globally.

Shadows – Enables or disables shadows globally.

Reflection/Refraction – Enables or disables the calculation of reflections and refractions in V-Ray maps and materials.

Glossy effects – Enables and disables the rendering of glossy effects.

Nuke Maps – Enables or disables Nuke texture maps.

V-Ray Maps – Enables or disables V-Ray texture maps.

Filter maps – Enables or disables texture map filtering. When enabled, the depth is controlled locally by the settings of the texture maps. When disabled, no filtering is performed.

Sub-Surface Scattering – Enables and disables the rendering of sub-surface scattering effects.

Emissive Textures – Enables or disables emissive texture maps.

Global max depth – Globally limits the reflection/refraction depth. When this is disabled, the depth is controlled locally by the materials. When this option is enabled, all materials use the Max depth value. 

Max Depth – Specifies the maximum depth when Global max depth is enabled. Set this to 0 to disable reflections/refractions altogether. 

Max transparency levels – Controls the depth at which transparent objects will be traced.

Clamp max ray intensity – Suppresses the contribution of very bright rays, which may typically cause excessive noise (fireflies) in the rendered image. Max ray intensity is applied to all secondary (GI/reflection/refraction) rays, as opposed to the final image samples. This allows fireflies to be effectively suppressed but without loosing too much HDR information in the final image. 

Max ray intensity – Suppresses the contribution of very bright rays, which may typically cause excessive noise (fireflies) in the rendered image. The Max ray intensity introduces bias in the rendered image, as it may turn out to be darker than the actual correct result.

Light sampling method – Determines how lights are sampled in scenes with many lights.

Full lights evaluation – V-Ray goes through each scene light and evaluates it at each shading point. In scenes with many lights and lots of GI bounces, this leads to a lot of shadow rays being traced and rendering can become extremely slow.
Uniform probabilistic – V-Ray randomly chooses the specified number of lights and evaluates only those. Lower values make the rendering faster, but potentially noisier. Higher values cause more lights to be computed at each shading point, thus producing less noise, but increasing render times. This option makes it possible to render images that would otherwise take a very long time, at the expense of possibly introducing more noise into the rendering. 

Adaptive lights – Uses information from the Light cache to determine which lights to sample. If a Light cache is not used, uniform sampling will be used. Depending on the scene, it can be faster than the Full lights evaluation and Uniform probabilistic mode.

Number of prob. lights – The number of lights from the scene that are evaluated by V-Ray when the LIght sampling evaluation is set to Uniform probabilistic or Adaptive lights. To achieve a positive effect from probabilistic light sampling, this value must be lower than the actual number of lights in the scene. Lower values make the rendering go faster, but the result is potentially noisier. Higher values cause more lights to be computed at each hit point, thus producing less noise but increasing render times.

Unit scale – Sets the scale of the units for V-Ray calculations.

Unit metric – Sets the metric used to determine the scale for rendering.

Millimeters – Sets millimeters as the scale for rendering.
 – Sets centimeters as the scale for rendering.
 – Sets meters as the scale for rendering.
 – Sets kilometers as the scale for rendering.
– Sets inches as the scale for rendering.
 – Sets feet as the scale for rendering.
 – Sets miles as the scale for rendering.






Deep merge mode – Controls the generation of deep data.

By render ID – Deep fragments within a pixel are merged based on which objects they belong to (objects are differentiated based on their render ID as it appears in the render ID element).
By Z-depth – Deep fragments within a pixel are merged based on the similarity of their z-depth values. Use the deep merge ZDepth threshold parameter to control how close fragments need to be in order to merge them.
None – Deep merging does not take place.

Deep merge Z-depth threshold – When Deep merge mode is set to By Z-depth, this controls how close the fragments need to be in order to merge them. The value is relative to the pixel size. A value of 1.0 means that fragments will be merged together if they are within a block roughly the size of a pixel. Lower values produce more precise deep data, but can lead to larger files. Higher values make the deep data less precise but can make the resulting deep files much smaller. A value of 0.0 will store every single image sample separately, and thus is not recommended.

Dyn memory limit – The total RAM limit for the dynamic raycasters. Note that the memory pool is shared between the different rendering threads. Therefore, if geometry needs to be unloaded and loaded too often, the threads must wait for each other and the rendering performance will suffer. This also controls the memory limit for tiled EXR files with mip-maps. Geometry and EXR tiles will share the same memory pool. In V-Ray 3.0 for Nuke, you can set this to 0 to remove any limit. In that case, V-Ray will take as much memory as needed. It's also possible to enter negative number, which will cause V-Ray to not use that amount of memory. In this case, the actual memory usage depends on the the physical memory of the particular machine.

Use Embree – Enable for faster render of heavy scenes and when using V-Ray Standalone.

Auto Smooth Normals – When enabled, an edge will be made hard if the angle between two adjacent faces is sharper (larger) then the Smooth Angle value. Otherwise, the edge will be made soft.

Smooth Angle – A threshold angle for the smoothing of edges.


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