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Table of Contents

This page provides information on the V-Ray Render Settings that are accessible through the VRayRenderer node.


The VRayRenderer node contains the main settings for V-Ray and the rendering process. Settings are divided into several tabs in the Properties Panel. An additional Post Translate tab allows users to modify the scene with Python before rendering.



UI Path: ||Toolbar|| > V-Ray Menu icon > Render > VRayRenderer





 The V-RayRenderer node has three input connections.




cam – An optional camera input. The scene is rendered from the perspective of this camera. If the camera input is not connected, V-Ray Renderer uses a default camera positioned at the origin and facing in the negative Z direction. Supports Nuke's default Camera node and V-Ray Camera.

bg – An optional background input. This can be used to composite a background image into the scene and to determine the output resolution. If not used, this defaults to root.format or root.proxy_format defined in the Project Settings.

obj/scn – A scene node that is connected to the objects and lights to be rendered. It can be a 3D object or MergeGeo node.


Render Settings Tabs




The V-Ray render settings are divided into several tabs in the Properties Panel:

  • Common – Contains settings that greatly impact the render quality and speed. Includes controls for image filtering, antialiasing, and caustic light calculation.
  • GI – Provides controls for global illumination, and specifies the primary and secondary GI engines.
  • Global – Globally enables or disables renderer features such as displacement and probabilistic lights.
  • Depth of Field – Enables and provides controls for the depth of field effect.
  • Motion Blur – Enables and provides controls for the motion blur effect.


Post Translate Tab

The Post Translate Tab allows you to modify the V-Ray scene with Python scripting. The modifications are applied after the scene is translated by the V-Ray for Nuke translator, but before it is rendered or exported to a .vrscene file. See the Post Translate with Python Scripting page for more information.



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