Table of Contents

This page provides an overview of the V-Ray rendering nodes.


Rendering with V-Ray in Nuke is accomplished through the VRayRenderer node. To set up a render with V-Ray, simply replace the Nuke ScanlineRender node in any render setup with the VRayRenderer. The node organizes settings for the V-Ray rendering quality and process into several tabs.

In addition to the main rendering node, V-Ray provides additional nodes to assist in the rendering process. These include a render mask, per-object render settings, and environment overrides. Within the V-Ray Menu's Render category, you can also create nodes for V-Ray Cameras and Render Elements.

UI Path: ||Toolbar|| > V-Ray menu icon > Render


The following nodes can be created from the V-Ray Render category:

  • VRayRenderer - Contains the main settings for V-Ray and the rendering process. An additional Post Translate tab allows users to modify the scene with Python before rendering
  • VRayBackground - Sets up a background image for a rendering. Additionally, separate environment overrides can be specified for GI, Reflection, Refraction.
  • VRayCamera - See the Cameras section for more information.
  • VRayDenoiser - See the Render Elements section for more information.
  • VRayObjProp - Sets different render settings on a per-object basis. Also includes properties such as primary and secondary visibility, visibility to camera, etc.
  • VRayRenderElement - See the Render Elements section for more information.
  • VRayTranslator - An advanced exporter for single frame or animated .vrscene files.
  • VRayRenderMask - Selects part of the image to render. It is more exact than Render Region and offers more control.
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