This page provides information about export .vrscene file with V-Ray for Unreal.
VRayScene allows for assets to be shared between all platforms that run V-Ray.
UI Path
ІІV-Ray toolbar drop-downІІ > Export vrscene
Exporting a .vrscene
A vrscene from the an Unreal project can be exported with in two ways:
V-Ray toolbar
VRScene Name – Specifies the name of the generated .vrscene file.
Export VRScene Path – Directory where the .vrscene file is saved. Default directory is <ProjectPath>\Content
Compress – Compresses geometric information thus making the resulting .vrscene file smaller.
NEW Export Selected Only – Exports only selected actors in the scene to a .vrscene file. Option will be ignored when Light Bake option is enabled.
Light Bake – Exports separate .vrscene files for every light map atlas.
The number of generated .vrscenes depends on:
- Actor Light Map resolution
- Atlas resolution
- Actor count in the level
When you export a .vrscene a .bat file is also created with the name specified in VRScene Name and in the directory set in Export VRScene Path. You can use the .bat file to render the exported .vrscene in standalone, outside of Unreal. Note that currently a .bat file will not be generated when Light Bake option is enabled and will not work for light bake atlas .vrscenes .
V-Ray Bake Settings
Export VRScene – Enables the export of a .vrscene file when the V-Ray Bake button is clicked.
Export VRScene Path – Directory where the .vrscene file is saved with the file name bake#.vrscene. Default directory is <Project_Path>
Supported Features