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This page provides information about the V-Ray LightLuminaire light.


The LightLuminaire light allows efficient rendering of entire light fixtures by loading their respective precomputed light fields from .vlw files. Such files are generated by Chaos and used in Chaos Cosmos light assets marked with a "luminaire" tag.

There is only initial support for LightLuminaire in V-Ray GPU. Artifacts and errors may come up.


You can access the LightLuminaire's parameters after merging the imported Cosmos asset with lights.

Open the Chaos Cosmos Browser, select a Cosmos asset with a Luminaire light from the Cosmos library, and download it. You can use the available filter options to single out the assets with luminaire lights.

Then import the Cosmos asset with a Luminaire light. This adds the asset automatically to the Geometry tab of the Asset Editor.

The Luminaires Enabled option should be enabled in order for the Luminaires, included in this asset, to be used for light emission when rendering. When the option is disabled, the original light source is used.

Then click Merge to merge the imported Cosmos asset.

The LightLuminaire is now accessible in the Lights tab of the Asset Editor.


Enabled () – Turns the Luminaire on and off.

File – Specifies the .vlw file that holds the baked lighting.

Filtering – Enables stochastic filtering of the light field to reduce aliasing.

Filter Strength – Determines the filtering strength.

Color Multiplier – Specifies the color of the Luminaire light.

Intensity Multiplier – An intensity multiplier for the Luminaire light.


Shadows – When enabled, the Luminaire casts shadows.

Affect Diffuse – When enabled, the Luminaire affects the diffuse of the material.

Affect Specular – When enabled, the Luminaire affects the specular of the material.

Affect Atmospherics – Specifies whether the Luminaire influences the atmospheric effects in the scene.

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