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Project Lavina Beta, v0.4.4

Beta Release

Date - August 19, 2020

New Features


  • Tilt and shift corrections for Physical Camera

Modified Features


  •  Color picker dialogue can be moved around



  • Incorrect scaling when merging .vrscenes exported with different meter scale 


  • Switching between stored cameras with different FOV results in a jump

Project Lavina Beta, v0.4.3

Beta Release

Date - August 03, 2020




New Features


  • Support for texture in V-Ray Plane/Rectangle light
  • Support for V-Ray Disk/Ellipse light

License Server

  • License server as part of the installation


  • GPU driver check for currently unsupported and recommended drivers



Modified Features


  •  Improved Camera roll navigation action


  •  "Check for updates" button in Help menu
  • Build date and time info in About dialog




Animation Editor

  •  Transient clip in animation editor cannot be selected or modified
  • Pivot point not moving with object when animated from imported .vrscene


  • Artifacts around very bright light source
  • Reflection artifacts when using two GPUs

Project Lavina Beta, v0.4.2

Beta Release

Date - July 22, 2020





Video Driver

  • Startup error (D3D error) with 450 series NVidia drivers

Project Lavina Beta, v0.4.1

Beta Release

Date - July 10, 2020






  •  Physical camera parameters not syncing when switching camera slots
  • Physical camera parameters scaling erroneously when loading from vrdx file

Animation Editor

  • Physical cameras not interpolating correctly in animation editor when using FoV
  • 'Aperture size' interpolation in animation editor


  • Denoiser issue when using more than one GPU

Project Lavina Beta, v0.4.0

New Features


  • Physical camera parameters
  • Camera roll functionality


  • Support for metalness (BRDFVrayMtl)


  • Pivot point selection button to top toolbar
  • Mouse precision toggle button 


Modified Features


  • Improved denoiser:
    • Details from small objects and shadows are less blurry
    • Reduced halo/bloom effect around objects

Animation Editor

  • Improved UX :
    • Increase the pickup radius for selecting thin areas - timeline marker, clip edges.
    • Make the rightmost 20px of a clip with two drag-able controls.
    • Transient clips are not resizable when dragged, only their position change.
    • Transient clips have a better thicker line indicator
    • Increase the limit of the "Def. duration" spinner to 1000 (approx. 10 sec @ 90fps )


Project Lavina Beta, v0.3.1

Beta Release

Date - July 01, 2020






  • Imported animated sun from .vrscene not being animated in Lavina


Project Lavina Beta, v0.3.0

Beta Release

Date - June 26, 2020


New Features

  • Added Animation Editor (experimental)
  • Added Light grouping(instancing) on imported lights
  • Added support for V-Ray Sun and Sky models
  • Added Noise threshold option
  • Added Support for Simple(environment) light portal
  • Added support for CommonTexture and MappedTexture set of texture parameters: Crop, Place, AlphaSource, MonoChannelOutput, RGBChannelOutput, Invert, OutputAmount, Clamp, RGBOffset, RGBLevel

Modified Features

  • Improved Color Picker - interactive updates, color temperature, color presets, color range options
  • Improved UI:
    • Last snapshot render time information
    • Selecting a light focuses it in the light lister
  • Improved visual parity between Lavina and V-Ray



Project Lavina Beta, v0.2.3

Beta Release

Date - May 07, 2020

New Features

  • Added new Camera list with thumbnails and set, delete and reorder functionality
  • Added support for Directional, Omni and Spot lights from 3Ds Max
  • Added support for Instanced objects from Maya/Modo/Houdini
  • Added "Display to render ratio" control in the toolbar

Modified Features

  • Improved navigation - Selection Pivot Type
  • Improved denoiser - Artifacts with motion blur with fast moving objects are reduced
  • Improved denoiser - textures behind refractive objects are less blurry
  • Improved UI - RMB to reset value to default


Project Lavina Beta, v0.2.2

Beta Release

Date - April 09, 2020

New Features

  • Support for IES lights
  • Support for Spot lights from Maya/Modo/Katana/Cinema4D/Sketchup/Rhino
  • Object pivot import and manipulation
  • Move Pivot tool
  • Navigation target type option - Ray hit or Camera target

Modified Features

  • Improved navigation - gizmo for orbit pivot and zoom point

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with rotation and scaling in local space


Project Lavina Beta, v0.2.1

Beta Release

Date - March 26, 2020

Modified Features

  • Improved denoiser blending - added simple adaptivity to raw/denoised blending to filter out extreme noise
  • Improved camera navigation
  • Improved camera transitions with quadratic interpolation function instead of linear
  • Improvement: Environment image is now cleared when loading a new scene
  • Improvement: Removed automatic cycle back to first camera when in "Camera" animation mode
  • Improved UI - removed Modifier key option and include them in navigation preset
  • Improved UI - Shortcuts update according to navigation preset


Project Lavina Beta, v0.2.0

Beta Release

Date - March 12, 2020


New Features

  • Support for opacity maps in "clip" mode. Only bitmaps are supported
  • Separate background option for camera rays instead of the "environment" color/image
  • Importing of Dome light texture as Environment
  • Navigation presets: Max, Maya, Sketchup
  • "Run" when in Free-Look mode

Modified Features

  • Improved rendering of refractive objects on reflective surfaces
  • Improved light cache - it is cleared when a render setting is changed
  • Improved animation experience: Scene, Walkthrough and Cameras mode
  • Improved scene navigation experience
  • Improved status bar

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed denoiser silhouette artifacts
  • Fixed collision enabled only in Free-Look mode
  • Fixed undo action for some local space rotations

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