This is article explains how to the use the Corona Benchmark.
Running the Benchmark
The main purpose of the Corona Benchmark is to measure your system performance by rendering a scene for 1 minute. Here is how to do it:
- Download the Corona Benchmark
- Unpack the downloaded archive and open the resulting folder
- Run the executable file
- Wait for the Benchmark to load all assets
- Click Start
- Wait for the Benchmark to parse the scene and start the rendering process
- Wait 1 minute for the rendering to finish. During this time, you can observe the rendering process and the statistics such as the current rays per second value.
- Once the rendering is finished, you can see your final score and submit it, restart the Benchmark, or use the other available options.
Corona Benchmark Statistics and Options
Performance Score
Score (rays/s) – The total number of rays traced from the start of the benchmark. The higher the better.
In Corona, the rays per second (rays/s) unit measures the pure rendering speed of your system. The more rays per second, the faster the rendering, and it's a linear scale. For instance, a system with 6 million rays/s is twice as fast as one with 3 million rays/s.
CPU Info – The full name of the processor.
CPU Frequency – The actual CPU frequency averaged across all cores.
CPU Count – The number of physical processors.
Physical Cores – The total number of physical processor cores.
Logical Cores – The total number of logical processor cores.
CPU L3 Cache Size – The L3 cache size of the processor.
RAM – The total amount of installed RAM.
RAM Frequency – The currently configured RAM frequency.
Computer Name – The name of the computer the Benchmark is running on.
Operating System – The name and the version of the operating system the Benchmark is running on.
Note – You can enter any custom note here (e.g. the BIOS settings you adjusted before running the Benchmark).
Once your score is submitted and published, the note is visible in the online score list!
Submit score – Submits your current score to the online list.
Share score – Provides the following options:
- Copy – Copies the results screenshot to clipboard.
- Tweet – Shares a link to an already submitted result on Twitter. Disabled if the result is not yet submitted.
- Post – Shares a link to an already submitted result on Facebook. Disabled if the result is not yet submitted.
View log – Opens the folder where the Benchmark log is stored. Useful in case of technical issues.
Save result – Saves a text file with the benchmark results and system information.
See target image – Showcases the Benchmark image rendered to its final quality. The quality of the image rendered by the Benchmark depends on the system performance.
Restart – Restarts the benchmarking process.
User account button – If you are not currently signed in, redirects to the Chaos account sign in page. If you are signed in, shows options to view your Chaos account, view your results, and sign out of the currently used account.