Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

The Transform Property Panel allows you to adjust the layer position, scale, and pixel aspect ratio.


UI Path: ||Property Panel|| > Transform panel

Transform properties are available when a layer is selected in the layer stack.


Position – Specifies the position of the selected layer using X and Y coordinates. Like any slider you can left click and drag to change the value, use middle-mouse scroll or you can double click and enter a value.

Dimensions – Specifies the width ( W )and height ( H ) dimensions of the selected layer in pixels.

Scale – Controls the scale of the selected layer. By default the X and Y values are locked together so that they have the same value. You can unlock them by clicking on the link slider switch (  ).

Flip Horizontally – When enabled, flips the layer horizontally.

Flip Vertically – When enabled, flips the layer vertically.

Pixel Aspect – Specifies the pixel aspect ratio. Right clicking in the value box allows you to choose from a list of predefined values.

Crop – Enable or disable the Crop Area. It can be adjusted using the values for its X and Y position, and its width ( ) and height ( ). Alternatively, by holding Shift you can also drag the edges of the Crop Area in the preview area to resize it or double click on them to reset their position.

Retime – Allows changing the playback framerate for the current layer by entering a value for either a framerate multiplier or frames per second.


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