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This page provides information on the IPR options rollout under the V-Ray tab.



The IPR Options rollout is accessible through the V-Ray tab of the Render Setup window. These options determine the behavior of Interactive Production Rendering (IPR) in the V-Ray Frame Buffer.


UI Path: ||Render Setup window|| > V-Ray tab > IPR options rollout (Renderer set to V-Ray)



Start IPR – Opens the VFB and starts an interactive rendering. 

Fit resolution to VFB – When enabled, manually resizing the VFB during rendering changes the rendering resolution that IPR uses, making the resolution match the newly resized window. When disabled, the IPR resolution is locked to the resolution set under the Common tab even if the VFB is resized.

Force progressive sampling – When enabled, the Progressive Image Sampler is always used for IPR rendering. When disabled, IPR uses the image sampler set by the Type option in the Image sampler (Antialiasing) rollout.


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