This page offers some tips and tricks when working with V-Ray in Maya. GPU Guide A beginner's guide to GPU rendering with V-Ray. How to Preview Viewport Lighting How V-Ray lights illuminate objects in Viewport 2.0 (Maya versions prior to 2017). Metal Shaders IOR A table with the indexes of refraction for metal shaders. Disabling Motion Blur of Animated UVs How to disable the Motion Blur effect on animated UVs using V-Ray. Paint FX Constant Line Width How to set a constant line width in pixels using Post-Translate Python Script. How to Add Render Elements to Render Layers How to work with render elements for specific render setup layers. Creating Masks for VRayBlendMtl Sub-Shaders How to create masks for sub-shaders of the VRayBlendMtl. How to Create a Global Override Material How to add a global material override for all objects