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The Background Render Element includes just the background as set in the scene, with the rest of the image rendered as black. 


The Background Render Element stores an image of the texture used in the background behind geometry in a scene as seen from the camera. Geometry that blocks the background image renders as black.

This render element interprets a background texture, such as the texture set in the Environment Overrides, as a background.

Other types of manually created backgrounds, such as a plane, mapped with a texture set outside a window, will not interpreted to be a "background" for the purposes of this render element.


The parameters for this render element appear in the V-Ray RenderChannelColor render channels node.

Deep Output – Specifies whether to include this render element in deep images.

Color Mapping – When enabled, the Color Mapping options in the render settings are applied to the current render channel.

Consider For AA – When enabled, anti-aliasing is used where possible.

Filtering – Applies the image filter to this channel. Image filter settings are in the Image Sampler tab of the Sampler tab of the  V-Ray Renderer node.

Denoise – Enables the render element's denoising, provided the V-Ray Denoiser render element is present.

Derive Raw Channels – Generates data in the raw channels by combining the respective color and the filter color channels.

VFB Color Corrections – Applies the post render color adjustments made from the VFB.

Common Uses

The Background Render Element is primarily used for layering the Beauty element (or combined render elements) on top of the background image. The Alpha channel can be used to create a matte for such a composite. See below the scene without and with the Background Render Element.



  • When the background is behind a transparent or semi-transparent material such as glass or clear plastic, make sure the Alpha channel is enabled for the material for all render elements; otherwise, the background will not be visible in the render element. For example, when using V-Ray Material for a glass material, set the Affect channels parameter for both Reflection and Refraction to All channels to cause the background to appear in the Background Render Element behind the glass.