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This page provides information on the VRaySamplerInfo node.


The VRaySamplerInfo texture extracts particular information about the scene. It is generally used by connecting it to a VRayRenderElement node set to ExtraTex, thus converting the gathered information into RGB data that we can use for compositing.



UI Path: ||Toolbar|| > V-Ray menu icon > Textures > VRaySamplerInfo





Output – Specifies the type of information to extract. The available options are:

CamToWorld – The transformation from camera to world space.
RayDirection – Indicates the direction in which the current point is seen from the camera. Use this attribute in materials for objects to provide the direction towards the camera for every pixel in the object.
Point – The x,y and z coordinates (in world space) of the point are converted to RGB data.
PointObject – The x,y and z coordinates (in object space) of the point are converted to RGB data.
PointCamera – The x,y and z coordinates (in camera space) of the point are converted to RGB data.
TangentUCamera – Sets the surface tangents in camera space (as opposed to world space or object space). For polygons, the tangents are generally not defined.
TangentVCamera – Sets the surface tangents in camera space (as opposed to world space or object space). For polygons, the tangents are generally not defined.
UvCoord – Extracts the UVs of the object at the particular shaded point.
Flipped_normal – Indicates if the surface normal is flipped, which also tells you which side of the surface Nuke is shading. Turn on or off depending on whether the object is textured differently on either side. 
Material_id – Extracts the material ID at the particular shaded point.
Facing_ratio – Produces a value that varies between 0 and 1 depending on the angle between the surface normal and view direction.
Gnormal – The geometric normal in world space.
NormalObject – The direction of the normal in the particular shaded point in Object space.
Normal Camera – The direction of the normal in the particular shaded point in Camera space.
Normal – The direction of the normal in the particular shaded point in World space.


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