Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
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Table of Contents

This page gives information about Chaos Cosmos Browser in Rhino.


Chaos Cosmos Content System delivers an asset library of high-quality, render-ready 3D content carefully selected from the rich Chaos ecosystem. It allows Chaos users from their respective Chaos products to browse, place, and render 3D assets in their visualization projects. The asset categories span across vegetation, materials, furniture, accessories, lighting fixtures, vehicles, people, animals, architecture, presets (i.e. ready-to-use predefined sets of 3D models like grass and dandelion lawns, tree avenues, river bed, wild bushes, palm forest, hedges, group of people and more), enmesh-patterns and HDRI skies, organized in four main categories and nine spaces. 

 In addition, all assets go through a rigorous process of selection and Chaos quality checks to make sure that they work seamlessly in different Chaos renderers (V-Ray 5 and later, V-Ray GPU, Corona, Vision, as well as Chaos Vantage) and host apps (3ds Max, Cinema 4D, Revit, Rhino, SketchUp, Maya, Houdini, etc).

UI Paths

||V-Ray Asset Editor|| > Open V-Ray Frame Buffer (dropdown menu)> Open Chaos Cosmos Browser

||V-Ray Toolbar|| > Chaos Cosmos (left-click) > Shows the Chaos Cosmos Browser window

Rhino Menus Ribbon

||V-Ray|| > Chaos Cosmos...


Chaos Cosmos Browser is part of the installations of all Chaos renderers - V-Ray, Corona, and Vantage - and does not require any other specific actions. You can access the downloadable content of the Chaos Cosmos Platform from within the host platform once the renderer's installation is complete.


To start using the Chaos Cosmos Browser, you have to sign in. Press the Profile icon at the top-right corner and enter your Chaos credentials in the opened browser tab.

Light theme - Switch your theme from dark to light from the context menu.


Use the menu categories or the filter options to refine your search.

The All Assets dropdown menu provides quick access to Downloaded, Likes, and Updates filters. You can additionally choose between different categories and filters for date, popularity, color, and space. 

The Navigation Bar, available on mouse hover on the browser's top frame, eases your navigation through the Chaos Cosmos pages. Note that when the page is reloaded, the navigation history is lost.

When you choose an asset, you have to download it first. Hover over it and click on the blue icon at the upper-right corner. Another way to download an asset is to click on it. This reveals additional information. You can see the category/space/color of the asset and other relevant additional information.



Once the download is complete, a pop-up window will state that the asset is downloaded successfully. Use the Import button to bring the asset into the host platform and place it wherever you want in the scene.

Note that assets can be reused across different host platforms. They are saved locally at the following directoryC:\Users\[User]\Documents\Chaos Cosmos\Packages.



Another way to place an asset in the scene is to drag & drop it.



Downloaded Cosmos assets are listed in the Asset Editor under the Geometry section. They can be identified by the Cosmos icon. They can be renamed, deleted, used as replacements, moved, and merged.

The Use as replacement/Replace in scene option is possible only for other Cosmos Assets. It replaces all scene instances of the asset. The replaced asset is deleted and is not stored in the Asset Editor.

The status icon () indicates whether the paths to the textures and other external reference files used by the asset are valid. Hover over the icon for more detailed information.

Use Mtl Override - When enabled, the global Material Override option in the Render Settings overrides the asset. When disabled, the asset in the referenced scene is not affected by the Material Override option in the Render Settings.

Viewport Preview - Offers different viewport preview representations of the Chaos Cosmos assets.

High - Displays the original mesh in the viewport. Using this option with heavy meshes and scenes might take longer before the mesh is displayed in the viewport and might slow down Rhino significantly. The process is dependent on the poly-count and the representation is quite detailed.
Bounding Box – Previews are shown as bounding boxes.
Point (Origin) – Previews the mesh with its own point of origin.

Chaos Cosmos assets come with several different levels-of-details (LOD).

V-Ray for Rhino always loads the highest level of detail when rendering Chaos assets.

V-Ray Vision always loads the second-highest level of detail by default - either Medium or Low, depending on the asset.

Chaos assets very far in the background are automatically switched to their lowest level of detail.


Converts the Chaos Cosmos asset to a standard proxy mesh with material assignments and populates the scene with materials and lights. That way, you can edit the asset's materials or IES Light’s parameters. The merge process is irreversible. For more information on proxy meshes, refer to the Proxy Mesh page.

Note that this automatically switches the asset to High LOD, and if you render with V-Ray Vision, the link to Cosmos will be broken and the special LOD assignment used by Vision will no longer be there. Lower level-of-detail (LOD) versions of the proxy mesh that are used by V-Ray Vision will be lost.


Find all light sources, including IES lights in the Chaos Cosmos browser Lighting section.

Lights – Enables the Cosmos Light asset.

Intensity Multiplier - Multiplies the intensity of all instances of the Cosmos asset.

Color Multiplier - Multiplies the color of all instances of the Cosmos asset. For more information regarding the color swatch, refer to the V-Ray Asset Editor page.

Luminaires Enabled - When enabled, Luminaires included in this asset are used for light emission when rendering. When disabled, the original light source is used.

Cosmos assets with light sources are listed in the LightMix render channel.
Cosmos assets that rely on self-illumination through materials, do not have these controls exposed. However, the self-illumination of specific Cosmos assets can be adjusted after merging them by modifying the self-illumination layer parameters of some of their materials.

LightLuminaire lights are available starting with V-Ray 7. They are imported with Cosmos lights marked with "luminaire" tag. After the Cosmos asset is merged, the Luminaire lights become visible in the Asset Editor's Lights section.

Material Overrides

The Material Overrides section displays all materials of Chaos Cosmos 3D Assets, allowing you to replace materials without merging the asset.

Left-click on any Embedded material opens a dropdown list of materials available in the scene. Select one of the available materials to override the current one.


Asset Variants are Cosmos assets that have more than one variations regarding to materials and geometry. Each variation parameter has a label that cannot be changed, taken directly from the Cosmos asset. Some variant choices may show additional options, called sub-variants.

When you select a variant from the dropdown, it will update the Cosmos asset’s viewport, render output, and asset preview. If you change one variant to another, all values in the Lights or Material Overrides sections will reset to their default settings.

Different variants need to be downloaded separately from Cosmos. If an asset is selected, but not downloaded, the preview is unavailable and a warning appears below it. Info is shown when hovering on the warning sign:

Different variants need to be downloaded separately from Cosmos. If an asset is selected, but not downloaded, the preview is unavailable and a warning appears below it. Info is shown when hovering on the warning sign.


Downloaded Chaos Cosmos HDRIs are imported as Bitmap textures and are listed in the Asset Editor under the Textures section. They can be copied, renamed, duplicated, deleted, selected in the scene, and used as a replacement.

For more information on the parameters, refer to the Bitmap page.

To preview the HDRI, assign it to a Dome light. For more information, refer to the Dome Light page.


Use the Import button to add Cosmos Browser Materials to the V-Ray Asset Editor Materials list or drag and drop the material directly on to a scene object.

Use the Import Options button to enable the triplanar mapping function for the selected material. This feature automatically scales materials to their actual size taking into account the scene units.



Starting with V-Ray 6, Cosmos decal assets are supported in Rhino.

The Cosmos Decal material asset consists of a geometry Decal asset coupled with a material asset, which the decal projects. Opacity mask controlling which parts of the material is projected is found in most Cosmos Decal assets. Additional opacity texture can also be added in the Decal mask's slot to adjust the projection manually.

See more information on how to apply Cosmos materials in your scene in the video.

Enmesh Patterns

Starting with V-Ray 6, Update 1, Cosmos Enmesh patterns are supported in V-Ray for Rhino.

The Cosmos Enmesh pattern consists of two geometry assets - Enmesh and Proxy Mesh. The Proxy Mesh shows what the patterns look like in the viewport. The Enmesh asset is applied to an object and can be modified.

Cosmos Enmesh Patterns are automatically applied on import when a scene object is selected. If other Geometries (Displacement, Fur, another Enmesh) have been previously applied to an object, a new Enmesh overrides them.

Drag and drop a Cosmos Enmesh directly in the scene from the Asset Editor or from the Cosmos Browser.

See more information on how the new Enmesh assets work.


Cosmos assets with newer versions on the server have an "update" button in the Asset Editor. Press the update button () to start the update.

Note that the update can change the appearance of the object and the rendered result.

If the asset files are missing, a Download button () is present instead.

The download progress is present next to the button ().

A Refresh button appears when the Cosmos Asset was imported with an older V-Ray version. Perform this action once to update the UI and unlock new features like Material Overrides and Variants. ()

If the asset has more than one version, the Download button downloads the original version and the update button - the newest one.


  • Cosmos geometry assets are displayed and managed as blackboxes - the object and its materials are hidden in a single item listed in the Asset Editor. This means their associated texture and vrmesh files are not displayed in the V-Ray File Path Editor. Merging the asset with the scene for editing is amends this.
  • Scenes with Chaos Cosmos assets can be rendered in V-Ray Vision. Note that by default Vision displays Cosmos assets using their medium level-of-detail (LOD) representation.
  • Scenes with Chaos Cosmos assets can be rendered in Chaos Cloud.
  • Scenes with Chaos Cosmos assets can be exported as .vrscene files. Using such .vrscene files on other systems requires all texture and .vrmesh files used by the Cosmos assets to be manually transferred. It is recommended to either use the Pack Project functionality for a quick grab of the necessary files or alternatively merge the Cosmos assets before exporting a vrscene in order to utilize the V-Ray File Path Editor.
  • Chaos Cosmos assets that contain light sources can be used with Light Mix.
  • At render time, Chaos Cosmos objects work as V-Ray proxies. For more information, refer to the Proxy Mesh page.
  • Chaos Cosmos assets are always in centimeters and they are appropriately scaled according to the current unit system on import. When Cosmos assets are merged their proxy mesh 'Scene Factor' parameter can be used for custom unit conversions.
  • When you use the Pack Project option, a pop-up message appears that asks you whether or not to pack Cosmos asset files with the project. Packing the assets ensures that textures and other external files referenced by Cosmos assets are collected and included in the archive. As a result, the project will be loaded and rendered correctly on other systems even if the same Cosmos assets are not downloaded there. Use this option when submitting projects to a 3rd-party render farm. Cosmos assets will still be available for download on the destination computer even if they are not included in the archive. Cosmos material assets are imported as regular materials. When packing a project, these materials cannot be archived like the Cosmos geometry assets.
  • The asset status icon () is updated upon restart of the license server.
  • See how to work with the Chaos Cosmos Browser by using V-Ray Commands for Rhino.
  • For better results duplicate merged Cosmos Assets directly in Rhino using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V instead of using the "Duplicate" option in the Asset Editor.
  • Starting with V-Ray 6, Update 2, Cosmos IES light assets are supported in Rhino.
  • There is only initial GPU support for Luminaire lights.
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