Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents


V-Ray includes a menu with easy shortcuts to some of the most commonly used V-Ray components.

The menu consists of the following submenus: Asset Editor, Chaos Cloud Collaboration, Chaos Cosmos, File Path Editor, Frame Buffer, Light Gen, Rendering, Lights, Objects, Tools, Preferences, Pack Project, and Help.

V-Ray Menu

Asset EditorOpens the V-Ray Asset Editor.
Chaos Cloud CollaborationOpens the Chaos Cloud Collaboration window.
Chaos CosmosOpens the Chaos Cosmos Browser.
File Path EditorOpens the V-Ray File Path Editor.
Frame BufferOpens the V-Ray Frame Buffer.
Light GenOpens the V-Ray Light Gen.
RenderingOpens the Rendering submenu.
LightsOpens the Lights submenu.


Opens the Objects submenu.
ToolsOpens the Tools submenu.
PreferencesOpens the Preferences submenu..
Pack Project1 2Allows you to create a Zip file that contains the project file and all the associated assets used in the file (textures, environment maps, proxies, linked blocks and their assets, etc).
HelpOpens the Help menu.

Rendering Submenu

This submenu contains shortcuts to general V-Ray components.

Menu Items



Renders the current view with the V-Ray production renderer.

Interactive Render

Starts a V-Ray Interactive Render.

Render on the CloudSubmits the scene to Chaos Cloud.
V-Ray VisionStarts V-Ray Vision. (deprecated feature)
Chaos VantageStarts Chaos Vantage.

Export VRScene

Exports a VRScene for render.

Batch Render

Shows a V-Ray Batch Render panel.

V-Ray Vision is a legacy feature no longer under active development and is planned for removal in the future.

Lights Submenu

This submenu contains shortcuts for creating Lights in V-Ray.



Rectangle Light

Creates a Rectangle Light, also known as Area Light. Specify three points in the viewport to define the rectangle and create the light.

Sphere Light

Creates a Sphere Light. Click in the viewport to define the sphere and create the light.

IES Light

Creates an IES Light. Click in the viewport to define the cone of light.

Spot Light

Creates a Spot Light. Click in the viewport to define the spotlight's cone of light.

Point Light

Creates a Point Light, also known as an Omni Light. Click in the viewport to place the point light.

Dome Light

Creates a Dome Light. Click in the viewport to place the sphere. Rhino will prompt the user to specify a dome light texture.

Sun Light

Creates a Sun Light. Launches a Sun Angle Calculator, then allows the user to specify the sun position.

Directional Light

Creates a Directional Light. Click in the viewport to define the light direction.

Convert to Mesh Light

Converts the selected mesh into a Mesh Light object.

Release Mesh Light Properties

Removes Mesh Light properties from the selection.

Objects Submenu

This submenu contains shortcuts for creating Geometry objects in V-Ray.



Infinite Plane

Creates an Infinite Plane.

Export Proxy

Exports a Proxy object.

Import Proxy or VRScene

Imports a Proxy object or a .vrscene file into the scene.

Add Fur to Selection

Creates a Fur Object. Specify an object in the viewport that the fur will be applied to.

Convert to Clipper

Creates a Mesh Clipper plane.

Add Displacement to SelectionAdds Displacement to selection.
Convert to Scatter Host

Converts selected objects to Scatter hosts.

DecalCreates Decal that projects one material on top of another.
Convert to EnmeshCreates an Enmesh surface object.

Tools Submenu

This submenu contains shortcuts for additional Tool functions.



Camera Focus Tool

Sets camera focus distance based on a point in the model.

Guess Lens Shift

V-Ray will guess the amount of lens shift that has occurred. Note that it is not usable in any default orthogonal view.

Toggle Camera LockLocks camera position and orientation during Interactive Rendering.

Randomize Object IDs

Randomizes the Object IDs for the selected objects.

Convert Rhino Material

Converts Rhino materials to V-Ray materials.

Randomize Material ID Colors 3

Iterates through all V-Ray materials in the project and for each one assigns a randomly generated color to its ID color parameter.

Apply Enscape Settings

Synchronizes Enscape’s environment and illumination - Sunlight, Sky, and Camera exposure settings with V-Ray's.


Opens the external submenu.

External Submenu



GPU Device Selection

Opens the GPU Selection menu.
V-Ray DenoiserOpens the V-Ray denoising tool.
VRMesh ViewerOpens the V-Ray Mesh Viewer.

Preferences Submenu

Enscape CompatibilityEnables the support for Enscape materials and assets. When disabled, Enscape data in the scene is ignored.
Reset VFB StateResets the V-Ray Frame Buffer settings and position to the defaults.

Help Submenu

This submenu contains shortcuts for additional Help.



Online Help

Brings you to the Chaos Group Online help site.

About V-Ray

Opens the About Chaos V-Ray window where you can find information about the installed version. The window also includes links to Chaos website, and information about the V-Ray Asset Editor Session Log, EULA, Chaos Global Privacy Policy and Copyright notices.


Allows you to open the Online license server and to release your license.

Release V-Ray LicenseReleases all V-Ray Licenses.
License ServerLoads the V-Ray Online License Server configuration page in the web browser.

About Chaos V-Ray

The About Chaos V-Ray window is accessible from V-Ray menu > Help > About V-Ray.

The windows shows information about the installed V-Ray version. It also provides links to the following:


  1. With V-Ray 5 for Rhino, the Zip file created via the Pack Project option includes not only the project file and its V-Ray associated assets but also all native Rhino bitmap textures used in the project file. 
  2.  When you use the Pack Project option, a pop-up message appears that asks you whether or not to pack Cosmos asset files with the project.
  3.  The 'Set Material ID Colors to Black' option is removed from the V-Ray menu, but this workflow is still possible when using the command _vraySetMtlID.
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