Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
To ensure uninterrupted access to your licenses, an essential update is required by January 28, 2025. Failure to update your Chaos license server will result in the loss of access to your licenses. For detailed instructions, please visit the FAQ Article.

Table of Contents

Chaos Player has shortcut keys for almost any command you will ever use. In addition to the defaults, users can set their own custom shortcuts.


Default Shortcut Keys

The following table lists the default keys and their function.


Shortcut Key


Ctrl + Delete

Delete selected layer

Ctrl + A

Select all layers

Shift + Page Up

Move selected layer up in the layer stack

Shift + Page Down

Move selected layer down in the layer stack

Shift + Home

Move selected layer to the top of the layer stack

Shift + End

Move selected layer to the bottom of the layer stack

Ctrl + DDeselect layer


Deselect layer


Go to previous frame


Go to next Frame


Go to first frame


Go to last frame






Play backward


Play forward


Play forward


Play backward

Shift + LJump 10 frames forward
Shift + KJump 10 frames backward

Numpad *

Increase fps

Numpad /

Decrease fps


Disable/enable layer color corrections

Shift + C

Disable/enable layer color corrections


Toggle layer visibility

Shift + V

Toggle layer visibility

FToggle full screen


Show/Hide layer stack


Toggle the blend mode of the selected layer between Normal and Difference

Alt + Home

Set the Work Area beginning at current frame

Alt + End

Set the Work Area end at current frame


Go to the selected layer’s In Point


Go to the selected layer’s Out Point

Shift + I

Place In point at current frame

Shift + OPlace Out point at current frame

B, Alt + B

Show blue channel in grayscale

G, Alt + G

Show green channel in grayscale

R, Alt + R

Show red channel in grayscale

A, Alt + A

Show alpha channel

Alt + L*

Show luma channel


Show depth channel

Shift + B

Show blue channel in color

Shift + G

Show green channel in color

Shift + R

Show red channel in color


Align layer’s In Point at current frame


Align layer’s Out Point at current frame

Alt + [

Place In point at current frame

Alt + ]

Place Out point at current frame

Alt + Left

Move selected layer to the left in the time line

Alt + Right

Move selected layer to the right in the time line

Alt + Up

Move selected layer up in the layer stack

Alt + Down

Move selected layer down in the layer stack

Alt + DSelect none
Ctrl + D / cmd + DSelect none
Ctrl + F / cmd + FFlip horizontal
Shift + FFlip vertical

Numpad 5

Toggle zoom factor between 100% and Fit Window

Ctrl + Numpad 5

Reset layer position

Numpad +

Increase zoom factor

Numpad -

Decrease zoom factor

Ctrl + Numpad +

Increase zoom factor

Ctrl + Numpad -

Decrease zoom factor

Shift + Left

Move selected layer to the left in the work space

Shift + Right

Move selected layer to the right in the work space

Shift + Up

Move selected layer upwards in the work space

Shift + Down

Move selected layer downwards in the work space

Shift + A

Sets the work area to match the selected layer

Ctrl + Shift +H

Start the built-in http server


Update all layers


Toggle full screen


Toggle full screen


Show/hide the time line

Ctrl+ Shift+ Left

Move selected layer half its width to the left

Ctrl+ Shift+ Right

Move selected layer half its width to the right

Ctrl+ Shift+ Up

Move selected layer half its height upwards

Ctrl+ Shift+ Down

Move selected layer half its height downwards

Shift + D

Duplicate layer

Ctrl + Shift + D

Duplicate and split layer


Show/hide the property panel

Ctrl + V

Paste the contents of the clipboard as a new layer

Ctrl + Shift + V

Paste the contents of the clipboard as a new Still Image Layer

Ctrl + Alt + V

Paste the image on the clipboard as a new Embedded layer, ignoring other formats

Ctrl + C

Copy the current frame of the selected layer to the clipboard

Ctrl + Shift +C

Copy an image of the mask contents to the clipboard

Ctrl + Alt + C

Copy an image of the window contents to the clipboard


Resize window to fit Work space


Show/hide information bar

Ctrl + L

Add layer


Update frame

Shift + U

Update modified frame

Ctrl + Shift + U

Toggle automatic update


Previous image of a sequence in a still image layer


Next image of a sequence in a still image layer

Ctrl + O

Open Composition

Ctrl + S

Save Composition

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save Composition As…

Ctrl + T

Create new text layer


Flip layer horizontally

Shift + M

Flip layer vertically

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Shift + Z



Crop layer

Shift + K

Crop layer

Shift + Space

Preload layer to cache

Shift + Esc

Stop preload


Toggle Preview Area tooltip

Shift + Alt + Left

Set the target view for the layer to Left

Shift + Alt + Right

Set the target view for the layer to Right

Shift + Alt + Down

Set the target view for the layer to Left

Ctrl + Alt + Left

Display the left view

Ctrl + Alt + Right

Display the right view

Ctrl + Alt + Down

Display both views

Ctrl + Alt + Up

Switches the left and right view

Ctrl + Shift + GAssign a new group to the selected layers

NOTE: The hotkey for Show Luma Channel is updated to Alt + L since Chaos Player Update 1 (version 2.10.00). IF you are using an older version of Chaos Player, the hotkey for this option is L.


Custom Shortcut Keys

In addition to the default shortcut keys, you can define your own. The default shortcut keys are defined in a file named keydefs.txt that can be found in the config folder of the installation directory. The default locations are

  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Chaos Player\config
  • Linux: /usr/ChaosGroup/ChaosPlayer/config
  • macOS: /Applications/ChaosGroup/ChaosPlayer/

You can create your own set of custom shortcut keys by creating a file named keydefs.txt in the user folder of the installation directory and adding your shortcut keys using the commands listed in the Commands Reference.


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