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This page provides information on the VRayObjectProperties.



In addition to the settings in the Render Settings dialog, which are global for the scene, you can set different render settings on a per-object basis. Some of those properties (primary and secondary visibility, visibility to camera etc.) are accessible through the VRayObjectProperties node.


UI Path: ||Select object(s)|| > V-Ray Shelf > Right-click Apply single/multiple object properties nodes to selection

 ||Select object(s)|| > V-Ray Shelf > Right-click Apply single/multiple object properties nodes to selection

||V-Ray Menu|| > V-Ray Object Properties


|Hypershade|| > Create panel > VRay section > Utilities > VRay Object Properties


||Create Render Node|| > VRay section > Utilities > VRay Object Properties






Disable  Disables the Additional Surface Properties, Visibility Options and Matter Properties at once.



Matte Properties

V-Ray has its own matte system. You can control matte properties either on an object level through the VrayObjectProperties node, or on a material level through the special VRayMtlWrapper material.

Matte Surface
– Enabling this option turns the object into a matte object. This means that the object is not directly visible in the scene; instead, the background color is shown in its place. However, the object appears normally in reflections/refractions and generates indirect illumination based on its actual material.

Alpha contribution – Controls how the object appears in the alpha channel. Note that an object doesn't have to be a matte object for this setting to work - the alpha contribution can be changed regardless of whether the object is matte or not. A value of 1.0 means that the object will appear normally in the alpha channel. E.g. if the object is opaque, the alpha is white; if the object is fully transparent, it will not influence the alpha channel at all. A value of 0.0 means that the object, regardless of its actual opacity, will not be present in the alpha channel, although it will be present as normal in the RGB channel. A value of -1.0 means that the object's alpha is cut out from the alpha of the objects behind it. E.g. if the object is fully opaque, its alpha will be black and will be blocking the alpha of the objects behind it, whereas if the object is fully transparent, it will not influence the alpha at all. Note that turning an object into a matte object does not change its appearance in the alpha channel. You need to explicitly change its alpha contribution.This can be mapped by a texture. V-Ray GPU works with a value of either 1 or -1.

Shadows – When enabled, the matte object receives shadows.

Affect alpha – When enabled, makes shadows affect the alpha contribution of the matte surface. Areas in perfect shadow produce white alpha, while completely unoccluded areas produce black alpha. Note that GI shadows (from skylight) are also computed, however GI shadows on matte objects are not supported by the light cache GI engine, when used as primary engine. You can safely use it with matte surfaces as secondary engines.

Shadow Tint Color – Specifies the color of the shadows.

Shadow Brightness – An optional brightness parameter for the shadows on the matte surface. A value of 0.0 makes the shadows completely invisible, while a value of 1.0 shows the full shadows.

Reflection amount – If the material of the object is a reflective V-Ray material, this controls how much of the reflection is visible on the matte object. V-Ray GPU always renders this parameter with a value of 1. 

Refraction amount – If the material of the object is a refractive V-Ray material, this controls how much of the refraction is visible on the matte object. V-Ray GPU always renders this parameter with a value of 1.

GI amount – Controls how much of the indirect illumination received by the object is visible on the matte. V-Ray GPU always renders this parameter with a value of 0.

No GI On Other Mattes – When enabled, causes the object to appear as a matte object in reflections, refractions, GI, etc. for other matte objects. Note that if this is enabled, refractions for the matte object might not be calculated. (The object appears as a matte object to itself and is not able to "see" the refractions on the other side.) Not available with V-Ray GPU.

Matte For Secondary Rays – Normally the base material is used when an object with a VRayMtlWrapper is seen through reflections/refractions. Enable this option, if you want the VRayMtlWrapper to show the environment when seen through reflections/refractions. V-Ray can also do projection mapping to increase the realism.

You can add a V-Ray material override as an Extra V-Ray Attribute to the Shading Group of the VRayMtlWrapper to customize the environment. 


Additional Surface Properties

The properties in this rollout are inactive when working with V-Ray GPU engine.

Use Irradiance Map – When enabled, the irradiance map is used to approximate diffuse indirect illumination for the object. If disabled, brute force GI is used. You can use this for objects in the scene which have small details and are not approximated very well by the irradiance map.

Generate GI – Controls whether the object generates indirect illumination. A multiplier can be specified for the generated indirect illumination.

Receive GI – Controls whether the object receives indirect illumination. A multiplier can be specified for the received indirect illumination.

Generate Caustics – When enabled, the selected objects refracts the light coming from light sources that are caustics generators, so that caustics are produced. Note that in order to generate caustics, an object must have a reflective or refractive material.

Receive Caustics – When enabled, the object becomes a caustic receiver. When light is refracted by objects that generate caustics, the resulting caustics are only visible when they are projected on caustics receivers.

Subdivs Mult. – Specifies a multiplier for the subdivisions of all secondary ray tracing done for the particular surface.

Caustics multiplier – Specifies a multiplier for the caustics generated by the selected object. Note that this value has no effect unless Generate caustics is enabled.

GI surface ID – This number can be used to prevent the blending of light cache samples across different surfaces. If two objects have different GI surface IDs, the light cache samples of the two objects are not blended. This can be useful for preventing light leaks between objects of vastly different illumination.

SSS Surface ID – Used to tell VRayFastSSS2 and VRayAISurface materials that objects with the same ID need to share the same illumination samples when using raytraced multiple scattering. This avoids illumination seams between those objects.



The properties in this rollout are inactive when working with V-Ray GPU engine.

Generate Render Elements – This option can include or exclude the selected object(s) from certain Render Elements on a per-object basis. When disabled, the selected object's information is excluded from the following Render Elements, when they are added to the scene from the Render Elements tab:


Visibility Options

Visible to GI – When disabled, the object is considered perfectly transparent to GI rays. 

Primary Visibility – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to camera rays. This option is inactive when working with V-Ray CUDA engine.

Visible in reflections – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to reflection rays.

Visible in refractions – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to refraction rays.

Cast shadows – When disabled, the object appears perfectly transparent to shadow rays. When disabled, the object no longer affects the GI.

Receive shadows – When disabled, the object does not receive shadows. This option is inactive when working with V-Ray CUDA engine.


Object ID

Override object ID – When enabled, allows the user to manually specify the object ID value.

Object ID – Specifies an ID for the object. This is used by the MultiMatte render element which creates selection masks based on Object IDs.



Exclude Lists

The Exclude lists options are used for including or excluding objects from reflection and refraction calculations. This rollout is inactive when using V-Ray CUDA engine.

Use Reflection Exclude List – Enables the Reflection Exclude list below.

As Inclusive List – When enabled, reverses the meaning of the Reflection Exclude list, making it an inclusive list.

Reflection Exclude – An exclude list that allows the user to specify which objects are going to be visible in the reflections of the current object. Shading Groups can be excluded when using the VRayObjectProperties node in the Hypershade.

Use Refraction Exclude List – Enables the Refraction Exclude list below.

As Inclusive List – When enabled, reverses the meaning of the Refraction Exclude list, making it an inclusive list. 

Refraction Exclude – An exclude list that allows the user to specify which objects are visible in the refractions of the current object. Shading Groups can be excluded when using the VRayObjectProperties node in the Hypershade.




Motion Blur Samples

Override Motion Blur Samples – When disabled, the Geometry Samples value is taken from the global Camera Overrides rollout. When enabled, the number of geometry samples is taken from the Motion blur samples parameter below.

When VRayObjectProperties is used on a VRayScene node, the Override Motion Blur Samples option has no effect, as it is baked to the VRayScene and cannot be changed.

Motion Blur Samples – If Override Motion Blur Samples is enabled, this specifies the number of geometry samples for the objects that have this VRayObjectProperties applied.


Skip Rendering


Override Skip Rendering – When enabled, overrides the skip rendering flag set by Transform Attributes.

Skip Rendering – When enabled, the objects below the transform is not included in the V-Ray scene and is not rendered.



  • When creating a matte object with VRayObjectProperties and using V-Ray GPU, please note the following:
    • Alpha Contribution should be set to -1.0;
    • The Matte Surface On, Affect Alpha and Shadows options should be enabled.
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