This page provides an overview on using V-Ray Lights with Nuke.
While V-Ray supports some standard Nuke lights, V-Ray also includes a set of lights designed specifically for rendering with the V-Ray engine.
UI Path: ||Toolbar|| > V-Ray menu icon > Lights
Light Icons at a Glance
Light Types
The following light node can be created from the V-Ray Lights menu:
- Ambient Light | VRayLightAmbient - Creates light that doesn't come from a specific direction. It can be used to simulate GI, ambient occlusion, etc.
- Dome Light | VRayLightDome - Used for image based lighting. The light comes from a hemispherical dome above the y-axis of the light.
- Photometric Light | VRayLightIES - Uses an .ies file to specify the shape of the light. An .ies file contains complete specifications of a real world light bulb or tube.
- Mesh based Light | VRayLightMesh - Creates direct mesh-based lighting in your scene. Using this feature allows you to create light sources that have volume and shape without the need to use self illuminated objects and global illumination.
- Rectangle or Area Light | VRayLightRect - A light source with the shape of a planar rectangle.
- Sphere or Point Light | VRayLightSphere - A light source with the shape of a sphere.
- Spotlight | VRayLightSpot - A spotlight light source that can be used to create physically accurate lights.
- Sun and Sky System | VRaySunSky - Reproduces the real-life Sun and Sky environment of the Earth.