This page introduces the render settings in V-Ray for Rhino.
V-Ray Settings provide control over the parameters that adjust the rendering process. They can be accessed from the Asset Editor in the Settings tab.
V-Ray Settings are organized in two panels - the main one exposes the default options for a scene setup. The default options usually work for different scenes, but if access to more advanced options is needed, the right-hand side panel of the Asset Editor provides those.
Note that the displayed options in the Advanced settings rollouts change in accordance with the settings from the Default panel. The exposed controls vary depending on the combination of selections between CPU/GPU, Interactive/Production, and Progressive/Bucket options. Changing the Quality preset from the Render rollout sets a number of options with appropriate values for the selected preset. Generally, the Quality presets will work for a wide variety of scenes and you do not need to adjust the settings any further.
UI Path
||V-Ray Asset Editor|| > Settings
The settings in some of the rollouts are organized in Basic and Advanced mode. You can switch the mode from the toggle button () located next to the rollout title or globally from the Configuration rollout.
- The Advanced Camera Parameters rollout can be found on the Camera settings page. The Denoiser rollout can be found under the Render Elements page. The Animation rollout toggle remains grayed out unless an animation is set up in Rhino. For more information, see the Animation rollout page.
- You can restore, save and load V-Ray settings (in a .vropt file format) from the bottom three buttons in the Settings panel area. The three options are Load Render Settings from File..., Save Render Settings to File..., and Revert to Default Render Settings. These options are inactive during rendering.