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Table of Contents

This page provides information about the Camera/Postprocessing tab in the Render settings window. 


The Camera/Postprocessing tab includes the settings that affect the rendered image.

UI Path: ||Render settings window|| > Corona > Camera/Postprocessing tab

Tone mapping

Configure – Launches the tone mapping settings dialog. The available tone mapping controllers are:

Green-Magenta Tint
Photographic Exposure
Simple Exposure
White balance
Advanced Filmic Mapping
Filmic Mapping
Tone Curve
Reinhard Highlight Compression
ACES Output Transform

Basic photographic settings

ISO – The ISO is the camera's sensor light sensitivity, and it stands for International Organization for Standardization. Using higher ISO values increases the sensor light sensitivity, resulting in brighter images, but at the same time, it introduces more visible noise (grain) to the image.

Shutter speed [1/s] – The shutter speed controls the time that the camera's shutter is open, allowing light to be captured by the camera's sensor. This time could be either a fraction of a second or more than one whole second. When using a long shutter speed (in other words, exposing the camera's sensor for a significant period of time) and objects are moving, this results in blurred objects along the direction of motion; this is also known as motion blur. This effect is commonly used to communicate the sense of speed or motion. On the other hand, when using a fast shutter speed value (a small fraction of time), you could almost eliminate the object's motion, even from fast-moving objects like cars driving past.

F-stop – The f-stop value, also known as the f-number, is the ratio between the lens focal length and the aperture's diameter. The f stands for focal length and it is written as a fraction; in other words, think of an aperture of f/16 as 1/16 (one-sixteenth), or an aperture of f/8 is 1/8 (one-eighth). Using this same logic, an aperture of f/8 is larger than an aperture of f/16.

For example, if you have a 50mm f/2.8 lens, and the f-stop value is set to f/4, then the diameter of the aperture blades (or diaphragm) in your lens will be 12.5 mm (50mm / 4), whereas setting the f-stop at f/16, the diameter will be only 3.5 mm (50mm / 16), and so on.

Sensor width [mm] – This value describes the physical width of the camera's sensor. The sensor size can be measured in mm or inches. A full-frame sensor measures 36 x 24mm (W x h), and a four-thirds sensor ("4/3") measures 17 x 13mm (W x h).

The ISO, Shutter speed, and F-stop values will only work if the Photographic exposure control is loaded in the Tone mapping section.

Bloom and glare

Size – This is the size of bloom and glare effect in the percentage of render size.

Bloom intensity – Linear scaling of the bloom effect (large, soft glow around bright areas); values greater than 0.0 enable the effect.

Glare intensity – Linear scaling of the glare effect (more focused glow with streaks); values greater than 0.0 enable the effect.

Color intensity – Adds color variation to the glare effect for additional artistic control.

Color shift – Alternates the colors created by the Color intensity option.

Use legacy (v5) effect – Reproduces the bloom and glare behavior from a previous version.

Threshold – Only pixels brighter than this threshold are affected by bloom and glare. Increase this value to make the effect more localized around the brightest light sources only.

Streak count – Sets the number of streaks in the glare effect.

Rotation [°] – Alters the rotation of the glare effect.

Streak blur – Controls blurring of all streaks in the glare effect. A value equal to 0.0 results in very sharp streaks, while a value equal to 1.0 leads to over-blurred streaks.


Sharpening amount – Applies sharpening to the image. Increasing this amount leads to a sharper image, while setting the amount to zero switches off this filter.

Blur radius – Sets the pixel radius used during blurring. Higher values lead to a greater blurring effect.

Sharpening radius – Sets the pixel radius used during sharpening. Higher values lead to more extensive sharpening.

All sharpening/blurring controls can be interactively changed during/after rendering in the VFB window.

Depth of field

Perspective view focus distance – Determines the focal point distance measured from the camera to the end of the camera's frustum (a.k.a. camera's cone).

Aperture shape – Sets the aperture shape that influences the out-of-focus blur called bokeh. The options are:

Circular – Uses a circular aperture.
Bladed The result is a polygonal aperture with a given number of sides (blades).
Custom Uses a custom aperture shape defined by a shader or a texture map.

Bokeh center bias – Introduces an offset for the bokeh effect. Values between -5 and 5 can be used here.

Bokeh vignetting – Introduces a vignette around the bokeh effect. Values between -3 and 3 can be used here.

Bokeh anisotropy – Deforms the bokeh effect. Depending on the value used, it can be deformed on one axis or another. For this option, values between -0.999 and 0.999 can be used.

Motion blur

Enable camera – Enables motion blur due to camera movement. For a complete motion blur solution, you need to enable objects motion blur as well.

Enable objects – Enables motion blur due to the movement of scene geometry. For a complete motion blur solution, you need to enable camera motion blur as well.

Transformation segments – Quality of the non-linear rigid (transformation) motion blur. Increasing this value increases the quality at the expense of some rendering speed and memory usage. Setting this value too low can result in movement stutter and/or artifacts.

Frame Offset – Offsets the time interval from which the motion blur effect is generated. The value is defined in frames, with 0 meaning that the center of the interval is exactly in the current frame, -1 meaning that the entire interval happens just before the current frame, and 1 meaning the entire interval happens just after the current frame.

When using object motion blur with dynamics, the simulation should be cached to prevent artifacts in the final render.

Use shutter curve – When enabled, the shutter curve allows fine-tuning the movement and look of how the motion blur results will appear in the rendered image. This simulates how fast or slow the shutter opens for each frame and enforces a good sense of motion on your subject.

To learn more about it, see also: Camera Motion Blur Shutter Curve

Video: Motion Blur Shutter Curve Examples

Other Render settings tabs

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