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Table of Contents

This page offers information about the Environment tab in Chaos Vantage.


The Environment tab offers properties for the environment setup.

You can use the right mouse button click to reset the parameters numeric values to defaults.

Scene sub-state

Scene sub-state – A dropdown list of all scene environment sub-states.

Create (Vantage_CCtab_CreateSubState.png) – Creates a new scene environment sub-state.

Update (Vantage_CCtab_UpdateSubState.png) – Updates a scene environment sub-state.

Delete (Vantage_CCtab_DeleteSubState.png) – Deletes a scene environment sub-state. Double-click to delete.

Note that the default scene sub-state cannot be updated or deleted.



Environment mode – Specifies the mode which will be used for scene lighting:

Texture – Enables the use of an environment texture for lighting.

Solid Color – Enables the use of a solid color for lighting.

Physical Sky – Enables the use of a sky texture for lighting. Available only when the imported .vrscene has VRaySky texture.

Texture Mode parameters:

Load environment – Loads an image for Environment.

RGB color space – Specifies the RGB color space of the environment texture.

Auto – The color space is deduced by the file's name.

Raw – No transformation is applied to R|G|B colors.

sRGB The loaded image is considered in sRGB color space.

ACEScg – The loaded image is considered in ACEScg color space.

Flip horizontally – Flips the environment image horizontally.

Clamp to 1 – Clamps the colors of the Environment texture to a value of 1.

Rotation – Specifies a rotation angle in degrees for the Environment texture.

Intensity – Specifies the intensity of the Environment lighting.


Texture mode

Solid Color Mode parameters:

Color – Specifies the Environment color.

Intensity – Specifies the intensity of the Environment lighting.


Solid color mode

Physical Sky Mode parameters:

Intensity – Specifies the intensity of the Environment lighting.

Sky model – Specifies the use of location coordinates, date and time of day to control the sun position.

Preetham et al. – The sky procedural texture is generated based on the Preetham et al. model.
CIE Clear – The sky procedural texture is generated based on the CIE method for a clear sky.
CIE Overcast – The sky procedural texture is generated based on the CIE method for a cloudy sky.
Hosek et al. – The sky procedural texture is generated based on the Hosek et al. model.
PRG Clear Sky (old) – The sky procedural texture is generated based on the PRG Clear Sky model (prior to V-Ray 7) which has enhanced sunrise and sunset sky.
PRG Clear Sky – The sky procedural texture is generated using the updated PRG Clear Sky method. The updated PRG Clear Sky allows for rendering the sky at various observer altitudes, up to several kilometers controlled by the Altitude parameter. It also supports rendering of nautical twilight effects with sun positions up to 12 degrees below the horizon. Additionally, it features enhanced turbidity control, enabling the rendering of sky conditions with turbidity values ranging from 1.81 to 4.89.

Ground albedo – Sets the color of the ground.

Indirect hor illum – Specifies the intensity (in lx) of the illumination on horizontal surfaces coming from the sky. This parameter is enabled when one of the CIE Sky Models(CIE Clear, CIE Overcast) are selected.

Blend angle – Specifies the angle in degrees where blending will occur between the horizon line and sky. Values close to 0.0 produce a sharper horizon line, while larger values produce a softer horizon line.

Horizon offset – Allows you to manually lower the horizon line.

Turbidity – Determines the amount of dust in the air, which in turn affects the color of the sun and sky. Smaller values produce a clear, blue sky and sun similar to what is seen in rural areas, while larger values make the sun and sky more yellow and orange.

Altitude – Controls the observer's altitude in meters. As the altitude increases, sky clarity improves, and the horizon line becomes less defined.

Ozone – Affects the color of the sun light. Available in the range between 0.0 and 1.0. Smaller values make the sunlight more yellow, while larger values make it bluer.


Physical sky mode 


The Sun settings are grouped into basic and advanced settings tabs.

Vantage_Sun_BasicIcon.png – Basic settings tab.

Vantage_Sun_AdvancnedIcon.png – Advanced settings tab.

Basic settings

Enabled – Turns on and off the sun light.

Color – Changes the color of the sun and depends on the Color mode parameter.

Intensity – Specifies the intensity of the sun and can be used to reduce the default brightness. 

Sun size mult. – Controls the visible size of the sun disc. This value can be used to control shadow softness cast from objects. Lower values produce sharp shadows, while large values produce softer shadows. 

Color mode – Affects the way the color in the Color parameter affects the color of the sun.

Filter – Shifts the hue of the sun towards the color specified in the Color parameter. 
Direct – Sets the color of the sun to match the color in the Color parameter. In this case, the intensity of the light does not depend on the V-Ray Suns position in the sky and is controlled through the Intensity parameter. 
Override – Sets the color of the sun to match the color in the Color parameter but the intensity of the light still depends on the sun's position in the sky.


Sun position mode – Specifies the control mode for the sun's position in the sky.

Manual – Specifies a manual control of the sun position using the Rotate (Vantage_TopToobar_Rotate.png) transform tool.
Altitude/Azimuth – Specifies the use of Altitude and Azimuth values to control the sun's position.
Geolocation – Specifies the use of location coordinates, date and time of day to control the sun position.
Animated Geolocation – Specifies the use of location coordinates, date and time of day to control the sun position that can be animated in the Sun track in the animation editor.


Manual mode

Altitude/Azimuth Mode parameters:

Altitude – Sets the altitude position (in degrees) of the sun in the sky.
Azimuth – Sets the azimuth position (in degrees) of the sun in the sky.


Altitude/Azimuth mode

Geolocation Mode parameters:

North offset – Sets the altitude position (in degrees) of the sun in the sky.
Geo coordinatesDefines the latitude and positions of the scene over the Earth globe.
Day / Month / Year – Specifies the day/month/year for which to compute the sun position.
Hours / Minutes – Specifies the hours/minutes for which to compute the sun position.
Time zone – Specifies the current time zone of the scene. The Time Zone is not set automatically based on Latitude/Longitude values.
Daylight saving time – When enabled, compensates for Daylight Saving Time(DST).


Geolocation mode

Animated Geolocation Mode parameters:

Set start keyframe – Sets the current Day / Month / Year and Hours / Minutes values at the start of the sun animation track.
Set end keyframe
– Sets the current Day / Month / Year and Hours / Minutes values at the end of the sun animation track.
North offset
– Sets the altitude position (in degrees) of the sun in the sky.
Geo coordinates – Defines the latitude and longitude positions of the scene over the Earth globe.
Day / Month / Year – Specifies the day/month/year for which to compute the sun position.
Hours / Minutes – Specifies the hours/minutes for which to compute the sun position.
Time zone – Specifies the current time zone of the scene. The Time Zone is not set automatically based on Latitude/Longitude values.
Daylight Saving Time – When enabled, compensates for Daylight Saving Time(DST).

Note that only Day / Month / Year and Hours / Minutes can be animated in the Sun animation track.


Animated Geolocation mode

Advanced settings

Shadows – When enabled (the default), the light casts shadows. Turn this option off to disable shadow casting for the light. The value moves the shadow toward or away from the shadow-casting object(s). Higher values move the shadow toward the object(s), while lower values move it away. If this value is too extreme, shadows can "leak" through places they shouldn't or "detach" from an object. Other effects from extreme values include Moire patterns, out-of-place dark areas on surfaces, and shadows not appearing at all in the rendering.

Affect diffuse – Determines whether the light affects the diffuse portion of the materials. The value controls the light's contribution to the diffuse portion of the materials.

Affect specular – Determines whether the light affects the specular portion of the materials. The value controls the light's contribution to specular reflections.



Enable clouds – Enables the cloud system.

Ground  shadows – When enabled, casts shadows from the clouds.

Improved shading – Enables more accurate shadowing of clouds by other clouds. Note that the results are better in offline rendering.

Density – Specifies the density of the cumulus and stratus types of clouds. A value of 100% fills up the sky with clouds.

Variety – Specifies the variety of the cumulus and stratus types of clouds.

Cirrus amount – Specifies the amount of cirrus clouds in the sky. The maximum value of 1 fills the sky with cirrus clouds. When set to 0, the cirrus clouds are completely gone.

Number of contrails – Specifies the number of airplane contrails visible in the sky.

Offset X – Moves the cloud system on the X axis.

Offset Y – Moves the cloud system on the Y axis.

Phase X – Specifies the phase by X axis, can be used to fine-tweak the cumulus and stratus clouds appearance. The appearance of the clouds loops at 0, 100, 200, etc.

Phase Y – Specifies the phase by Y axis, can be used to fine-tweak the cumulus and stratus clouds appearance. The appearance of the clouds loops at 0, 100, 200, etc.

Start height – Specifies the clouds staring height position.

Thickness – Specifies the height of the cloud layer. Lower values make the cumulus and stratus types of clouds thin and sheer/lucent, while higher values make them full and heavy.

The Cloud settings are available only when the Sky mode is set to Physical.



Cloud wind direction angle – Specifies the direction from which the wind originates. 

Cloud wind intensity – Specifies the wind strength.

Affect vegetation – If the scene includes compatible assets like animated trees, they swing with the wind. It is recommended to use this with the DLSS or Vantage denoiser in interactive mode.

Vegetation wind intensity – Specifies the wind strength for animated vegetation.

The Cloud wind direction angle and Cloud wind intensity are available only when the Sky mode is set to Physical and the Enable clouds is on.


Enable fog – Enables aerial perspective fog to be applied in the scene.

Fog visibility range – Specifies the distance in km at which the fog has absorbed 90% of the light coming from objects behind it. Lower values make the fog appear denser, while larger values reduce the effect.
Fog height – Specifies the height of the fog layer in meters.
Fog start distance – Specifies the distance from the camera at which the fog starts.
Fog max opacity – Specifies the maximum opacity of the fog. A value of 1 means the fog is completely opaque, while 0 means the fog is invisible.
Fog color – Specifies the color of the fog layer.


Enable fog 2 – Enables a second aerial perspective fog to be applied in the scene.

Fog visibility range (2) – Specifies the distance in km at which the second fog has absorbed 90% of the light coming from objects behind it. Lower values make the fog appear denser, while larger values reduce the effect.
Fog height (2) – Specifies the height of the second fog layer in meters.
Fog start distance (2) – Specifies the distance from the camera at which the second fog starts.
Fog max opacity (2) – Specifies the maximum opacity of the second fog. A value of 1 means the fog is completely opaque, while 0 means the fog is invisible.
Fog color (2) – Specifies the color of the second fog layer.


Enable scattering fog – Enables scattering volumetric fog.

Fog color – Specifies the color of the fog when it is illuminate by light sources.

Fog distance – Specifies the fog density. Larger values make the fog more transparent, while smaller values make it denser.

Fog transparency – Specifies the color of the volumetric shadows and the tint for the objects seen through the fog. Brighter colors make the fog more transparent, while darker colors make it denser at a distance given by the Fog distance parameter. 

Fog emission – Specifies the fog emission (self-illumination). You can use this parameter to substitute the ambient illumination inside the fog, instead of using GI.

Fog heightSpecifies the height of the fog in meters.

Fog start – Specifies the distance from the camera at which the scattering fog starts.

Fog end – Specifies the distance from the camera at which the scattering fog ends.

Fog light boost – Specifies a multiplier for lights that affect the scattering fog.

Fog max opacity – Specifies the maximum opacity of the scattering fog while keeping the "light shaft" effect. A value of 1 means the fog is completely opaque, while 0 means the fog is invisible.

Affect secondary rays – Enables or disables the tracing of secondary rays through the volumetric.

Scatter GI – When enabled, the fog also scatters global illumination. Note that this can be quite slow. In many cases, global illumination within the fog can be substituted with a simple emission term.

Scatter only infinite direct lights – When enabled, the scattering fog is affected only by directional and sun lights.

Texture mode – Specifies a texture mode to control the scattering fog's density. Available options are Off, Built-in smoke density, and From V-Ray scene.


Built-in Smoke Density Mode parameters:

Smoke size – Specifies the size of the smoke "clusters" in meters.

Smoke num iterations – Specifies how many times the fractal function is applied. The higher the value, the more detail within the smoke, but the longer the calculation time.

Smoke exponent – Specifies the sharpness of the smoke. Higher values make the smoke sharper and more wispy.

Ground fog – When enabled, adds an additional scattering fog.

Ground fog distance – Specifies the ground fog density. Larger values make the fog more transparent, while smaller values make it denser and more opaque.

Ground fog height – Specifies the height of the ground fog in meters.

Ground fog transition – Specifies the transition falloff height of the ground fog in meters.

Raymarch step size – Specifies the size of one step through the volume. Smaller steps produce more accurate results but are slower to render. In general, dense volumes require smaller step sizes than more transparent volumes. In practice, step sizes that are two to three times smaller than the Fog distance parameter work well.

Raymarch cutoff threshold – Specifies the number of texture samples for each step through the volume. This allows to sample textures more accurately than the volumetric lighting. It is useful in cases where the textures vary much faster than the lighting itself (e.g. for detailed fractal textures).

Raymarch max steps – Specifies the maximum number of steps through the volume.


Built-in smoke density mode

From V-Ray Scene Mode parameters:

Ground fog – When enabled, adds an additional scattering fog.

Ground fog distance – Specifies the ground fog density. Larger values make the fog more transparent, while smaller values make it denser and more opaque.

Ground fog height – Specifies the height of the ground fog in meters.

Ground fog transition – Specifies the transition falloff height of the ground fog in meters.

Raymarch step size – Specifies the size of one step through the volume. Smaller steps produce more accurate results but are slower to render. In general, dense volumes require smaller step sizes than more transparent volumes. In practice, step sizes that are two to three times smaller than the Fog distance parameter work well.

Raymarch cutoff threshold – Specifies the number of texture samples for each step through the volume. This allows to sample textures more accurately than the volumetric lighting. It is useful in cases where the textures vary much faster than the lighting itself (e.g. for detailed fractal textures).

Raymarch max steps – Specifies the maximum number of steps through the volume.


From V-Ray scene mode

Ambient settings

Ambient light color – Specifies a color for the ambient light.

Ambient light intensity – Specifies a multiplier for the ambient light intensity.

Ambient occlusion – Enables the rendering of global ambient shadows.

Occluded color – Specifies the color to be returned for occluded areas.

Unoccluded color – Specifies the color to be returned for unoccluded areas.

Radius – Determines the amount of area (in scene units) where ambient shadows are produced.

Distribution – Forces the rays to gather closer to the surface normal. The effect is that the shadow area is being narrowed closer to the contact edges.

Invert – When enabled, swaps the colors for the occluded and unoccluded areas.

Double sided – Enables tracing of rays for both the front and back face of a surface.



Mode – Specifies the mode which will be used for the background. Note that the Background texture is not used for lighting and glossy reflections.

Same as environment – Uses the specified Environment source.

Solid color – Uses a solid color for the background.

Image – Uses an image as a background.


Same as environment mode

Solid Color Mode parameters:

Color – Specifies a color as a background.

Intensity – Specifies the intensity for the background image/color.

Use for refraction/mirror reflection – When enabled, the background override is used for both refraction and perfect (glossiness=1) reflection rays.


Solid color mode

Image Mode parameters:

Color – Specifies a color as a background when Background Image is empty. When a background image is loaded through the Load background option, the color has no effect.

Load background – Specifies an image to use as a background.

RGB color space – Specifies the RGB color space of the background image.

Auto – The color space is deduced by the file's name.
Raw – No transformation is applied to R|G|B colors.
sRGB  The loaded image is considered in sRGB color space.
ACEScg – The loaded image is considered in ACEScg color space.

Mapping – Specifies the mapping method for the image - spherical or screen.

Rotation – Specifies a rotation angle in degrees for the background image. Available when Spherical is set for Mapping.

Flip horizontally – Reverses the image along the vertical axis, swapping the left and right sides. The vertical position remains unchanged. In short, the image is flipped horizontally.

Fit Controls how the environment texture is mapped to the camera view. It offers three modes: 

Inside – Maps the environment texture to fit the camera view height while keeping the texture proportions.
Outside – Maps the environment texture to fit the camera view width while keeping the texture proportions.
Stretch – Stretches the environment texture to fit the camera view without keeping the texture proportions.

Intensity – Specifies the intensity for the background image/color.

Use for refraction/mirror reflection – When enabled, the background override is used for both refraction and perfect (glossiness=1) reflection rays.


Image mode

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