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The Self Illumination Render Element stores the illumination of any self-illuminated materials in the scene.


The Self Illumination Render Element isolates self-illuminated materials, including V-Ray Mesh Lights, objects with the VRayLightMtl, and any objects with Self-Illumination enabled in their V-Ray material. This render element is useful for brightening or color-correcting self-illuminated materials in the final composite.

For example, the material VRayMtl has a parameter for self-illumination. If this parameter is set to a non-black color value, this render element will show the results of the self-illumination.

UI Path: ||Display Render Settings button|| > Render Elements tab > Self Illumination




To use render elements, select from the Available render elements column and click the Add button to add the passes you wish to generate at render time. When you render the scene, the added render elements listed in the column on the right, will also render, which can be viewed from the VFB window's channel drop-down menu.

For more information on the parameters on this dialog, see the Render Elements tab page.



The parameters for this render element appear in the Attribute Editor under Extra V-Ray Attributes.

Enabled – When enabled, the render element appears in the V-Ray frame buffer.

Deep output – Specifies whether to include this render element in deep images.

Filename suffix – The text added to the end of the rendered file, when saved as a separate file (e.g. myrender.selfIllum.vrimg).

Apply color mapping – Applies the color mapping options specified in the Color mapping rollout of the VRay tab in the Render Settings window to this render element. This option is enabled by default.

Denoise – Enables the render element's denoising, provided the Denoiser render element is present.



Common uses

The Self Illumination Render Element is useful for changing the appearance of self-illuminated surfaces after rendering in compositing or image editing software. Below are two examples of its use.



Self Illumination Render Element


Original Beauty Composite




Self Illumination Render Element with added glow


Tinted Self Illumination Render Element with added glow




Self Illumination with added glow


Color of self-illuminated surface changed in composite






Compositing Formula

vrayRE_Self_Illumination + Beauty = Final Image





  • This element contains only the light geometry itself, not the light emitted from it. Lighting information is contained in the Lighting Render Elements.
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