
Important: Update Your Chaos License Server by January 28, 2025
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Table of Contents

This page provides information on the V-Ray menu integrated in 3ds Max interface.


V-Ray includes a menu with easy shortcuts to some of the most commonly used V-Ray components. The menu can be accessed in the 3ds Max menu bar.

The menu consists of several different submenu's:

  • V-Ray VFB
  • V-Ray Lister
  • Create
  • Submit to Chaos Cloud
  • Chaos Cosmos browser
  • Enscape .vrscene importer
  • .vrscene exporter
  • .vrmesh exporter
  • .vrmat exporter
  • Converters
  • Licensing
  • Help


V-Ray Menu

V-Ray VFBOpens the V-Ray Frame Buffer.
CreateOpens the Create submenu, where you can create geometry, lights, cameras, helpers, modifiers, and materials.
V-Ray ListerOpens the V-Ray Lister, where you can manage all lights and cameras in the scene.
Submit to Chaos CloudOpens the Submit to Chaos Cloud rendering window, where you can submit your job and render it in Chaos Cloud Rendering.
Chaos Cosmos browserOpens the Chaos Cosmos Browser, where you can find various assets ready for use.
Enscape .vrscene importerOpens the Enscape .vrscene importer, where you can import geometry, shading, lights, and cameras in your 3ds Max scene from .vrscene files exported by Enscape.
.vrscene exporterOpens the V-Ray Scene Exporter standalone tool.
.vrmesh exporterOpens the VRay mesh export window.
.vrmat exporterOpens the VRmat Exporter submenu.
ConvertersOpens the V-Ray Scene Converter submenu.
LicensingOpens the Licensing submenu.
HelpOpens the Help submenu.

The new V-Ray Converter window is available for 3ds Max versions 2022 and later. For previous 3ds Max versions, the old converters are available.

Create Submenu


Opens a geometry submenu where you can create:

V-Ray Proxy

V-Ray Decal

V-Ray Fur

V-Ray Metaball

V-Ray Sphere

V-Ray Clipper

V-Ray Instancer

V-Ray Plane

V-Ray VolumeGrid


Opens a lights submenu where you can create:

V-Ray Plane Light 

 V-Ray Dome Light 

 V-Ray Sphere Light

V-Ray Mesh Light 

 V-Ray IES Light 

 V-Ray Ambient Light 

 V-Ray Sun Light


Opens a cameras submenu where you can create:

V-Ray Physical Camera

V-Ray Dome Camera


Opens a helpers submenu where you can create:

V-Ray Light Meter

V-Ray Stereoscopic


Opens a modifiers submenu where you can apply:

V-Ray Displacement Mod

V-Ray Enmesh Mod

V-Ray Ornatrix Mod

V-Ray HairFarm Mod


Opens a modifiers submenu where you can create:







.vrmat exporter Submenu

Material from selected objects

Exports materials from selected objects to:

to a single .vrmat file Opens a browser for saving a single file; name and location are required.

to separate .vrmat files Opens a browser for saving multiple files; folder selection is required. The separate files inherit the original material names from 3ds Max.

All scene materials

Exports all materials from the scene:

– to a single .vrmat file – Opens a browser for saving a single file; name and location are required.

– to separate .vrmat files – Opens a browser for saving multiple files; folder selection is required. The separate files inherit the original material names from 3ds Max.

Pick from Material Editor

Opens the Material Editor for picking a material and then opens a browser for saving a single file; name and location are required.

Licensing Submenu

Set local license settingsOpens a window where you can change your Chaos License Server settings.
Manage Chaos License ServerOpens Chaos License Server.

Help Submenu

Get started with V-RayOpens V-Ray for 3ds Max online learning resources such as tutorials and webinars.
Help docsOpens the V-Ray for 3ds Max online documentation.
Submit a support requestOpens Chaos Help Center, where you can contact the Chaos Support team.
Chaos ForumOpens Chaos Forum.
V-Ray Ideas portalOpens the V-Ray Ideas portal page.
3ds Max integration

Opens 3ds Max integration submenu with the following options:

– Register V-Ray menus - Registers the V-Ray menus, it's equivalent to the registerVRayMenus() MaxScript command.

– Set default MAX V-Ray UI


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