© Taichi Kobayashi

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Table of Contents

This page provides a list of the render elements supported in V-Ray for Houdini.



The following render elements are supported by V-Ray. All render elements support native V-Ray materials, while some render elements also support standard Houdini materials, as noted in the table below.

Note: In order to render a correct Raw render pass, you need to also render the corresponding main element and filter. For example, Raw Reflection requires you to render Reflection and Reflection Filter. For Raw GI, you need GI and Diffuse, etc.

Supported Render Elements

Render elementHoudini node nameColor Depth of EXR floating-point channels*Description
AlphaV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitAlpha transparency.


V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitAtmospheric effects, such as Environment Fog.


V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitImage background, such as any Background Texture specified in the Environment overrides.

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16bit/32bitExpands as all beauty elements for the actual rendering.

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16bit/32bitExpands as all beauty elements for the actual rendering, Raw elements included.
Bump Normals

V-Ray RenderChannelBumpNormals

16bit/32bitNormals generated by bump maps, in screen space (which is not the same as camera space). Use the V-Ray Sampler texture as an input for the V-Ray Extra Texture render element to get the normals in camera, world or object space.


V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitThe caustics on the material. These caustics are present only when the Caustics option of V-Ray is enabled. This channel does not include GI caustics.
CoatV-Ray RenderChannelCoat16bit/32bitDirect surface specular highlights coming from the V-Ray Material Coat layer used in the scene.
Coat FilterV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitReflection filter for V-Ray Material Coat layer.
Coat GlossinessV-Ray RenderChannelGlossiness16bit/32bitReturns a float value that corresponds with the Coat Glossiness value of the V-Ray Material Coat layer.
Coat ReflectionV-Ray RenderChannelCoatReflection16bit/32bitIndirect reflections coming from the Coat layers of V-Ray Material used in the scene.
Coverage V-Ray RenderChannelCoverage16bit/32bitFor each pixel, the final values for the render element are taken from the object that makes the largest contribution to that pixel.
CryptomatteV-Ray RenderChannelCryptomatteforced 32bit (for multi-channel files)Uses the Cryptomatte convention by Psypop to encode mattes into multichannel OpenEXRs.
DenoiserV-Ray RenderChannelDenoiser16bit/32bitApplies a denoising operation to the image after it is rendered (with the necessary channels).
DiffuseV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitPure diffuse surface color.
Direct LightV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitDiffuse direct surface lighting.
DR BucketV-Ray RenderChannelDRBucket16bit/32bitIdentifies the render node responsible for rendering a bucket during Distributed Rendering.
V-Ray RenderChannelExtraTexforced 32bit (optional for multi-channel files)Renders the entire scene with one texture mapped on all objects.
Global Illumination (GI)

V-Ray RenderChannelColor

16bit/32bitThe diffuse surface global illumination. Only present if Global Illumination is enabled.
LightMixV-Ray RenderChannelLightMix16bit/32bitProvides adjustment control to the lights in the scene from inside the V-Ray Frame Buffer.
Light SelectV-Ray RenderChannelLightSelect16bit/32bitExtracts the contribution of a light or a set of lights to the scene to a separate render element.
Light Path ExpressionsV-Ray Light Path ExpressionsA tool for extracting specific lighting events from the scene to a separate channel.
Material IDV-Ray RenderChannelColorMaterial ID of the object.
Material SelectV-Ray RenderChannelMaterialSelect16bit/32bitRenders only the object(s) assigned to a user-specified V-Ray compatible material. The material can be a top-level material or a sub-material of a V-Ray Blend material.
Matte ShadowV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitMatte shadow part of the image.
MetalnessV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitCreates a black and white image, which can be used as a metalness mask when creating PBR shaders. 
MultiMatteV-Ray RenderChannelMultiMatte16bit/32bitCreates selection masks based on an Object ID or Material ID.
Noise LevelV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitShows the level of noise in the scene.
NormalsV-Ray RenderChannelNormals16bit/32bit

Surface normals in screen space (which is not the same as camera space). To output the normals in camera/object/world space, use the V-Ray Sampler texture as an input for the V-Ray Extra Texture render element.

Object IDV-Ray RenderChannelObjectIDReturns solid un-shaded colors to represent a numerical identifiers set through that object's Attributes, Object Property, or assigned material. Useful for selection masks. EXRs and .vrimg formats store as integer values.
Object SelectV-Ray RenderChannelObjectSelect16bit/32bitStores only the object(s) called out with a specific Object or Material ID.
Raw Diffuse FilterV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitA solid mask of raw diffuse surface color information not affected by Fresnel falloff.
Raw GIV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitRaw diffuse global illumination (not multiplied by the diffuse surface color). Only present if Global Illumination is enabled.

Raw Direct Light

V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitRaw diffuse direct illumination before it's multiplied by the diffuse surface color.
Raw ReflectionV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitPure surface reflection before it is multiplied by the reflection filter color.
Raw Reflection FilterV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitA solid mask of raw reflection information not affected by Fresnel falloff.

Raw Refraction

V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitPure surface refraction before it is multiplied by the refraction filter color.
Raw Refraction FilterV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitA solid mask of raw refraction information not affected by Fresnel falloff.
Raw ShadowV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitRaw light blocked by other objects.
Raw Total LightV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitSum of all raw lighting, both direct and indirect.
ReflectionV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitReflections on the surface.
Reflection FilterV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitReflection filter (the color by which the raw reflections are multiplied to give the final surface reflection). This can be considered an alpha channel for reflections.
Reflection IORV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitStores floating-point information that corresponds to the Fresnel IOR values of scene objects' materials.
Reflection GlossinessV-Ray RenderChannelGlossiness16bit/32bitReturns a float value that corresponds with the Reflection Glossiness value of an object's material.
RefractionV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitRefractions of a surface.
Refraction Filter V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitThe refraction filter mitigates the raw refraction layer. This render element returns the color by which the raw refractions are multiplied to give the final surface refraction. This can be considered an alpha channel for refractions.
Refraction GlossinessV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitReturns a float value that corresponds to the Refraction Glossiness value of an object's material.
Render IDV-Ray RenderChannelRenderID Node render ID of the object that contributes most to the pixel value.
RoughnessV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitBakes the Reflection Roughness values in a scene, creating a black and white image.
Sample Rate V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitShows an image where the pixel brightness is directly proportional to the number of samples taken at that pixel.
Self Illumination V-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitSelf-illumination of the surface.
ShadowV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitDiffuse light blocked by other objects.
SheenV-Ray RenderChannelSheen16bit/32bitDirect surface specular highlights coming from the V-Ray Material Sheen layer used in the scene.
Sheen FilterV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitReflection filter for V-Ray Material Sheen layer.
Sheen GlossinessV-Ray RenderChannelGlossiness16bit/32bitReturns a float value that corresponds with the Sheen Glossiness value of the V-Ray Material Sheen layer.
Sheen ReflectionV-Ray RenderChannelSheenReflection16bit/32bitIndirect reflections coming from the Sheen layer(s) of V-Ray Material used in the scene.
SpecularV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitSurface specular highlights.
SSSV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitRenders just the subsurface part of the V-Ray SSS material on a separate layer.
ToonV-Ray RenderChannelToon16bit/32bitStores results of V-Ray Toon rendering effect.
Total LightingV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitTotal lighting in the scene, both direct and indirect.
VelocityV-Ray RenderChannelVelocity16bit/32bitSurface velocity of an object. This render element is useful for generating motion blur in post-production.
Unclamped ColorV-Ray RenderChannelColor16bit/32bitThe unclamped or adjusted image color before Color Mapping settings are applied.
Z-depth V-Ray RenderChannelZDepthforced 32bit (for multi-channel files)Z-depth of the surface.

 * For all image formats except EXR the render elements depend on their respective channels' output settings.

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