Chaos Vantage, v2.7.0
New Features
Support for V-Ray 7 Scatter density patterns, edited scatter instances and scatter surface color from .vrscenes. Details
Support for V-Ray Dirt texture.
Upgraded the PRG Clear Sky model with added altitude and turbidity parameters to match V-Ray 7. Details
Color management
Added support for Open Color IO color management. Can be accessed from top toolbar>Render settings>Display correction. Details
Added support for 16-bit .png output files. Option can be set in Edit>Preferences>General>Save 16-bit PNG files. Details
Added support for video encoding on Intel and AMD devices.
Color corrections
Added Blur/Sharpen post effect. Details
Added animated camera path visualization in the viewport. Camera path can be disabled from Top toolbar>View filter>Camera path. Details
Upgraded DLSS Ray Reconstruction to version 4.
Improved navigation speed controls. Now the movement speed can be contolled when pressing the right mouise button(RMB) and mouse wheel up to increase and mouse wheel down to decrease it. Details
Improved the performance of object highlight and selection.
Water surface
Improved the accuracy of water surface swell (wind speed) when using different scene units.
Emissive layers from SketchUp/Rhino/Revit not rendering.
Camera types other than Perspective not working in 2.6.2.
Bloom threshold not working properly when using physical camera exposure.
Live Link
Live Link animation rendering hanging randomly after first frame.
Camera thumbnails reset to black when navigating in DCC during Live Link.
V-Ray Fur rendering in Vantage during Live Link from SketchUp despite being disabled.
Renaming a camera in Vantage results in a new camera when in Live Link.
Crash when playing animation after deleting an animated procedural object loaded from a .vrscene.
Alembic UV channels/sets being ignored if they reused the main topology channel.
Gray dot artifact at the zenith when using most sky models.
Missing HDR display options in 2.6.2.
Stored window position failing to restore properly on startup.
Inconsistent undo action when renaming objects in Scene Outliner.
Slow responsiveness of Water Surface object when High Detail is enabled.
Random colored pixels when a mesh has three or more UV channels/sets with some unused.
Random colored pixels with Alembic files with more than one UV set and more than one object/voxel.
Chaos Vantage, v2.6.2
New Features
Added an option for LOD bias for dynamic textures in the Advanced Texture settings in the Render settings tab. Details
Added object and material presets in the Water Surface object.
- Improved asset import - when dragging onto empty space, an implicit plane at height 0 is used for placement instead of the scene origin.
The selected scene animation camera not being saved in the config file.
Camera properties not getting reset when opening a new empty scene.
Overriding of the camera parameters when choosing a camera type for offline sequence rendering.
Camera from the scene track being used in animation instead of the one from the camera animation track.
Cameras imported from config file not getting grouped properly.
- Wrong Aperture Size when choosing a camera in the Vantage Onboarding sample scene.
Live Link
Camera not able to be renamed.
Incorrect camera creation after it was deleted and moving in the DCC is performed.
Material issue with imported multi-material Cosmos assets when adding a V-Ray Light.
Displacement not regenerating in Live Link animation rendering
Crash when attempting to tessellate a very large mesh
Wrong rendering of Mesh clipper with SSS
Render artifacts with clipper mesh and fog start distance
Black sky when the V-Ray 7 PRG sky model is selected. Now it uses the V-Ray 6 model instead in Vantage.
Water surface
Wrong wave scale after hiding and showing.
Vantage file
Wrong loading of cloned objects with missing parent hierarchy.
Clay mode
Clay mode edge texture not being applied to the default material.
Incorrect loading of Cosmos 2-sided materials.
Incorrect material fog when merging scenes into a "New Scene".
Ignoring the "loop animation" preference option when merging scenes.
Wrong orientation of imported .vrscenes from Cinema4D
Wrong placement gizmo orientation in Y-up scenes.
Duplicate devices caused by virtual display adapters.
Wrong vegetation wind animation in Maya and C4D exported scenes.
Scene states
Scene state override not getting applied in offline rendering.
Non-working scene states when current camera is selected.
Incorrect mip-maps and bump mapping behind semi-transparent objects.
Unwanted texture clipping when using stochastic opacity with small values.
Wrong rendering of fog with a start distance behind refractive objects.
Chaos Vantage, v2.6.1
Official Release
Date - October 31, 2024
New Features
Water surface
Added object and material presets in the Water Surface object.
Added support for vector mode displacement for the Phoenix Ocean Texture.
Render elements
Added SSS to the GI render element
Vantage file
Crash when loading a config file.
Live Link
Unwanted camera creation for each camera move during Live Link.
Crash when attempting to displace a very large mesh.
Incorrect opacity rendering for Bitmap or VRayBitmap textures with alpha channels.
Several shading bugs with Clipper.
Chaos Vantage, v2.6.0
Official Release
Date - October 24, 2024
New Features
Support for Sub Surface Scattering translucency mode of V-Ray material.
Support for stochastic opacity. Now gradients in opacity map can be rendered. Has to be enabled from Render tab > Materials > Opacity dropdown button Details
Support for importing and creating V-Ray Clipper. Details
Water surface
Added a Water surface object. Details
Virtual Reality
Support for navigation with Virtual Reality controllers. Details
Support for animated camera near and far clipping planes from vrscene.
Cameras are now scene objects. They are listed in scene outliner and have gizmos in the viewport and can be selected and manipulated.
Added Smooth camera key interpolation for smoother camera movement. Details
Functionality for setting the average camera movement speed for Animation Transitions. Details
Added import camera, light and material buttons in Camera, Lights and Materials tab respectively.
Clay mode
Added Wireframe/Edges override option for the Clay mode. Details
Support for PhoenixFDOcean texture.
Support for V-Ray Water Texture in Maya, SketchUp, Rhino and Revit.
Chaos Cosmos
Support for Cosmos multi-asset selection and import.
Multi GPU
Added support for Light Cache on multiple GPUs.
Improved Thin-walled - now it works with SSS translucency mode of V-Ray material.
Added object type specifier icons to the Scene outliner.
Improved opacity - now clip opacity is enabled by default.
Improved soft ranges of UI sliders to be readjusting based on type-in input.
Improved the text elision in dropdown boxes.
Improved the Home Screen - now it doesn't appear when starting a Live Link session and Vantage is not started.
Improved Move Pivot tool to respect the local/world coordinate space toggle.
Scene states
Improved the interpolation of scene states when NONE is used - now NONE is skipped when calculating state interpolation.
Improved the rendering of clouds when using DLSS, at large upscale ratios the flickering is greatly reduced.
Color corrections
Improved the Bloom post effect to better match round shapes.
Multi GPU
Improved the multi-GPU offline rendering speed with compositing elements.
Virtual Reality
Washed out colors on Virtual Reality headsets.
Chaos Cosmos
Blur on newer Cosmos animated assets.
Wrong undo action when renaming objects in the Scene outliner.
Long Home Screen delay when loading DropBox scene thumbnails.
Inconsistency in display selection on startup.
Black pixels caused by weighted firefly filter in rare cases.
Mismatch of timing of deformed and animated transformed objects when .vrscene is imported instead of opened.
Wrong loading of Anima textures at arbitrary frames when .vrscene is imported instead of opened.
Render devices
Device selection regression introduced in 2.5.2.
Wrong point light intensity when using Lumens or Watts.
Chaos Vantage, v2.5.2
Official Release
Date - September 12, 2024
Semi-transparent objects after multiple bounces now do not render black.
In Color corrections tab Highlight burn option now is available when Filmic tonemap is enabled.
UI input spinboxes are cutoff for sun geolocation and animated geolocation properties.
Floating settings dialog getting stuck to the cursor when the label is clicked.
- Crash while downloading sample scenes.
- Crash when a non-Custom offline render preset is restored from INI file.
- Crash on Intel GPUs when responsive desktop is turned on.
- Some shortcuts not working on startup
Wrong skipping of the first camera when importing/merging a .vrscene.
Crash with scatter using edited instances from Max.
Disappearing deforming instances used in Chaos Scatter.
Unrecognized color spaces (scene-linear Rec.709-sRGB) treated as raw when loading textures.
Motion blur not rendering since 2.5.0.
Render artifacts with bump/normal maps using named or non-default UV sets also used by other textures.
Hair rendering on Intel GPUs.
Wrong displacement normals when the base object is scaled in Maya.
Animated object visibility not working with decals.
Rendering with large HDRI texture on AMD and Intel GPUs.
Vertical flip not working in UVW transformation for Opacity map.
Chaos Vantage, v2.5.1
Official Release
Date - July 11, 2024
Cloned animated deforming objects now keep the source mesh animation.
Virtual Reality
Vantage crashes on startup when SteamVR is set as OpenXR runtime .
Interactive update of a material on fur objects while dragging and dropping.
Chaos Vantage, v2.5.0
Official Release
Date - June 2, 2024
New Features
Virtual Reality
Initial(WIP) support for interactive rendering in VR headsets. Details
Chaos Vantage is compatible with all VR headsets (tested with Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, Meta Quest 3, HTC Vive, and Varjo Aero). Wireless connection is supported, but for smooth performance a tethered connection is recommended. Ensure an appropriate OpenXR runtime is set in the VR's respective app:
- Windows Mixed Reality: "Mixed Reality Portal" > "Settings" > "Set up OpenXR".
- Oculus: "Oculus" app > "Settings" > "General" > "Set Oculus as Active".
- SteamVR: "SteamVR" app > "Settings" > "Developer" > "Set SteamVR as OpenXR Runtime
Support for Chaos Cosmos animated vegetation assets. Details
Support for VRayEdgesTex in bump and rounded corners.
- Support for animated partial object visibility.
Support for ACEScg rendering color space.
Tool for quickly saving a previz video with DLSS. Details
Search filtering and sorting for scene objects, lights, and cameras.
Progress bar for importing assets.
Added meter scale information in the log and Scene stats.
Added "Flip horizontally" option to the Background image. Details
Added ability to drag and drop files onto FilePath property labels(LUTs, Environment texture, Background texture, Point, Spot, Directional Projection textures).
Color Corrections
- Loading chromatic aberration from VFB settings in .vrscene.
Added decal option to lock the width/length ratio.
Improved the "place decals" tool to be activated when importing or dragging decals from the Chaos Cosmos browser and to load the decal properties.
Improved the "Always on top" behavior, now it is disabled while HQ rendering.
Improved UI - now distance parameters display with scene units.
Improved the camera settings layout.
Improved the highlighting and selection in scenes with millions of instances.
The default sun is now auto-enabled when it is the only light in the scene.
Added Improved shading option to the clouds that improves self-shadowing. Details
Texture loading speed is now 5-10% faster.
Improved acceleration structure rebuilds and instance updates for better performance.
Vantage file
Merged assets as a result of "Open file as config only" now are properly saved in the .vantage file.
New default install directory is C:\Program Files\Chaos\Vantage\. For versions prior to Chaos Vantage 2.5, the default location is - C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\Vantage\
Visible strip artifacts on clouds.
Incorrect environment rotation when using the "Flipped" option in Maya
Decals not rendering from Live Link from Revit or other V-Ray 6.1 builds.
Decals not updating on animated objects under specific circumstances.
Transform animation from .vrscene being ignored for decals.
Incorrect saturation of textures when dynamic textures are enabled.
Reduced checker artifacts with UVWRandomizer random rotation and certain normal maps when dynamic textures are enabled.
Overlay issue when using multiple GPUs with OptiX or DLSS upscaling.
Incorrect change of the "View mode" after "Frame Selected/Scene" action.
Hiding of the "Create scene state" dialog when "Always on top" option is enabled.
Undo transformation for objects in very large scenes.
Non-functioning undo shortcut while the Transform Dialog is open.
Vantage file
Generation of additional clone objects when opening the scene as config only.0
Chaos Vantage, v2.4.0
Official Release
Date - May 21, 2024
New Features
Support for importing and creating V-Ray Decal. Details
- Support for nested V-Ray scenes inside V-Ray scenes.
Support for "Thin walled" option in V-Ray material.
Support for UDIM textures.
Color corrections
Added white balance to color correction tab. Details
Loading most VFB color corrections settings from .vrscene files (Exposure, Filmic, White Balance, Hue/Saturation, Color Balance, LUT)
Support for setting "Auto-exposure" and "exposure bias" from .vrscene or Live-link.
Support for dome light "horizontal flip" option from Maya.
Search filter functionality in the Scene outliner. Details
Animation editor
Imported animated cameras in/out ranges setting Details
Undo/Redo actions for animation editor.
Improved Scatter generation and update for detailed target and area include/exclude meshes.
Improved denoising of deforming geometry.
Scatter and fur objects can now be selected in the viewport.
Improved tooltips timing.
Updated DLSS-RR to version 3.7.
Improved playback performance with a small number of animated instances and a large number of non-animated instances.
Improved dynamic textures update performance.
Merging of animated scenes with different Up vector results in wrong orientation.
Chaos Cosmos
Wrong rendering of Cosmos assets exported from Maya.
Crash when modifying key shortcuts.
Disappearing popup dialogs for camera settings.
Hiding an object doesn't hide its descendants if they are procedural objects (scatter, fur, light).
NVENC failure when falling back from AV1 to H264 on older GPUs.
Installer doesn't proceed when there is no V-Ray License Service installed.
Chaos Vantage, v2.3.0
Official Release
Date - March 27, 2024
New Features
Support for rendering V-Ray Blend Material (BRDFLayered).
Render element
Support for the Multi Matte render element. Details
Added viewport toggle filter for the light gizmos. Details
Added option to improve desktop responsiveness while rendering. Details
Added information, in the status bar, for the host application used for Live Link.
Added ability to rename of objects created inside Vantage (Fur, Scatter, Lights, Multi Matte) with a context menu or double-click on object name.
Added AV1 codec for video encoding, enabled by default (if supported by GPU). Details
Improved memory used for displacement by varying tessellation level within a mesh.
Updated Intel Open Image Denoise to version 2.2.
Light Cache
Improved Light Cache to slightly better preserve low intensity samples.
Chaos Cosmos Browser UI responsiveness.
Random displacement when using unsupported secondary UV channel of the geometry object.
Scene states
Broken sub-states after dropping Environment texture.
Live Link
Wrong Live Link update for Nodes with unsupported materials.
Wrong rendering of Glossy Refraction with rotated texture during Live Link with Rhinoл
Sun azimuth rotation values to match geographical azimuth. Old saved .vantage files will be automatically updated to use new values on Save.
Missing "Height ratio" update when collision "Height tolerance" is changed.
Wrong cloud shading with sun slightly under the horizon.
Wrong lighting when rendering using direct light reservoir resampling and the scene contains a normal map.
Refraction artifacts when rendering with direct light reservoir resampling.
Disappearing toolbar in the Debug Log window after second opening.
Hiding of the HQ rendering dialog while "Always on top" is enabled.
Streak artifacts with Optix denoiser and multi GPU setup.
Broken temporal (“reduce flickering”) denoising in multi GPU mode.
Chaos Vantage, v2.2.3
Official Release
Date - February 21, 2024
New Features
Chaos Scatter
Support for scattering lights.
- Support for VRayMultiSubTex.
Improved loading speed of .vrscenes with a small number of very detailed meshes.
Slow mesh loading in Chaos Vantage 2.2.2.
Crash when a texture is set as bump amount in a material.
Live Link
Artifacts on Chaos Scatter instances after changing the material of their source model.
Missing sun properties in Chaos Vantage during Live Link in version 2.2.2. Now sun properties are available only when the scene in the host app does not contain a sun light.
- Incorrect lighting when an object is turned into mesh light during.
Resetting of "Aperture size" when reopening a scene.
Animation editor
Animation trim not taken into account in the Render setup dialog.
Chaos Vantage, v2.2.2
Official Release
Date - February 8, 2024
New Features
Chaos Scatter
Support for Chaos Scatter in V-Ray 6 for Maya, V-Ray 6.2 for SketchUp/Rhino.
- Support for Edge Trimming in Chaos Scatter and Forest Pack in V-Ray 6.2 for 3ds Max.
- Added Include models' children, Edge trimming, Altitude limitation, Preserve model rotation/scale and Look at target options in scatter object inside Chaos Vantage. Details
Improved camera imported from SketchUp - now view matches when using Two-Point Perspective.
- increased camera limit from 100 to 1000.
- Now Field of view does not change between cameras with different focus distance when Lens mode is set to Field of View.
- Film Gate and Zoom settings are now hidden when Lens mode is Field of View.
Improved physical sky responsiveness.
Brightness flicker issue when using a combination of DLSS Ray Reconstruction as Primary and NVidia Optix AI as Secondary denoisers
Ghosting in offline camera animation with Optix denoiser
- DLSS preset not getting restored properly on Vantage startup
Motion blur not working with the DLSS modes that have upscaling different from 2x
Artifacts with "only final pass" denoising
Crash caused by reordering cameras in Camera lister.
Crash caused by leveling camera and then saving .vantage file.
Scene states
Crash when using sub state with deleted objects.
Geometry gaps when using stochastic tiling and displacement.
Wrong displacement amount caused by object scaling.
Live Link
Wrong update of V-Ray Light mesh.
Flipped instanced geometries during Render animation with Chaos Vantage from Cinema 4D.
Chaos Cosmos
Slow scene load when download of missing Cosmos assets is canceled.
Scattering fog
Incorrect GI caused by Scatter fog with "affect secondary" on and "scatter GI" off.
Wrong size of checkbox size on high dpi displays.
Chaos Vantage, v2.2.1
Official Release
Date - December 15, 2023
New Features
Support for material ID for displacement.
- Crash with mesh file with thousands of voxels.
- Displacement UV scale issue in SketchUp.
- Crash with empty geometry with added displacement.
- Broken displacement continuity with SketchUp scenes.
- Clay mode removing displacement.
- Clay mode removing light textures.
Live Link
- Crash with animated ForestPro objects in 3Ds Max Live Link.
Chaos Vantage, v2.2.0
Official Release
Date - December 7, 2023
New Features
Support for V-Ray Fur, Ornatrix, Hairfarm, and XGen hair.
Support for V-Ray Displacement.
Support for new V-Ray 6.2 Forest pack and Rail clone instancing.
- Support for V-Ray Hair Next material.
- Support for Intel Meteor Lake iGPU.
Batch rendering
- Render Setup options and render queue items are now stored in the .vantage file.
Live Link
- Added Vantage Live Link settings dialog in 3Ds Max Vantage toolbar.
- Implemented a warning and error count indicator in the status bar.
- Implemented a Firefly filter.
Improved GPU peak memory usage when loading the geometry for a scene.
Improved check for failed geometry allocations.
Improved DLSS - added 2.25x and 3x upscale modes (available when Secondary (when static) denoiser is set to Same as Primary).
Reduced memory usage.
Improved OptiX denoiser quality. Added a Legacy mode option to revert to old OptiX behavior. Details
Improved Intel denoiser: upgraded to 2.1.0, enabled GPU acceleration on Intel devices.
Scene States
Properly update the Scene States helper message on undo/redo.
Update scene state button now creates necessary sub-states if ORIGINAL SCENE or SAVED SCENE is currently chosen.
Detected changes for scene states when modifying a New file.
Improved Orthographic camera navigation. Now Navigate around cursor ray hit and Navigate around selection work properly.
Improved Viewport Fill - now filter is disabled when sharpness is set to 0.
Improved DPI scaling on 150% and similar ratios.
- Crash when loading invalid Instancer2 with missing node reference.
Bug with wrong UI slider ranges.
Wrong trimming of the scene animation track.
Auto-exposure and noise mask overlay while using Intel GPUs for rendering.
Wrong reloading of a saved .vantage file, with imported .vrscene.
Animated cameras from imported vrscenes are not loaded with animation after reload of .vantage file.
Wrong camera grouping on import.
Missing texture UVs if their UVW generator is missing.
Wrong baking of Exposure bias in EXR when exposure correction is disabled.
Camera white balance not getting saved in EXR.
Chaos Vantage, v2.1.1
Official Release
Date - October 10, 2023
New Features
View modes
- Implemented viewport view modes: Beauty, Atmosphere, Background, Diffuse Filter Global Illumination, Lighting, Reflection, Refraction, Specular, Self-Illumination, Bumped Normals, Z-Depth, Material Mask, Object Mask .
- Implemented status messages Info, Modified, Created, Switched for sub-states and scene states.
Support for mix_amount parameter for 3ds Max's Composite texture.
Live link
- Sequence from animated camera in Vantage not rendering when in Live Link.
Possible crash after downgrading Vantage.
Scene States
Incorrect Undo action on moved objects after applied scene state.
Chaos Vantage, v2.1.0
Official Release
Date - September 21, 2023
New Features
- Implemented NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction for interactive upscaling and denoising. GPU driver 537.13 or newer is required. Accessible from Edit > Preference > Render Defaults > Primary (when moving) > DLSS Ray Reconstruction.
- Support for refraction glossiness.
- Support for discrete Intel Arc GPUs (experimental).
Batch rendering
Render queue items are now stored between offline rendering sessions.
Camera thumbnail now updates automatically when scene states are changed for the camera.
- Crash when clicking the new version notification button in the menu bar.
- Incorrect render resolution settings when adding multiple cameras using the Group enqueue mode and the <from camera> resolution preset.
Scene States
Incorrect Undo action on moved objects after applied scene state.
- Incorrect NONE sub-state for Objects and Materials
- Incorrect camera scene state in the camera scene states dropdown menu when editing render queue item.
Chaos Vantage, v2.0.1
Official Release
Date - August 03, 2023
New Features
Scene states
- Smooth transition between scene states attached to cameras in the animation timeline.
- Added global self-illumination and emissive multiplier. Details
- Support for 'crop' bitmap option where shading graphs are not supported.
- Support for Bercon tiles texture.
Animation editor
Added 'Delete all' context menu command in animation editor. Details
- Added auto-exposure clamp value option. Details
Improved the
'Update textures and meshes for current frame' button - now it is a toggle and when enabled automatically updates meshes and animated textures in the interactive viewport, when playback is not active.Rearranged the rollouts in the Environment tab UI. Renamed Environment rollout to Sky, Cloud settings rollout to Clouds, Sun light rollout to Sun.
- Moved Sky model settings from Sun rollout to Sky rollout, visible only when Environment mode is Physical sky.
The render progress dialog is now movable.
Improved memory usage when using a single GPU (around 30MB per megapixel) to not use double buffering.
Scene states
Renamed '<chosen scene state>' to '<current scene state>' in sequence rendering, keeping current changes during the offline rendering.
Added a SAVED SCENE state, updated on each "Save scene" or "Save Scene As..." action, preventing the previous accumulation of Auto Saved sub-states.
Improved the
'Create scene state' button - now it automatically creates all necessary sub-states where needed and is added in the top toolbar.Renamed the 'DEFAULT' scene state to be 'ORIGINAL SCENE'
Improved the output filename when Render elements are enabled in sequence rendering to be better recognized by external applications.
Improved the rendering of the navigation and placement helper objects.
Batch rendering
- Crash when updating Render queue cameras that to have same output file name.
Crash when cloning scene objects multiple times.
Scene States
Crash when renaming a scene state to a specific name.
Missing scene state button in the camera widget when the scene is opened as a config only.
Live Link
Crash when opening home screen during Live Link. Now the
'Home sceen' button is disabled during Live Link.Wrong overwriting of the -linkPort console argument by the INI file.
Crash when rendering high quality images/sequence with Intel denoiser selected but disabled.
Wrong results when rendering on AMD GPUs.
Missing denoiser when rendering with 'Only final pass' and pressing 'Stop and Save'.
Bug with the denoiser when rendering high quality images/sequences with dynamic textures.
Bug with NVIDIA AI temporal upscaling denoising in offline mode.
Wrong loading of mesh lights from vrscenes exported from SketchUp/Rhino/Revit.
Render elements
Wrong Normal render element, when "Scattering fog" and "scatter gi" are enabled.
Alpha not stored in EXR and PNG when using Intel denoiser or 'Separate files' is enabled. Now Alpha is always generated.
Frame scene/selection when using Orthographic camera.
Cinemascope resolution presets.
Wrong cropping of the light names in the UI.
Double applying of the VRayScene transformation for Instance objects within a VRayScene.
- Wrong rendering of imported VRayScene in C4D
“Export static scene” and0 “Export animated scene to Chaos Vantage” now work regardless of V-Ray render engine type in 3ds Max.
Motion blur
Motion blur not applied to whole image when using an upscaler.
Chaos Cosmos
Wrong redirection for the Cosmos login page.
Fixed the camera position in new empty scene.
- Strange roll when switching cameras in specific scene.
Chaos Vantage, v2.0.0
Official Release
Date - June 27, 2023
New Features
Scene States
- Implemented a Scene States system for creating, modifying and switching lights, materials, and objects variations. Each tab, that can utilize the states system has a Scene sub-state rollout and a new Scene States tab is added in the right side panel.
Render Elements
- Implemented render elements(Lighting, Specular, Global Illumination, Reflection, Refraction, Self-Illumination, Atmosphere, Background, Diffuse Filter, Bumped Normals, Z-Depth, Velocity, Object Mask, Material Mask, Raw RGB) for compositing and masks. Details
- Option for saving render elements as separate .png and .jpeg images.
- Implemented light scattering( volumetric) fog. Details
- Support for multiple UV channels.
- Support for Vertex Color.
- Support for all options of the Advanced mode of the Color Correction texture from 3ds Max.
- Support for repeat/offset U/V for UVWGenMaya when not using shading graphs (e.g. for bump maps).
Support for .vrscene file with animated: vertices, vrmeshes, materials, textures and UV parameters, light parameters.
Support for animations outside the imported .vrscene range.
Chaos Scatter
Implemented Chaos Scatter for populating objects in the scene. Details
Support for HDR displays.
Support for AMD GPUs (experimental).
Support for statically subdivided geometry objects from .vrscene.
Support for mesh lights (improved with reservoir resampling enabled).
Creation of lights(Point, Spot, Directional, Rectangle, Disc, Sphere, IES) from inside Vantage. Details
Support for instanced lights via Forest pack and Railclone.
Support for VRmat materials.
Support for V-Ray override material (MtlOverride).
Helper onscreen text for gizmo manipulators.
Rendering quality presets slider with 4 predefined presets.
Implemented object cloning functionality with Ctrl+D.
Support for camera render resolution from .vrscene file.
Support for orthographic camera. Details
Camera grouping functionality.
Support for Vertex snapping when moving objects. Details
Added functionality to quickly place the pivot on the object's bounding box boundaries.
Home Screen
Implemented a Home Screen dialog with quick links, recent file and sample scenes. Details
Implemented interval and specific frames or frames list for sequence rendering. Details
Support for embedded vrscene nodes (VRayScene).
Revamped user interface and user experience with reorganized and regrouped parameters.
Live Link
- Double frame sequence rendering during Live Link with 'Render animation with Chaos Vantage'.
Wrong placement of meshes at the origin when instanced by an Instancer in an animated .vrscene file.
- Artifacts near the scene origin caused by self intersection.