This page provides tables of features supported by V-Ray GPU in 3ds Max.
These features are supported by V-Ray GPU in 3ds Max.
Supported Features
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Motion blur (transformation+deformation) 1 |
Camera motion blur 1 |
Camera DoF | |
Perspective | |
VRayPhysicalCamera | |
Stereoscopic | |
Distortion for Physical Camera26 | PARTIAL |
VRayDomeCamera |
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Triangle meshes | |
VRayProxy | |
Alembic via proxy | |
Subdivisions | |
VRaySphere | (CUDA only) |
Particles (with Particle Flow) | |
X-Ref Scene | |
VRayInstancer3 | |
VRayCoronaScatterMod29 | |
VRayClipper | |
ChaosScatter | |
VRayEnmeshMod31 |
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Lights textures 15 | |
Standard Lights 18 | |
Photometric Lights | |
Ambient Light | |
Image based lighting | |
Procedural clouds28 |
Global switches
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Displacement | |
Lights | |
Hidden lights | |
Don't render final image | |
Override depth | |
Override material | |
Override material exclude list | |
Force back face culling | |
Shadows | |
Show GI only | |
Reflection/Refraction | |
Maps | |
Glossy effects | |
Max ray intensity | |
Filter maps | |
Secondary rays | |
Max transp. levels | |
Transp. cutoff | |
Light tree and adaptive lights |
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Bitmap | |
Cellular | |
Checker | |
Color Correction | |
Composite 16 | |
Dent | |
Falloff 13 | |
Gradient | |
Gradient ramp8 | |
Marble | |
Mask | |
Mix | |
Noise 30 | |
Output | |
OSL Map23 | PARTIAL11 |
Particle Age | |
Particle MBlur | |
Perlin Marble | |
RGB Multiply | |
RGB Tint | |
Smoke |
Speckle | |
Splat | |
Stucco | |
Substance | |
Swirl | |
Tiles | |
Vertex Color | |
Waves | |
Wood | |
Advanced Wood | |
VRayCurvature | |
VRayDirt 8.2 | |
VRayDistanceTex | |
VRayEdgesTex | |
VRayFakeFresnelTex | |
VRayBitmap | |
VRayHairInfoTex | |
VRayICC | |
VRayMap | (deprecated) |
VRayNormalMap | |
VRayOCIO | |
VRayOSLTex | 9.6 |
VRayParticleTex | |
VRayPluginNodeTex | |
VRayPTex | |
VRaySky | |
VRaySamplerInfoTex | |
VRaySoftBox | 9.7 |
VRayTriplanarTex | (bitmaps only) |
VRayUserColor |
VRayUserScalar |
PhoenixFDOceanTex | |
ChaosScatterSurfaceColor |
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
VRayShadow | |
VRayShadowMap | |
VRayStereoRig | |
VRayLensEffects (VFB) | |
VRayLightMeter | |
VRayExposureControl | |
VRayVolumeGrid | PARTIAL 21 |
Antialiasing | |
Color Mapping | |
Render Mask (see Image Sampler) | |
VFB | |
G-Buffer | |
UDIM/UVtile texture tags | |
Anisotropy | |
Matte objects (with VRayMtlWrapper and object properties) | |
Include/Exclude Lists for Materials | |
Include/Exclude Lists for Lights | |
Trace Sets (Reflection/Refraction exclude) |
Texture Baking
Bake Element25 | V-Ray GPU |
VRayAOMap | |
VRayBumpNormalsMap | |
VRayCausticsMap | |
VRayCompleteMap | |
VRayDiffuseFilterMap | |
VRayExtraTexMap | |
VRayGlobalIlluminationMap | |
VRayLightingMap | |
VRayMatteShadowMap | |
VRayMtlReflectGlossinessBake | |
VRayMtlReflectHillightGlossinessBake | |
VRayMtlReflectIORBake | |
VRayMtlRefractGlossinessBake | |
VRayMetalnessMap | |
VRayNormalsMap | |
VRayRawDiffuseFilterMap | |
VRayRawGlobalIlluminationMap | |
VRayRawLightingMap | |
VRayRawReflectionFilterMap | |
VRayRawRefractionFilterMap | |
VRayRawRefractionMap | |
VRayRawShadowMap | |
VRayRawTotalLightingMap | |
VRayReflectionMap | |
VRayReflectionFilterMap | |
VRayRefractionFilterMap | |
VRayRefractionMap | |
VRayRoughnessMap | |
VRaySelfIlluminationMap | |
VRayShadowMapBake | |
VRaySpecularMap | |
VRaySSSMap | |
VRayTotalLightingMap |
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Spherical Mapping | |
Mirror ball mapping | |
Angular mapping | |
VRayToon | |
VRayAerialPerspective | |
VRaySphereFade |
Global Illumination Methods
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Irradiance Map |
Anti-Aliasing Filters
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
Area | |
Sharp Quadratic | |
Catmull-Rom | |
Plate Match/Max R2 | |
Quadratic | |
Cubic | |
Video | |
Soften | |
Cook Variable | |
Blend | |
Blackman | |
Mitchell-Netravali | |
VRayLanczosFilter | |
VRaySincFilter | |
VRayBoxFilter | |
VRayTriangleFilter | |
VRayMitNetFilter |
Feature | V-Ray GPU |
VRayALSurfaceMtl | |
VRayBlendMtl | |
VRayCarPaintMtl | |
VRayLightMtl |
VRayMtl |
VRayOverrideMtl | |
VRay2SidedMtl | PARTIAL (without Multiply By Front diffuse) |
VRayMtlWrapper | (shadows only, no GI on mattes) |
VRayFastSSS2 | PARTIAL (without raytraced (solid) and raytraced (refractive)) |
VRayFlakesMtl | PARTIAL |
VRayHairNextMtl | |
VRayBumpMtl | |
VRayVRmatMtl | |
VRayPluginNodeMtl |
VRayScannedMtl | PARTIAL10 |
VRaySwitchMtl | |
VRayScatterVolume | |
VRayToonMtl | |
VRayFlakesMtl2 | |
VRayCarPaintMtl2 | |
3ds Max Physical Material |
Unsupported materials and textures in V-Ray GPU are regarded as incompatible in the Material Editor of 3ds Max. They will not be displayed unless the Show Incompatible option is enabled in the Material/Map Browser.
Render Elements
3rd Party Plugins
Feature | Version | V-Ray GPU |
ForestPro3 | v8.2.1 | |
RailClone27, 33 | v6.0.7 | |
MultiScatter | 1.623 | |
ColorCorrect | v3.4.138.22 | |
v7.4.3 | ||
HairFarm 8.5 | Professional | |
MultiTexture | 2.04 | |
BerconMaps | 3.04 | |
RPM Material | 7.09 | PARTIAL |
Anima | 5.0.2 | |
thinkingParticles | 6.10 | PARTIAL17 |
tyFlow | v1.018 | 24 |
SiNi Scatter | 1.26.0 | INITIAL |
SiClone | INITIAL | |
ProxSi | ||
SiNi Disperse | INITIAL | |
Floor Generator |
1 – GPU rendering supports motion blurred frames on integer numbers only. For example, starting the render from frame 1 produces correct motion blur, but starting from frame 1.25, will produce incorrect motion blur. Shutter efficiency is not supported with GPU.
2 – Displacement results between CPU and GPU rendering may differ slightly because of Pre-tessellation and Cache Normal settings.
3 – With V-Ray 6, update 1, instanced lights by VRayInstancer / Forest Pack / Rail Clone, etc. are part of the Light Select RE of the respective source light.
4 – Light Select modes always contain GI information in V-Ray GPU. The Raw and indirect modes are not supported in V-Ray GPU.
5 – The Sampler Info Render Element supports different UVW Coordinate types through its different pass types. For more details, please see the Sampler Info Render Element page.
6 – When rendering with V-Ray GPU CUDA, the VRayShadows Render Element is incompatible with Adaptive Lights and may render incorrectly if used together.
7 – Starting with V-Ray 3.6, the VRayColor2Bump texture is no longer needed for procedural textures in order to be supported by V-Ray GPU.
For earlier releases, all procedural textures are supported by V-Ray GPU when used for Bump mapping through a VRayColor2Bump texture attached to the Bump slot.
In V-Ray Next and above, the texture ensures that the procedural bump is fully consistent between V-Ray and V-Ray GPU. Without VRayColor2Bump there might be some difference in the rendered procedural bump amount related to the scene size and scale.
8 (8.1 / 8.2 / 8.3 / 8.4 / 8.5) – These plug-ins are only partially supported by V-Ray GPU.
9 (9.1 / 9.2 / 9.3 / 9.4 / 9.5 / 9.6 / 9.7)– The texture is baked for rendering on the GPU. This means that it will use more memory to render, than a fully supported procedural texture.
10 – V-Ray GPU supports VRayScannedMtl under few limitations. For more information, visit the VRayScannedMtl page.
11 – It is supported in V-Ray for 3ds Max 2019. Some OSL maps are not supported yet.
12 – V-Ray GPU supports all Bercon maps within the following limitations: Distortion map is not supported. BerconGradient Lighting, Random, Particle age, Particle speed and Particle size types are not supported. Normal and Distance types To Object and Object Z are not supported. BerconTile UV Mapping and Randomization are not supported. BerconMapping is supported via baking.
13 – Falloff map does not support Shadow/Light type.
14 – VRayObjectID is always rendered with Integer (no Anti-Aliasing) mode in V-Ray GPU.
15 – V-Ray GPU does not support V-Ray Mesh Light textures.
16– There is a limit of 6 layers per Composite map when using the V-Ray GPU engine.
17 – Particle shading set is not supported by V-Ray GPU.
18– Area shadows are not supported by V-Ray GPU.
19 – For detailed information on the V-Ray GPU support of VRayGLSLMtl and VRayGLSLTex, please refer to the GLSL Support page.
20 - VRayDRBucket Render Element works only in Production rendering mode using Bucket sampler.
21 - Fire Lights (Fire Rollout) and Use Light Cache (Smoke Color Rollout) options are not supported with V-Ray GPU. For more information, refer to their relevant pages.
22 – Substance 2 is supported.
23 – 3ds Max OSLs can cause a progressive slowdown in animation. Use the VRAY_GPU_SL_SHADERS_LIMIT environment variable to control how much OSL cache is wiped out and to reduce the animation slowdown. If set to 1, the cache is deleted for every frame. For more complicated scenes, or when using an interactive render a higher value works better. The default value is 64.
24 – Support is confirmed for tyFlow v0.16122 [BETA] (June 13 2021). There may be occasional failures with other versions while the product is still in Beta and major changes to it happen.
25 – All render elements which are not supported with GPU are also not supported as bake elements with GPU.
26 – Currently Lens File distortion type is not supported with V-Ray GPU.
27 – RailClone mapping features are not supported in Chaos Cloud Rendering with RailClone's Use Instancing Engine option enabled. More details are available at Itoo's RailClone requirements page under V-Ray RT/GPU.
28 – Animation of cloud parameters is currently not supported.
29– When Corona 8 is installed and a scene saved with the earlier Corona 7 is opened with V-Ray 6, the scene has its Corona Scatter objects converted to the more advanced Chaos Scatter objects. When Corona 7 is used with V-Ray 6, such scenes keep their Corona Scatter objects and respectively - the VRayCoronaScatterMod.
30 – Note that the noise pattern renders differently in Chaos Cloud/V-Ray Standalone. Use the VRayNoiseTex instead to keep consistent results.
31 – When using VRayEnmesh on V-Ray GPU the gizmo’s amount on the Z axis should be slightly greater than the bounding box size of the source object to avoid Z-fighting.
OSL Map Support Notes
Some 3ds Max shaders are problematic when V-Ray GPU is selected as a render engine.
Shaders with string outputs do not work on V-Ray GPU. In general, shaders which involve string operations may not function as expected, since V-Ray GPU has very strict limitations with respect to string handling. The following 3ds Max shaders are problematic and do not work on V-Ray GPU as they return strings:
- GetNodeName.osl
- SetFile.osl
- SetFilename.osl
- SetString.osl
The following shaders skip the automatic gamma correction (the gamma is determined by the file extension):
- HDRIEnviron.osl
- OSLBitmap.osl
- RandomBitmap.osl / RandomBitmap2.osl
- UberBitmap.osl
The following shaders do not work both on V-Ray and V-Ray GPU as the object picking is not implemented yet:
- CameraProjector.osl
- ObjectProjector.osl
- SphericalProjector.osl
GetParticleAge.osl does not work on both V-Ray and V-Ray GPU because the paLife attribute is not supported.
Here is an example of what GPU-friendly shaders are allowed to do:
- string initialization with a string literal, e.g., string a = "foo";
- string initialization with another string, e.g., string b = a;
- string assignments, e.g., a = b; b = "foo";
- equality checks: a == b; a != b;
- passing strings as arguments to function calls, e.g., string a = "foo"; bar(a);
- returning a string from a function, e.g. string bar() { return "bar"; }
Nоte that using any other string operations and string routines may lead to undefined behavior.
Additional Notes
- V-Ray GPU supports map channels from 0 to 15.
- V-Ray GPU only supports normal maps in tangent space.
- Currently, V-Ray GPU does not support animated formats for input.